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This should be disturbing to me, but I’m excited to be naked in front of this crowd.

I see the guy who was going to use the stage walking away to my left. Buh-bye.

I stick my ass out in a move the choreographer showed me, then glance over at Lukas. He seems to like that. His smile is a little more pronounced.

I’ll get you to smile big, buddy!

Then I’m into a gyrating routine that causes the woman in the yellow hat to shout, “Oh my! Let’s go!” as she drags her poor husband away.

Lukas Thorn’s eyes are transfixed on me as I attempt a move that it took me three days to master. A short leap, a half-handstand, and onto my back with my legs tucked up to my chin in a tight little spin.

If I time it correctly, my pussy and asshole should be open and on display directed straight at him, even though they’ve been disguised well. Although, I think even the great Karl Werz isn’t going to be able to hide the fact that I’m naked when I’m in that tight fetal position on my back.

As I stop spinning, my face is aligned with my crotch to his face perfectly. From my viewpoint, his chin rests on my pussy.

As it should.

Then, I leap up to applause and take a bow.

“This is my reward,” says Lukas Thorn. “Watching you dance like this for me is greater than any pleasure I could ever know.”

Next thing I know, there’s a whistle being blown and the crowd is parting.


It’s those British police officers with their little sticks. They’re being led by the guy who was supposed to occupy the stage right now.

If I weren’t committing a lewd act in public, I would laugh.

However, I don’t really want to go to jail. Especially a non-American jail.

I glare at Lukas. He’s taking it all in, the smile gone.

Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit. What do I do?

Lukas looks directly at me and speaks into the transmitter. “Take a deep breath and hold it,” he says. “Fill your lungs with air and hold your breath.”

I do as I’m told just in time, finishing my inhale as I see a big white flowing blur heading toward me. Oh shit, it’s Lukas. He leaps up and crashes into me, propelling me into the air backwards, over the dock wall behind me and into the water.

Chapter 16

My senses explode from the impact of being on stage in front of a crowd one second, then submerged into seawater the next.

Just like that night on Miami Beach two weeks ago, I’m lifted from behind again, this time a hand across my face. I’m dragged upward into the air.

“I got you,” says Lukas. “Take another deep breath.”

I inhale, and then he plunges us down and backward into the water again.

I feel myself dragged, then raised above the water line again.

I breathe and open my eyes.

We’re alongside the dock wall, holding on to wooden pylons. I can hear people above us.

“Come back up here!” says a voice in a British accent. “This is the police!”

Lukas, his hair magnificently wet, smiles at me totally unfazed. He removes his white shirt and lets it drift away in the water.

Oh God, his muscles are amazing!

“Are you a good swimmer?” he says.

“Like a fish.”

“Good. That boat.” He motions to a cabin cruiser moored about a hundred yards away. “Let’s get under it without coming up for air. Ready?”

I nod.

We both hold our breath and go down.

I swim my heart out toward the boat, the flickering shadow of Lukas beside me in the dim underwater light.

In a few seconds, we’re at the boat. I’m about to stick my head above the surface, but he grabs my hand and pulls me under the boat to the other side.

Lukas peers around the bow at the dock. I squeeze up next to him wrapping my arm around his chest. I look back at the dock just over the outline of his shoulder.

While I’m here I lick it softly. Why not, right?

Three police officers are shining bright lights across the water. Good thing Lukas dragged me over to this side. If I had emerged on the other side of the boat, the light would be shining right on me.

Lukas turns and looks behind us. There is another similar cabin cruiser another hundred yards behind us.

“Next boat,” he says. “Same thing.”


My smile must be huge because he smiles back.

Gotcha! Made you smile big, you dark, beautiful god!

I really don’t care if he tells me we’re going to swim to the next thousand boats. This is too much fun. Hell, I’ll swim all the way back to Miami. Fine by me, as long as this man is by my side.

A big inhale and down we go.

At the next boat, we both come up on the far side and check the situation. A police boat with a big searchlight has entered the small harbor from the ocean side.

Damn. The boat must have been close by, and the cops on the dock radioed him.

I feel like I’m in a movie. I’m glad the only offense was a little public lewdness, though. A deviant part of my brain laughs at the thought of my mother seeing it in the paper. Not that she would ever read anything from down here.

Lukas turns and glances over to his right. Maybe a hundred yards behind him is a huge yacht. I’m talking billionaire huge, with a big round Art Deco window with slatted jalousies just like one of the neighboring buildings on James Avenue near the Redmond Apts.

“One more,” he says. “Far side of that one. Ready?” I nod and inhale. “Go!”

This is the farthest swim yet.

My muscles are aching by the time we reach the far side of this monstrous beast.

Once we emerge on the far side, Lukas looks at me and makes the shhhh signal with his finger. I nod, feeling like a little kid playing hide and seek.

I follow him as he swims toward a ladder.

Yes, the yacht is big enough to require a ladder. I told you it was rich.

Lukas turns and looks at me, then nods toward the ladder. He climbs up it.

Shit, really? Are we really going to sneak onto some rich person’s yacht?

Whatever. I follow commands. It’s what I do.

As I climb, I notice my arms have returned to normal skin color.

Shit, the salt water has washed away the body paint completely.

Now, I’m just a naked girl who could lose a few pounds.


Hope that doesn’t disturb the magic.

Lukas doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy trying to be invisible as he hits the deck. The first thing I notice as I join him is that his feet are bare. He must have ditched his shoes in the water.

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me down onto the deck of the boat.

Shit, it’s big. We’re on one of those outdoor corridors surrounding the living area. A warm glow emanates from inside the jalousies.

As we lay huddled on the deck, I make a silent prayer for this moment to last forever. Not only am I with a man most women couldn’t even begin to fantasize about . . . a man who has repeatedly told me I’m stunning . . . I’m in the middle of an adventure that has my adrenaline pumping all over the place.

Not only am I being pursued by the local Bahamian police, I’m also sneaking onto some billionaire’s yacht.

Fuck it.

If I go to jail, I go to jail. What girl gets to live this adventure? Really, what girl?

After a minute or two of assuring himself that we have sneaked aboard without being noticed, Lukas grabs my hand and motions for me to follow him. Ducked down, we travel the length of the large boat to an opening in the cabin area.

He presses me up against the wall as we stand up. He peers around the corner of a corridor.

I assume there is nobody there because he drags me down it. Now we’re way deep inside this yacht, in a hallway that looks just like any hallway in any house with bedroom doors on all sides.

Stealthily, like he’s done this a hundred times, Lukas Thorn looks around, his muscles flexing, as he tests the handle of one of the slatted wood-stained doors. It opens.