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14. Object Mastery

Object Mastery is the science of attaching mana and animus to inanimate objects. It is actually a rather tricky discipline since inanimate objects have no animus and usually little mana. In general, this task is made easier if the objects to undergo the effects of this discipline are of the finest construction possible.

15. Prescience Mastery

Prescience Mastery is the study of the unknown. It is an outgrowth of Clairomastery focusing on seeing into other places and events unknown to the user.

16. Pyromastery

Pyromastery is the study of the element of Fire in its aspects of fire, light, and heat.

17. Spatiomastery

Spatiomastery is the study of space and the various dimensions. In its simplest form, it allows the user to have a very good sense of direction. At higher levels the user can literally slip through space in ways beyond those of normal translational motion by creating folds in the fabric of reality.

18. Summastery

Summastery is the discipline of summoning creatures or beings from afar. It usually requires some form of Link

19. Telemastery

Perhaps the most well-known and feared of all disciplines by outsiders, Telemastery is the science of the mind. It is the discipline that allows skilled animages to read the very minds of other individuals.

20. Temporamastery

Temporamastery is the manipulation of time and an individual’s perception of time. Actually, since time itself is extremely hard to manipulate, it is often the perception that is easier to affect. It is also a hard discipline to learn, as very few masters still exist. Only the Time Warriors were ever true masters and they seem to have all died. Thus, learning this skill can be difficult.

21. This discipline does not exist. Despite rumors, there is no 21st discipline, and if it did exist it would most likely be illegal wherever you are reading this. So don’t worry about it.

This discipline does not exist. There is no such discipline. The rumors are completely unfounded and made up by students in their dorms. Such a discipline is simply not physically possible for the mind of an animage to perform. Even if it did exist, it is currently illegal in almost every country known. Such a discipline would also be a gross violation of the Animage Code of Ethics.

If such a discipline existed, which it doesn’t, it would be almost impossible to learn. No individual could learn it on his or her own. For another animage to teach such a discipline is generally considered a capital crime in many countries. Since this discipline doesn’t exist, finding an instructor is next to impossible, even illegally, since, obviously, no one knows it.

Theoretically speaking of course, if such a discipline could be learned (which it cannot, since it doesn’t actually exist) it would require an extreme proficiency in Telemastery and Link Master for this discipline to make any sense.

Animage Schools

Learning Animagic

Animagic, actually a very old term predating modern wizardry, is what a few animages still like to call their craft. It is an extremely demanding craft, much more fundamental than ‘prepackaged’ wizardry, more scientific than the grunts, wails, and drug-induced hallucinations of the druids, and much more immediate than the ritualized clerical rigmarole.

How does the aspiring student of this day learn Animagic in this time when animages are in disrepute? This is a difficult question. Like wizardry and religion, Animagic can’t be picked up simply on the side, at least not easily. Someone must teach it to the novice. Now, fortunately, almost anyone with the required knowledge, cleverness, strength of will, and fortitude can pick up some Animagic from a willing tutor. However, true mastery requires intense discipline and long study (and talent).

If the novice wishes to specialize in one of the standard sub professions, such as Healing, Seeing, Summoning, Elementalism or Mentalism, then he or she need only seek out the infrequent, but certainly present, schools in such and pass the entrance requirements to learn. If one prefers a more liberal approach and a broader background, then one must seek out a local master or a wandering animage who would be willing to pass on knowledge. In fact, for true liberality, one would probably need to seek out several such masters.

Can Animagic be picked up on one’s own? Not from scratch, no. The basics, at least, must be taught by someone. Eventually, however, many animages may teach themselves in disciplines they already know.


The most common of all animage schools are the Healer’s Guilds. Anyone with the aptitude and the proper attitude can generally gain admittance, although this may vary from school to school. However, it is critical to note that it is extremely seldom that any individual that is less than completely ethical accepted, and most schools have rigorous testing methodologies to assure this. The reason is simple, those who can heal with their mind, can also harm. Further, the discipline of Cell Mastery is generally a closely guarded secret of the Healer’s Guilds. Thus, the only practical way to learn this discipline is by studying at a Healer’s School, which limits knowledge of this discipline to screened individuals.

Perhaps the next most commonly found animage is the Seer. While there are some seer schools, often times a local seer can teach as much as a big school. Whether a student will be accepted by the school or an individual seer depends completely on what the seer or school ‘Sees’ in the student and his or her own personal attitudes.

Elementalist schools are sometimes hard to locate, as Elementalists are often overshadowed in their community by the elemental wizards. However, animage Elementalists have the advantage of working with all the elements and not just one.

Summoners are also a difficult lot to track down. This is largely because the wizardly engineering discipline of Conjury is much safer at high level than animage summoning, even if a bit less versatile. Often times, Summoners work on small-scale efforts, due to the very real danger in powerful summonings. Of course, if you want someone to break a binding or a link, Summoners are generally your only recourse.

Mentalists and their schools go by many different names and will either stick out like a sore thumb in any community or will be noticeably absent. Common names are School of Mental Science, Temple of the Mind, School of Psychology, Psychiatric Clinic, etc., etc. The novice entering these schools had best be prepared to have his or her soul examined down to the core. If the school decides to accept a student, it will only be after thorough mental examination of all motives. Unfortunately, one cannot report that all schools only accept the purist of motives.

Chapter 65

“This is disturbing.” Sir Talarius stated standing over a recently used fire pit.

“What is?” Barabus asked the knight.

“This was not a normal fire.”

Barabus crouched down near the ring of stones, swiped one of the charred logs in the pit with his index finger and sniffed the char residue. “It seems rather mundane to me.”

“Looks, but is not.” Talarius stated in his typically emphatic manner. “There is another stench in the air, barely detectable, that of sulfur and brimstone. Talarius wiped his own ungloved right hand on a small towel at his belt. “There is also a strong mana residue in the vicinity.”

Barabus shook his head. Talarius was riding point, scouting the way forward for the Rod. Barabus and the Rod had found him halted and dismounted examining what appeared to be the campsite of other travelers.