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The Jackson memorabilia highlighted an auction of hundreds of rock’n’roll items, including many not associated with the “King of Pop,” who passed in June.

The white glove, called “the Holy Grail of Michael Jackson,” was expected to fetch about $50,000.

With the added commission, the final price of the white glove excluding taxes ran to $427,000.

The buyer was a Japanese businessman who requested anonymity.

Her Mangled

body was found in a suitcase in a metal trash bin in Beverly Hills.

Investigators could not use dental records or fingerprints because her teeth and fingers had been excised.

They tracked the serial number of her breast implants.

Her husband, a reality-show contestant, was charged with murder.

Vidcam Shades

These shades are kool. They conceal a built-in video camera that allows you to discreetly record everything you see without anyone’s knowledge.

The 0.3 megapixel pinhole vid-cam is planted in the bridge, providing 320x 240 high-quality resolution for AVI videos.

The left temple’s frame houses a slot that accommodates a microSD card for additional memory storage.

Vids can be uploaded to a computer running Windows such-and-such using the built-in USB port and cable.

Loiter around women’s toilets or men’s lockers.

Voyeur tech — beats the shit out of being invisible.

Record the raunch.

Shake yo’ bejesus.


A South Carolina male has been found guilty of second degree child cruelty for slapping a crying 2-year-old at a Walmart.

The mother carrying her child was shopping when the toddler began crying. The man, 61, approached the mother and said, “If you don’t shut that baby up, I will.”

He slapped the child four or five times in the face. Then he glared at the mother: “See, I told you I would shut her up.”

I think you left something out.

What’s that?

Call it an educated guess: Child is black, assailant white?

You’ve read the script.


The Prosecutor’s Office reported on its website that an arrest was made in a “bias incident” at a Walmart store in southern New Jersey.

A male voice came over the Walmart public address system Saturday evening and announced:

Attention, Walmart customers: All black people must leave the store immediately.

Last Lines

Gandhi, shot to death by an infuriated Brahmin, was reported to have uttered “Ram” (Lord Rama).

Serial killer John Wayne Gacy, about to be executed by lethal injection, shot back: “Kiss my ass.”

Lenny Bruce, transported to the ambulance after ODing on heroin, muttered about the nurse tending to him: “I saw her pussy.”

Timothy Leary suddenly raised his head on his deathbed and whispered: “Why not? Why not?”

Leary repeated his final utterance in case someone in attendance did not hear it.

Then he died — or faked dying.

Man’s a holy foo’.

I wager his ass is still trippin’.

6th Mass Extinction

Earth has suffered through 5 mass extinctions, the worst of which was 220 million years ago when 96 % of marine and 70 % of terrestrial organisms disappeared.

Scientists believe that our planet is threatened with the 6th mass extinction and that it has already begun.

Radical change in the chemical composition of ocean water is the crucial factor in the gradual sliding to mass extinction.

The worst extinction crises in history were dependent on chemical changes in oceans.

The oceans of Planet Earth are contaminated beyond reclaim.

Scientists attribute the sixth mass extinction to man and his institutions.


A driver passed out in his 1961 El Camino at a gas station while a batch of methamphetamine was cooking in the passenger seat.

A station employee in Murfreesboro called police after the car was sitting at the pump for two hours on Labor Day.

Police say a chemical process to make the drug was in progress.

Meth-making ingredients can be explosive, so gas pumps were shut down as a precaution.

The driver, 26, is being held on a $35,000 bond charged with driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, reckless endangerment, manufacturing methamphetamine without FDA approval.

Short Rage

Pingping, the world’s shortest man, insists he prefers managing his hairdressing salon to craving fame.

The 22-year-old, who lives with his 5 sisters in Inner Mongolia, is just 73cm tall — making him (Guinness) the shortest man with the ability to walk, or waddle.

Pingping’s favorite hobby: Murdering large people.

Things to Do

From a gallery above the frantic proceedings of the New York Stock Exchange, toss dollar bills to the traders below.

Mock them as they scramble to snatch the $$.

Yippie commander Magic Jew Abbie Hoffman did that in August ’67, making WASP Wall Street do the money-hop.

Rockstar ’69

Shit, can’t be morning / Fuck that shit

Crawl naked unsteady out of spherical waterbed in nameless hotel anywhere city

Ceiling-mirror shattered / stained from group-grope action the night before or night before that

Spike your good-morning OJ with liquid meth

Three long tokes on the waterpipe

Slip on something suede with tassels smelling of cigarette smoke, patchouli

Zombie out to the elevator barefoot, press P for Penthouse

Ah, your mates are sitting at the bar, but who the fuck are they?

Man, it’s those honky reporters from Rolling Stone & Crawdaddy Fuckin’ 9:30 in the morning

Coke $$

A study found that 91 percent of dollar bills contain traces of cocaine. That is nearly 30 percent higher than two years ago when 63 percent of greenbacks contained cocaine.

The startling discovery points to the increasingly widespread use of cocaine in the US, the world’s biggest consumer of the drug. Money gets contaminated with coke when drug dealers make a transaction or when users snort the drug using a rolled bill.