But Lucien wasn’t done. He placed a hand on his half brother’s shoulder and shoved him back down into the muck from which he’d just been attempting to climb.
Then Lucien leaned over him and whispered into his ear, “No. We can’t. You know the agreement. Everyone can drink. But no one can-”
“For the love of God, Lucien!” Dimitri cried. “Do you think I don’t know, after all these years? No one may kill a human, no matter how much he might thirst. To do so will bring swift and absolute retribution from the prince. The Dracul have lived under your orders for more than a century. Do you think we might have somehow forgotten them?”
“Yes,” Lucien said grimly. “Because you have before. And you will again.”
It was right then that the back door to the club opened and Reginald and his partner appeared.
“Mr. Dimitri?” Reginald asked in some alarm, seeing his boss lying on the alley floor.
Lucien straightened.
“Give him a hand, will you, Reginald?” Lucien asked over his shoulder as he turned to stride swiftly past him and into the dark night. “Mr. Dimitri is going to need all the help he can get.”
Chapter Twenty-one
7:00 P.M. EST, Thursday, April 15
St. George’s Cathedral
180 East Seventy-eighth Street
New York, New York
Meena stared at the cathedral. In the fading daylight, it looked beautiful, with its twin spires straining toward the spring sky and elegant stained glass, even if some of the windows were broken in places. Who would throw rocks at a church window, anyway?
Sure, it was surrounded with the familiar blue plywood that always went up around a building in Manhattan when construction was taking place.
But the plywood was nowhere near high enough to hide the large and lovely cathedral behind it.
A cathedral that, just two nights before, had been the scene of an inexplicable, brutal attack.
Or had it?
Meena stood with Jack Bauer on his leash at the bottom of the cathedral steps, exactly where they had been the night before last when the bats had come swooping down out of nowhere.
At first she’d been worried that Jack wouldn’t want to go anywhere near the church because of what had happened last time they’d been there.
But he showed no sign of any reluctance, trotting right up and lifting a leg on a parked car in front of it.
He obviously didn’t harbor any ill memories of the incident.
But though at first her own had been a bit fuzzy, she remembered it all now, as clearly as if it had just happened a few minutes, and not nearly forty-eight hours, ago. There was the place on the sidewalk where she’d crouched, her heart in her throat, for so long while the bats had flung themselves over and over at Lucien’s face and body, trying-she’d been certain at the time-to rip him apart.
Except that he’d been fine, his face without a mark on it.
And true, there were no actual drops of blood or anything like that on the ground to show that there’d been any attack at all.
But she recognized the crack in the pavement; how could she forget it? Her face had been almost right up against it as Lucien had lain across her, keeping her safe.
It was strange, Meena thought as she stood gazing up at the church spires, wondering if the bats were in there now and when they might awaken-and attack-again. She didn’t get a feeling of evil from the cathedral, even though the exact spot where she stood had very nearly been the site of a savage mauling.
Meena didn’t flatter herself that as a dialogue writer for a show of Insatiable’s quality she was particularly gifted. She didn’t put on airs that she was a creative genius.
Nor did she think of herself as any more creative than the artists she sometimes saw outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the ones who painted amateur sunsets and landscapes and then sold them to tourists who happened to be walking by.
Meena felt her scripts for Insatiable were much the same thing: a reflection of what was happening daily in front of the average American, just like a sunset…only maybe a little more dramatic, to keep people interested.
But she’d always been aware of being a tiny bit more sensitive to mood than other people, possibly because of her ability to tell when something horrible was going to happen to someone.
Maybe there just wasn’t anything horrible about St. George’s to sense. Because a tragedy at St. George’s had been averted…thanks to Lucien, whoever he was. He’d saved her life. She didn’t know how or why, but he had.
Did Lucien, Meena wondered, ever think about what had happened outside the church and how strange it had been? Perhaps he too had come to stand outside St. George’s and asked himself the very same questions she was. Maybe he’d posted a Craigslist Missed Connections ad about her (she’d been too shy to post one about him). She’d better remember to check…
Meena jumped nearly out of her skin. She whirled around, half expecting to find Lucien himself staring down at her.
But it was only Jon, looking extremely surprised to find her standing in front of St. George’s Cathedral on a Thursday evening, staring at nothing.
“What are you doing here?” Jon asked. “I thought you were taking Jack Bauer for a walk.”
“I was,” Meena said, tugging on Jack’s leash. Jack Bauer was actually lying on the sidewalk, licking his hind leg, and ignored her. “I mean, I am. I was just…thinking about something.”
“I can tell.” Jon stood next to her and looked up at the church spires. He was dressed up in pressed khakis and a nice shirt, and was, for some reason, wearing a tie. In his right hand was a brown paper bag. “Are you still freaking out about that flock of bats?”
“It was a colony,” Meena corrected him. “I looked it up on Wikipedia. Bats live in colonies. And I found out they don’t normally attack something-or someone-as a group the way they did the other night. That had to have been a total fluke. They’re really more solitary hunters. You know, because they use high-frequency sonar.”
Jon looked down at her like she was crazy. “Okay,” he said. “Good to know. Are you going to come home and get ready? Because we have the Antonescus’ dinner party in half an hour.”
She blinked. “What?”
“The countess’s dinner party,” he said. “Remember? For her cousin, the prince. It’s Thursday night. You said we’d go.”
Meena rolled her eyes. “Oh,” she said. “That. Yeah. We can’t go. I didn’t RSVP.”
“Meena,” Jon said, shaking his head. “We talked about this. We said we’d go.”
“Well,” Meena said, “I never told her we’d go. So, I guess we can’t go. Too bad. Let’s watch a marathon of The Office instead.”
“No,” Jon said. “Free food. Remember? Besides, I already saw Mary Lou in the elevator today and she asked if we were coming and I said yes. So we have to go. Look, I bought them a bottle of wine.” He held up the paper bag. “It cost me six bucks. I’m not wasting it.”
Meena’s shoulders sagged. “Oh, my God,” she said. “I don’t think I can handle a party at the countess’s tonight. It’s been a really bad week.”
“I know,” Jon said, taking her by the elbow and turning her away from the church. “But you want to meet this prince guy, right? Isn’t he the guy you want to use as a model for the vampire slayer in your spec script? The one for Cheryl?”
“Actually,” Meena admitted as they started walking toward 910 Park, “I think I met someone who would be a better model for the prince.”
“Really?” Jon said. “Who?”
“Oh, just a guy,” Meena said, knowing what Jon would have to say about her adventure with Lucien outside the cathedral the night before last.
And if she told him, he’d only deliver a big-brotherly lecture about her leaving the apartment late at night, something she knew she ought not to have done. In their gender-unequal society, it still wasn’t totally safe for American women to wander the streets of New York City unescorted late at night. (Although to be fair, it wasn’t safe for anyone to do this, really. There were rampaging colonies of bats lurking everywhere.)