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“I don’t get it,” I say. “Where did you get that?”

“From the owner of this yacht.”

“What? He knows we’re here? And he’s okay with the fact that two strangers sneaked aboard and had sex in his bed?”

Lukas walks over to me, placing his hands on my waist. Then he kisses me full on the lips.

“The owner of the boat,” he says, “is very happy we sneaked on board and had sex on his bed. Because the owner is me.”

I put my hands up to my mouth and giggle. “Oh my god! This is your yacht? Are you serious? But this is huge! This is a billionaire’s yacht.”

“Yes,” he says. “It is. And yes, I am.”

I laugh. “So you sneaked us onto your own boat. Why didn’t you just tell me it was your boat?”

He shrugs. “It was more fun that way.” He kisses me again.

“Come on. Let’s have breakfast.”

Chapter 20

Showered and wearing a brand new bikini that just happened to be in the huge closet off the stateroom among several others . . . hmph! . . . I walk out onto the deck.

Lukas is typing something into his iPhone. His shoulder muscles glisten in the sun. He’s eating grapes from a white bowl.

He looks up at me, his sapphire eyes catching the glow of the water. “We’ll be in Miami within the hour. We’ll dock at my house.” He puts the iPhone down.

“Of course,” I say as I sit next to him, “you have a private dock.”

He eats a grape. “Yes, and?”

I play-hit him, and then take a grape. “I didn’t know you were so rich.”

“Have you ever heard of Thorn Industries?”


“Most people haven’t. We have vested interests in various ventures all around the globe. Private capital. Global engineering. Resource deployment.”

“Yeah, you lost me at vested interests.”

“That’s fine. I don’t pay too much attention to it myself. It’s the family’s business. My brothers and sisters have more to do with it than me. I focus on my passions.”

“Which are?”

“Training young women to enjoy their bodies and be sexually free instead of being held prisoner by society’s rules.”

I eat a grape. “I think I noticed that.”

He meets my eyes and the electricity returns. “You’re different. You’re going to be my personal property. The things I teach at that school are for Lorena’s matchmaking service. What I’m going to teach you is my own way.”

I throw him an underlook. “I read your book, remember.”

He smiles. “That’s tame. Wait until you get to your real training.”

Then he kisses me and stands up. “Be right back.”

This is amazing. Life is just too good at the moment.

Although, I have purposely put other thoughts out of my head. Like the fact that it’s August. The summer is winnowing away. I’m due back at Wellesley in two weeks. Am I going to call and tell them I’m dropping out?

Am I dropping out? Do I really want to drop out? Lorena’s words telling me about refusing the offer when she was young come back to me. I don’t want to end up missing out on something like a relationship with Lukas Thorn.

A relationship? Listen to me, I sound like a stupid girl who defines herself by the men in her life. No, I don’t want to be that either. But, Lukas Thorn isn’t like most men. While there is all this Dominant/submissive stuff which I admit fires me up like a blazing cannon, there is the aspect about personal freedom that I don’t see in other relationships.

I need to explore that more.

Then, there’s my family. They’re going to lose it if I don’t go back to school. I may just have to suck it up and deal with it. Maybe I should fly back for the Labor Day party on Cape Cod. At least put in an appearance, right? Maybe take Lukas Thorn with me.

Ha, the very thought of that seems ludicrous. Lukas Thorn is not the kind of guy you bring to clambakes under beach tents, hobnobbing with other rich snobs. I just can’t picture him answering questions from some rich fat guy with a Brahmin accent, “So where are you wintering this year, my good chap?”

I giggle.

Lukas’ phone vibrates.

I glance down.

I don’t mean to see what I see. It’s an emoji. A bunny rabbit holding a big red heart.

I’m not spying, I swear. It’s just there.

But my heart sinks when I see the message right above it.

Can I believe what I’m seeing?

I touch the screen and scroll up to read the entire exchange.

My entire world comes crashing down around me when I read:

Her: You said you loved me and I was the only one. Were you lying?

Lukas: Of course not.

Her: Then fly up to New York this weekend. I’ll meet you at our hotel.

Lukas: Ok.

Her: [Picture of a big fucking asshole bunny rabbit holding a giant fucking heart.]

I hear a noise.

Lukas Thorn is back on deck, looking down at me.

The look on my face must say it all.

“I can explain,” he says.

* * *

Indecent Cravings: Part Four

is now available!


Click here to continue reading

* * *

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What should happen next?

Who sent the text?

What will Abigail do with this new information?

What is the mistake Lorena is trying to prevent Lukas from repeating?

What was the task that Trevor had to handle while he was in Miami?

Does Trevor know more about what’s going on than he’s letting on?

What does any of this have to do with Abigail’s family back home in Massachusetts?

Where is Karissa? What’s happened to her?

YOU tell me.

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Talk to you there!

Also by S.K. Cross:


The Cage Sessions


Controlled by His Voice


Fifty Days


Capitol Submission


Mastered by His Touch


The Stark Affair