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He bowed his head with another sly smile as his gaze passed among all those watching him. “Have a good night’s rest, then. I will come by in the morning to take you to the queen, if she is of a mind to greet visitors.”

Once the man was gone, Richard ushered all of the Mord-Sith through the open door, rather than letting anyone go to one of the other rooms. He then urged Kahlan and Shale inside and, once inside, shut the door. The sorceress lit a lamp on a small table and another on a shelf in the stone wall. There was a bed, and other than a table with a bench on each side, not much else, not even a window.

“I don’t want us splitting up and going to different rooms,” Richard said.

“I have to agree with your sentiment,” Shale said. “All is not right here, and not what it seems.”

Berdine arched an eyebrow sarcastically. “You don’t say?”

The sorceress turned from Berdine to Richard. “Iron Jack is gifted—maybe a sorcerer or possibly even a wizard. I don’t know exactly what he is, but I do know he is gifted.”

Richard shared a look with Kahlan.

“He’s a wizard?” Kahlan asked. “You mean like Richard?”

“No one is a wizard like Lord Rahl,” she said.

“But is he powerful?” Kahlan asked.

Shale shrugged unhappily. “I don’t know a great deal about wizards and such. All I can say with any certainty is that he is powerful enough to cause us a world of trouble.”

Richard slipped the baldric off over his head. He held the point of the scabbard out to Vika and Cassia.

“Take hold of the scabbard while I try to draw the sword.”

Despite their looks of confusion, the two Mord-Sith gripped the scabbard and together spread their feet. Richard held on to the hilt and pulled the sword with all his might. The two women bent their knees and backs into it. As Richard pulled and they held on tight, their feet slid as he dragged them both across the wooden floor.

Kahlan was alarmed that the sword would not come free. She could see that the scabbard wasn’t bent or dented. Richard finally conceded that it wasn’t going to work.

Shale frowned with concern. “Here, let me see it.”

When he handed her the sword with the baldric still attached, she held it in one hand and ran her other hand down the length of the elaborately engraved silver and gold scabbard.

She finally handed it back. “I can’t tell the exact nature of it, but I can tell you that the blade has been locked in by a spell of some sort.”

Richard tried jiggling the handle in an unsuccessful attempt to draw out the sword before looking up at her. “Can you break the spell?”

Shale arched an eyebrow. “You’re a war wizard. Can’t you break the spell?”

Richard’s only answer was to smile. Kahlan couldn’t understand the meaning behind the look. Before she had time to consider his expression, Shale shook her head in sympathy.

“It would take more power than mine to overcome the magic holding the sword in the scabbard. It was likely a relatively easy trick for someone gifted to merely weld it in, as it were, so that it can’t be drawn. It would be a much simpler way to disable the magic of the sword itself than to actually defeat such immense power.”

Richard simply nodded as he slipped the baldric back over his head anyway, apparently not willing to abandon the weapon even if he couldn’t draw it for now. Kahlan had a hard time believing that he couldn’t pull it from its scabbard.

“The Seeker is the weapon,” she reminded him. “The sword is just a tool.”

Richard smiled at her. “You’re right.”

“Iron Jack may be gifted in some way,” Vika said, “but Lord Rahl is a war wizard. Lord Rahl is more powerful and can handle that red-haired fool. He has killed legions of Glee with his power. He can certainly pull the head off that obnoxious Iron Jack if he has to.”

Shale sighed. “I hope you’re right, and I don’t mean to discount Lord Rahl’s ability—I’ve certainly seen things that I can’t begin to understand—but I think there is more to Iron Jack than meets the eye.”

Kahlan stepped closer. “Like what?”

Shale shook her head, clearly distressed. “I don’t know but think about why we are here.”

“You mean the boundary?” Kahlan asked.

“Yes, and don’t forget about the strange wood, among other things. The boundary was put up by someone or some group of people using Lord Rahl’s gift. If they are that powerful, then …”

Vika planted her fists on her hips. “Then you think Lord Rahl isn’t powerful enough to handle them?”

Shale looked anguished to be taken the wrong way. “I’m not saying that, I’m only bringing up the fact that people powerful enough to steal his ability and use it to create the boundary are at the center of this, so it seems obvious they manipulated us in order to get us to this place. I only mean to say that we are dealing with something profoundly dangerous, and we should not assume anything—not about Iron Jack or anyone else we might meet here. Bold people often end up dead.”

Vika’s glare eased. “Well, I would have to agree that Lord Rahl is often too bold for his own good. He would usually be better off if he let us handle things.”

“Whatever is going on,” Richard said, seemingly irritated by the way they were talking about him, “it is profoundly dangerous, and we need not to have tests of magic with anyone until we know what we’re up against.”

Shale nodded with relief. “That’s all I meant.”

Before they had time to discuss what they were going to do next, there was a knock at the door. When Richard opened it, a shy woman holding a tray looked inside and blinked in surprise. She then leaned back to look to the other doors. Richard leaned out for a look himself. Kahlan could just see through the open doorway that there were other women also carrying trays at the other doors, confused that their knocks weren’t being answered. They all wore the same formal brown dresses with white aprons of servants.

“You aren’t all in your rooms,” the woman said with obvious surprise and uncertainty as to what she should do about it.

“They will all be going to their rooms in a bit,” Richard told her in a friendly tone to ease the worry on her face. “We’re all in here talking about our arrival at this amazing place of Bindamoon.”

His words did the trick to put her at ease. The young woman finally smiled. “Bindamoon certainly is an amazing place.”

“And how do you like the queen?” he asked, offhandedly.

The smile evaporated. She bowed her head, fearing to look up into his eyes. “I am but a nobody, sir. I have never met the queen, so I would have no reason to have any thoughts on her, much less an opinion.”

“I see,” Richard said as he took the tray with a bowl of soup.

Relieved of her tray, she took a step back to motion the others to bring theirs. As they filed in, several of the Mord-Sith took the bowls of steaming soup, pots of hot tea, and cups and placed them all on the table. Once they had emptied the trays, they glared at the women. The women, fearful of meeting the gazes of the Mord-Sith, bowed their heads as they tucked their trays under an arm and filed out.

The one who had come first bowed deeply several times. “Please enjoy your meal.”

After she hurried away Richard shut the door. “I don’t want us splitting up and going to separate rooms. I want all nine of us to stay together.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Vika said.

The rest of the Mord-Sith all nodded that they were of the same opinion.

Shale, over at the table, turned back to the rest of them after staring down into the soup. She stirred a finger over one of the bowls.

“I don’t advise eating any of this.”

“Is there a problem with it?” Kahlan asked.