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“Whatever.” She makes a stupid bird-flapping motion with her hands. “I just do what I’m told. Come on in.”

Oooooh, the sarcasm is thicker than the humidity. My inner diva awakens.

Down, babygirl, down.

I sit in the same chair as last time. Oddly, the sky is doing the same thing it did the last time, too. Clouding over with rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning.

Then again, it is the same time of day as before and we do seem to get a damned thunderstorm every day about now. Florida is fucking weird. Karissa says it stops in the late fall, but we’ve got a ways to go.

“Did you bring the lock we told you to buy with the combination memorized?”


“Did you bring your questionnaire?” says Erica.

“Yes.” I take it out from my bag and hand it to her. Lorena emailed it to me, then I printed it and filled it out.


I sit.

Erica types.

I sit some more.

She types some more.

I cross my legs.

She types some more.

“Is there a problem?” I finally say.

“No,” she says with a big fake smile. “Why would there be a problem?” She returns to typing.

Fucking bitch.

I sit some more.

She types some more.

Then she rolls her eyes and makes a scoffing sound.

“What?” I say.

“You’ve never done anal, seriously?”

“Um, no.”

She makes another scoffing sound and types some more.

Finally, after another long silence, she says, “Okay, so no whips. That’s a hard limit. So is anything that leaves permanent marks on the body.”


“Same gender sex. You listed that as a hard limit. That’s unacceptable for what we do here.”

“Um, I like guys.”

She shoots me another cock-headed tilt. “You’ve been drooling over me since the first time you saw me. I’m changing that to a Force Limit, meaning you’ll do it if you’re forced to. I believe that’s what you truly meant.”

I feel my face flush. “Maybe.”

“Just initial that you approve the change right here.” She hands pushes the paper across the desk at me with a pen. I sign.

“Good. Now I’ve slotted you in with two other applicants today.”

Two other applicants? Girls?

The expression on my face must be severe because she smiles and laughs.

Oddly, I want to kick her teeth in and lick her cunt both at the same time. Is there a word for that?

She stands and turns to the other offices down a short hallway to the right.

“Follow me,” she says.

My inner diva has maybe a hundred or so phrases ready to launch, but I figure it’s best to keep my mouth shut.

I follow her past several other offices to a door that she pushes open. I notice we’re not alone. There are people in the offices working on their computers, all in basic business casual.

We’re in a locker room. There is a row of shower stalls off to the right and a changing area straight ahead. Rows of blue lockers line the wall to the left.

“Strip,” says Erica.

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t give me the ‘excuse me’ bullshit. You want to learn submission. You start here. Now strip, and if you say excuse me again you are seriously out on the street for good.”

My inner diva is having a fit, but I keep her in her place. This is what I want, isn’t it?

I place my bag on the low wooden bench in front of the lockers.


I can’t help but feel awkward as she stares at me while I slowly remove my flats, my shorts, and my tank top.

I pause for a moment in my panties and bra, glancing at her.

“Hurry it up,” she says, arms folded and tapping her right foot.

I feel my eyes narrow at her as I undo my bra, then take my panties off and place them on the table.


Now I’m fully naked.

She continues to stare at me, looking me up and down.

“Head up,” she says. “You need to learn how we do things around here. Shoulders back.”

Shit. Really?

She walks around me, like she’s inspecting me. She places her hand on my ass. I jump.

“Easy, tiger,” she says. “Okay, I think I know what’s going to work for you.”

“What do you—”

“Silence! You will speak only when spoken to. Eyes down. I’ll be right back.”

Again, I feel that mix of confusion, fear, and utter horniness. I mean, I’m pretty much always horny, but there is an added intensity firing up with in me.

I think I like this, even if it does frighten me to death.

Erica returns with what appears to be a leather corset in one hand. In the other is a pair of shiny black boots.

She holds the corset up next to me and squints.

“Put that on,” she says and throws it at me. I grit my teeth at her as I catch it.

I flip the piece of clothing around to find it’s not all leather. It stretches and the ties in the back are built-in, so it’s not a real corset, which would be horribly uncomfortable.

I place it over my head and pull it down. It covers me from the spot right below my breasts to the top of my hips.

“Hands at your sides!” says Erica. I put my hands to my sides.

Huh. Must be a common sight around here.

Erica cocks her head to one side as she looks at me and says, “Perfect. Now put these on.”

I gotta admit, I love the boots. They glisten. I sit at the bench and pull one boot on.

Ooooh, nice.

Then the other.

Very nice. They come all the way up to my thigh, the leather soft and pliable around my skin. I absolutely love the feel of these.

I stand up, which is a little difficult considering the heels.

“Hm, something’s missing,” says Erica as she looks at me. “Oh, I know.”

She leaves again, returning a few seconds later with a roll of black electrical tape. She comes over to me, tears off a piece of tape and places it on my breast next to my nipple, but not covering it.

At her touch I feel a subtle electricity. I stare a little too long at her lips, glowing a delightful glossy pink.

“Don’t even think it,” she says. “I’m not interested in you, nor would I ever be.”

Fucking bitch. I make a chuckling sound to communicate Yeah, right, like I’d ever want to.

She got me so wound up I didn’t even notice what she was doing. My breasts have two hashtags on them, the exposed nipples in the center.

“Perfect,” she says. “Now, lock your belongings up in one of those.”

I pick my things up, place them in a locker, close it, and lock it with the lock I brought.

“Follow me,” says Erica.

My heart beats a little faster as she leads me past the office area and down a long corridor past several more offices with people in them. Nobody looks up at the mostly naked girl walking by.

There is a black steel door way down at the end. It has huge round bolts all around its edges.

Erica finds a key on the big ring, puts it in the lock, and opens the steel door. It creaks loudly as it swings on heavy hinges. She motions me through. All I can see is darkness beyond.

Well, I guess this is it, right?

This is the choice I’m making.


I walk past her. The door slams shut behind me with a loud clang.

Chapter 6

We’re at the top of a set of stairs. She walks down and I follow her to the landing, where she turns and we go down to another landing. Then another. Then another.

Holy fuck, I didn’t think Miami Beach went down this far.

Shit. The urge to run hits me again.

Finally¸ we’re at the bottom landing. It’s cold and damp and dark down here. First hint of anything remotely cold I think I’ve felt since arriving in Florida.

Erica approaches a door that looks like one of those submarine hatches you see in movies. She bends down and turns the big wheel. I get a fantastic glimpse of her perfectly round ass. Her plump little mound beckons to me. Looks ripe and tasty. Why does her skin glow? Is she wearing phosphorous body makeup or some shit?