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A man has been accused of locking his two sons in the boot of his car while he visited a sailing shop.

Police say the man left the children alone in his Pontiac Trans Am for 23 minutes.

The man claimed the children, aged three and six, enjoyed “playing in there.”

The man pleaded not guilty to two counts of assault and reckless endangerment of a child and was released on bail.

The children have been placed in the custody of their mother.

The man’s lawyer told the judge that his client “loves his children and is extremely distraught.”

Cucumber Coffin

Paa Joe, of Ghana, designs the coffin his customer requests. It could be in the shape of an airplane, rhinoceros, cucumber, lobster, black mamba, bright orange Mercedes Benz, or Coke bottle.

“The lobster could be for a fisherman, the cucumber for a grocer, the Benz for someone who worked in the automobile industry,” Paa Joe explained.

Paa Joe said the idea hit him when a customer requested putting his dead grandmother in an airplane-coffin to transport her to heaven because the grandmother, alive, had never left her village.

Paa Joe’s workshop processes orders from all over the globe.

Funkee Hairstyles

An Islamic council in Indonesia has issued a fatwa on females who practice yoga and/or straighten their hair, which they describe as “inviting moral danger.”

The same religious body is reportedly issuing a fatwa banning dreadlocks, mohawks, punk haircuts and “funkee hairstyles.”

Contemptible? Consider the competing religious orthodoxies.


China has warned anyone found guilty of hypodermic attacks such as were employed in protests in the northwest regional capital of Urumqi would face the death penalty.

29 people have reportedly been detained over the hypodermic attacks in Urumqi.

Chinese officials blame Uighur Muslim separatists for the incidents.

A Chinese

naval vessel came perilously close to a US warship during a tense exchange in the South China Sea.

USS Cowpatty, a guided missile cruiser conducting war games, was forced to maneuver to avoid colliding with the Chinese ship, which inexplicably had crossed in front of it and halted.

Galina Korzhova

was arrested in the southern town of Volzhsky on suspicion of hypnotizing a bank teller into giving her more than 2.6 million rubles. She is suspected of having robbed 14 other banks in a similar manner.

During the bank’s lunch recess, Korzhova introduced herself to the teller in the commissary, promising to get her profitably married, while actually hypnotizing her: Teller will place rubles in a leather satchel then meet after closing time outside the bank on Communist Street.

There the bewitched teller gave Galina Korzhova the rubles.

There the police, hot on Korzhova’s tail, apprehended her.


Kool kicks. Black-on-black monk strap. Doc Marten?


Does anyone still read Faust?


Mephisto. Outsourced to Indonesia, right?

Due south of Indonesia.

You don’t mean. .

I saw the lasts. I met the maker.

You met Mephisto?


Who else did you see down there?

Blake. Artaud. Yukio Mishima.

You spoke with Blake?


You spoke with Mephisto?

He spoke.

What did he say?

Do what you’re doing.

Meaning your writing?


What in your writing does the fiendish shoemaker approve of?

Comforting the afflicted.


Afflicting the comfortable.

Mephisto prefers the latter, obviously.


One Stolen Shoe

When a shoemaker with failing sight found a single shoe missing from his shop in the western Belgian town of Maldegem, a Gypsy amputee was the immediate suspect. Authorities were alerted and straightaway apprehended the man who fit the shoemaker’s description. The shoe was not recovered.


A Vernal, Utah woman was being held on an attempted murder charge Wednesday after police say she spiked her roommate’s mango smoothie with antifreeze six-and-a-half years ago.

Shannon Jane Plack, 37, was arrested this week in Eugene, Oregon where she remained jailed pending extradition to Utah.

Police say Lester Fraumeister, now 59, nearly died when Plack bought him a smoothie at a convenience store, dumped half of it and poured in antifreeze.

The 2008 case went cold until a jilted boyfriend of Plack’s, awaiting trial on an unrelated case in Arizona, came forward with new information, authorities said.


A female ripped off her ex-boyfriend’s testicle with her bare hands.

She became enraged when he rejected her advances during a house party.

She ripped off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out.

A friend handed it back to the male saying: “That’s yours.”

The Almost-Planet Pluto

Champion skater Taig Khris wowed thousands of onlookers in Paris when he attempted to set a new world record for the highest roller skate jump, leaping from the third floor of the Eiffel Tower. .

Eiffel Tower ain’ nuffin’. I watched some shaved head loon rollerblade off the almost-planet Pluto and land intact smack dab in the “Mall of America,” over there in Minnesota. You know what he done? Removed his skates, bought some state-of-the-art doodad in the Apple Store then stopped for a quadruple mocha decaf latte with low-fat rice milk at Starbucks.

Dialogues with Death

Did you purchase those white wingtips from J. Peterman?

Why, yes, Death whispers.

Recent purchase?


There is a rent on the left side of the left shoe.

Really? I’m not surprised.

One must expect inferior quality from J. Peterman.