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Steak Knife & Nut Wrench

A male imprisoned for raping & murdering a nine-year-old girl murdered his girlfriend in jail. She had written him letters, they fell in love, he was permitted conjugal visits.

She visited him for the first time in the “love cell.” When guards unlocked the cell two hours later, the woman, naked, lay twisted on the floor, left arm severed at the elbow, stab wounds in the chest, penetration wounds in intimate places.

A broken steak knife & nut wrench, both bloody, were by her side. The inmate was squatting on the floor expressionless.


A man jailed for piercing his 2-year-old stepson with 43 needles said he wanted to spite his wife by tormenting the child, who is recovering from surgery and scheduled for further surgery this week.

The man said he drugged the boy with rum and had his mistress restrain the child while he pierced him.

“I did this three times a week for three months,” the 31-year-old stockbroker told Globo TV’s “Fantastico” program in a phone interview from jail.

“The boy suffered unbearably,” he said. “It was to get back at his mother who I detest with my heart.”

Texas Fat

An obese Texas inmate has been charged with concealing a loaded 9mm pistol on his body.

The 540-pound 26-year-old was searched, but officers did not detect the weapon in his rolls of flesh.

The inmate later displayed the gun during his weekly shower break at the county jail.

Egg in Texas

A Burleson, Texas farming couple alerted Guinness World Records that one of their hens laid an egg with a cross on it.

The couple displayed the odd-shaped egg, which they believe is “a sign of Christian love during the holiday season.”

The man said he was gathering eggs Monday night when one felt unusual, not smooth like the others.

The misshapen egg had an indentation on one end with what appeared to be a cross on it.

The couple said eating the egg is not an option.

Burleson is about a dozen miles south of Fort Worth.


Your average young American spends virtually every waking minute except for time in school & usually even there using a smart phone computer or other electronic device using them simultaneously multitasking while eating drinking energy drinks exercising or sitting on the toilet according to a study underwritten by Goog.

Loving Robots

An American engineer has designed a “loving robot,” life-size with “human-like” skin, called Roxxxy.

At a demo in Vegas the engineer licked Roxxxy’s chest & the negligee-clad robot purred: Your tongue turns me on.

For $8500 purchasers can select different “prototypes” for Roxxxy, from “Lady Gaga” to “Frigid Farrah.”

The engineer designed Roxxxy after a disabled friend died in the 9/11 attacks; he’d initially planned to create a robot-aide for the infirm.

In his book Love a Robot, a Slovenian AI expert asserts that robots are rapidly becoming “mainstream sexual partners,” answering needs that “actual” humans cannot satisfy.


Police have warned young netizens against advocating suicide on the social networking service Facebook.

483 Chinese netizens have become “fans” of the group I Want to Commit Suicide, the Wenhui Daily reported.

Members exchanged posts about organizing a group suicide on Christmas eve.

Online pictures showing a member slitting her wrists prompted police to investigate.

“We intend to contact all the people who logged onto the site,” said a police spokesman.

Encouraging suicide is a penal offence in China with a maximum penalty of 14 years.

Parents and teachers have been ordered to instruct teenagers to cherish their lives.

A Bangladeshi

extends his scarred hands to show the effects of arsenic poisoning. Man-made ponds are responsible for widespread arsenic contamination of ground water affecting millions of Bangladeshis.

The ponds have become dumping grounds for debris releasing arsenic into ground water.

An estimated 25 million Bangladeshis have been exposed to arsenic through water making it the worst mass poisoning in history.

The ponds were originally created to protect villagers from unclean water.

Arsenic enters the water from agricultural and industrial waste or from natural deposits in the ground.

Bangladeshis knowingly poison themselves because there are no alternative water sources.

A Bangladeshi

laborer was beheaded and his head burnt in a kiln by bricklayers wanting to ensure their bricks were a deep red.

The man was killed under orders from the brick-field’s owner, who had consulted a fortune teller.

“The owner was unhappy that the brick-field was not producing reddish bricks,” said the local police chief.

A fortune teller advised a human sacrifice.

Four men have been arrested for the murder, which took place in a remote area of Bangladesh.

Red bricks are worth a premium in the area, as it is believed to show they have been baked properly.

Bela Lugosi

At Bela Lugosi’s burial in full Dracula regalia (except for the fangs), his fellow Hungarian Hollywood émigré, Peter Lorre, was alleged to have turned to Vincent Price and quipped: “Should we plant a wooden stake in his heart just to make sure?”

It was commonly assumed that Lugosi and Boris Karloff were rivals because when they opted for roles Karloff got them.

When they acted in the same movies Karloff received top billing.

Karloff had an odd lisp, but Lugosi’s thick Hungarian accent proved the greater impediment.

Karloff was a connoisseur of wines.

Lugosi injected state-of-the-art morphine.


A 91-year-old male has been refused flight out of Liverpool’s Ringo Starr Airport because he was dead.

The old dead male, in a wheelchair, wearing sunglasses, was wheeled to the gate by two middle-aged females.

Airport staff became suspicious while patting him down and noting his lack of body warmth.

Bela Lugosi

would be strolling with a colleague on the set when he’d excuse himself, step into a sheltered doorway, raise the trouser of his left leg, inject the opiate.

He’d then continue his stroll in good humor, marked, though, by stylized rather than “normal” responses to his colleague’s utterances.