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The 5 most influential Committees are the following:

Committee on Trade: Handles trade disputes between merchants and each other as well as merchants and member states.

Committee on Arms: Controls the militia of the Council States. Includes the Subcommittee on Domestic Safety which ensures the safety of the roads and highways and the Subcommittee on Defense which oversees military operations at the direction of the two Councils. This is actually a 27 member committee, with a chair and half of the remaining 26 on one subcommittee or the other.

Committee on Justice: The judiciary arm of the Councils, the Committee on Justice provides criminal and civil justice through its two subcommittees on civil and criminal justice. The civil justice committee works on the individual level and often coordinates with the Committee on Trade for merchant-consumer justice. Further, member states have magisterial domain within their own jurisdiction on all matters not directly in violation of Council Law. Like the Committee on Arms, the Committee on Justice is actually a 27 member committee, with a chair and half the remaining 26 on once subcommittee or the other.

Committee on Foreign Relations: Handles ambassadorial and foreign relations.

Committee on Appeaclass="underline" Handles the appellate process for committee decisions and laws.

• Other committees include:

Committee on Religion: Traditionally made up of appointees from the clerical ranks of the major religions.

Committee on the Arts: Provides patronage for the arts.

Committee on Racial Relations: Arbitrates and protects the rights of various races, in particular those sentient races outside the body politic.

The Council of Wizardry

The Council of Wizardry is made up of the thirteen preeminent wizards of Astlan as selected by the Council Roster. This high honor is not bestowed lightly. Membership upon the council is for a term of 5 years and may be renewed at the mandate of the Roster.

In addition to the joint committees of the two councils, the Council of Wizardry and the Council Roster have the following internal committees to deal directly with affairs of Wizardry:

• Committee on Research

• Committee on Demonology (supersedes the Committee on Conjury)

• Committee on Sorcery

• Committee on Enchantment

• Committee on Pyromancy

• Committee on Thaumaturgy

• Committee on Runic Lore

• Committee on Necromancy: This committee, unlike the others specialization committees is concerned with restricting, regulating and as necessary, eliminating necromancy.

• Committee on Academic Affairs

• Committee of the Library and Patents

Note: Archimage is as much a political/hereditary title as an indication of experience and profession. An Archimage is a Master Wizard with either a political position or hereditary estate.

The Council of Magistrates

The Council of Magistrates is made up of one representative from each of the member states. The selection process of the representatives varies from state to state. It may be an elected, hereditary, or appointed position depending on that state’s government. The traditional term of office is five years, however this is completely subjective to the desires of the particular member state being represented.

• Committee on Alchemy

• Committee on Apprenticeship

• Committee on Agriculture

• Committee on Construction

• Committee on Forestry

• Committee on Jewelry

• Committee on Shipbuilding

• Committee on Smithing

• Committee on Transportation

• Committee on Usury

• Committee on Water

Chapter 62

“We’re doomed!” Gastropé exclaimed. “Doomed, there is no way we’re going to get through this alive.”

“Don’t be so optimistic,” snapped Jenn sarcastically. “We’ve been through worse; we’re not going to let a little more adversity stop us.”

Edwyrd wasn’t so sure about that. They’d spent the last hour discussing their options and trying to come up with a plan. They had yet to formulate one. Things did not look good. According to Maelen these Rod people were major witch hunters, or at least demon and other assorted evil hunters. It seemed they had a rather black and white view of the world. Their solution to the problem of evil was simple: eliminate it. Slay it first and ask questions later.

It used to make pretty good sense back in Harding, Edwyrd reflected, everyone in fantasy novels and games always strove to abolish evil wherever they found it. Tom had even thought it a pretty good policy at the time. Unfortunately, he never planned on being the evil needing eliminating. If, as seemed pretty clear to Maelen, the Rod was after them due to their actions in Gizzor Del, which undeniably involved demonic activity, and if, as Maelen maintained was the Rod’s view, demonic activity was undeniably evil, then they, as conspirators with evil, were undeniably evil as well, and therefore undeniably must die. With a grim grin, Edwyrd decided the logic was undeniable.

Maelen assured them in no uncertain terms, that if the Rod did catch them, and if identified, there would be only one outcome. Given that Maelen had recognized Verigas among the Rod, identification seemed highly probable, if they were captured. Assuming they accepted what Maelen told them, and they had no reason not to, there was no choice in the matter. They could not afford to be caught.

This choice, Edwyrd thought to himself, while simple, was not so easy to implement. The Rod was mounted and assuming nothing changed between now and then, the Rod would overtake them in the morning before they could even reach Yorkton. It had been suggested they just go perpendicular to the road and avoid the Rod. Unfortunately, as Maelen pointed out, if they wanted to get to Freehold, which was in a large mountain valley, they’d have to take the pass that Yorkton was the base of. From Hoggensforth, there was no other way to Freehold that wouldn’t take an additional month of travel. They didn’t have the money to buy supplies for a month.

Jenn had pointed out that they could just go off the road for a day or so, then follow the Rod to Freehold. Maelen, ever the voice of cold water, had pointed out that if the Rod reached Freehold, and couldn’t find them, they’d double back down the road to Hoggensforth. Further, being incredibly thorough, they’d probably place checkpoints on the path behind them anyway, prepared for just such an occurrence. Maelen’s cold logic was becoming rather annoying Edwyrd thought; the man dashed all their hopes as fast as they could come up with them. Despite this, he was more than happy they’d brought the animage. He didn’t know what would have happened without the man.

Edwyrd looked around at his comrades, all sitting quietly lost in rather despondent thoughts. Actually, Edwyrd wasn’t quite as depressed as the three humans. He knew, that if worse came to worst, he’d just change back into a demon, as could Rupert. Given that, they could just grab the humans and fly extremely fast. However, that was not his preferred option. He’d gone to all the work of creating the Edwyrd persona, and he hated to just abandon it so quickly. Oh, certainly, he’d love to abandon it and change back into himself, what he didn’t want, was to destroy the illusion that was Edwyrd in the eyes of the others.