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Rays of magical energy sprang from the center, striking each of the three. A circle of light was formed. Where the circle of light intersected the primary pentagrams inner pentagon, light walls formed, creating a wall of light along the inner pentagon, and then speeding out along the arms of the inscribed star. The energy was controlled by their united minds, it was shaped and molded by the power they had summoned. Mentally they chanted the ancient words that would guide the force, the combined will of the thirteen wizards which dictated the growth of power. The power was constrained by the pentacles, but the direction it grew in was controlled by their will.

Within instants, lines of light traced the primary pentagram. Then the secondary pentagrams flamed brilliantly as they were lit. The primary set of pentagrams flashed briefly, achieving balance and then beams of energy shot down the specially warded and inscribed tunnels to each of the relays. As the light hit the relay stations, those pentacles flared to blinding full power, and the outer circle between relay stations flashed to life. To an individual who was not one with the power, the entire array would be almost impossible to look at, however those inside did not notice it.

The power was theirs; it was to be commanded. Now came the forming of the sphere of force that would protect the school. “Sanctum dominae, fortuum nostros,” spoke the single voice of the thirteen. “Guard and protect us walls of power, Sid velum se crostat. Scerbum si voltan. Nek sid faltos epiterum. Sig nos leum trig falthos. Shield of Might, Hand of Fate, protect and guard us, this we ask, this we command.”

As the chant continued, the walls of light that lined the outer circle began to expand both upward through the ground and downward below their feet. The words were once again lost in the roar of power being channeled through the pentagrams. Sound however did not matter. As all wizards knew: it was the formation of the words within the mind of a wizard that focused the power.

The earth did not stop it nor impede the flow of energy in any way, since the earth was a part of the energy. Upwards through the depths it moved, until it reached the surface, it climbed up the walls of the castle. To those outside, the walls of the castle seemed to shimmer and suddenly glow white with the burgeoning power. The force walls continued upward beyond the castle walls, slowly they began to bend inward and grow together, until they eventually came together at an apex. Thus a perfect dome over the tower and courtyard was formed, perfectly mimicking the domed room directly below the apex of the force dome. Below their feet the dome was inverted forming a perfect sphere.

Those people inside and out could still see through the force walls, in daylight, but in the predawn darkness, it appeared as if a white nearly opaque dome had been placed over the school. As the walls closed, one man among the besieging army frowned in annoyance, he had hoped to catch them before Lenamare could get those damn wards up that he was so fond of bragging about. Oh well, one way or the other, he would win, pentacles or no pentacles.

The Five Elements

Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit
Curriculum Vitae: College of Wizardry
University of the Council States

These are the five elements of creation. It is their interaction that creates Mana, the energy of magic. Perhaps the best known treatise on the interaction of the 5 elements to produce mana is that by Heward.

Each of the five elements exists in their raw form in their own dimension, or plane of existence. It is the intersection of the five elemental planes that forms the Planes of Man. The entire physical world is nothing but a collection of objects constructed from these five elements.

The first four are generally familiar to most individuals as they encounter reflections of these elements within their everyday life: the dirt beneath ones feet, the air one breathes, the fire one cooks dinner with and the water one must drink to live. The fifth however is less well known, and while it is omnipresent it is also elusive and ephemeral.

The fifth element, spirit sometimes referred to as Animae or the Element of Man is the raw essence of the life force. That which we call life is matter from the combination of the first four elements, infused with spirit or Animus. Animus is the reflection of Animae on the Planes of Man.

All of nature is dictated by the interaction of the elements, Astrology is the science that tells us how.

The Pentagram

The pentagram, so crucial a tool in the conjuration of creatures is the perfect ward containing all five elements. A pentagram has five “corners” if you will, each of which represents one of the five elements.

The exact nature, positioning and the five elements within the pentagram varies upon usage and need. Below is a traditional arrangement of the five elements within the pentagram. Further, the usage of a pentagram is also influenced by astrological factors as well as the current environment. Within various religions and pantheons there are always avatars and/or angels assigned to correspond to each element and for certain invocations these beings may stand guard or lend their presence on behalf of their element.

The Pentacle

A Pentacle is a combinations of a pentagram and other runes, symbols and logic. The runes of and symbols of a pentacle provide modifiers, or enhancements and instructions to pentagrams basic function. In essence, a pentacle is an inscribed spell based upon a pentagram. Multiple pentagrams are often combined together in a single pentacle each serving as building blocks, along with runes and other shapes and symbols of an inscribed spell.

Further pentacles often include braziers located either in the center of a pentagram or at the node points of a pentagram depending on the nature of the spell being constructed. Braziers typically contain materials that provide fuel for the spell. Often fire is used as the mechanism for immolation; however. acids and solid catalysts can also be used to consume the material depending on the nature of the material and the requisite elements to be invoked.

Chapter 21

What have I done? Tom cried in his mind. He had killed a man. He had done it for no real reason at all. Yes the man had hurt the kid, maybe killed it, and so Tom had killed him. Actually, he didn’t even know the kid had died, in fact it probably had only been severely wounded, so he had killed that man for even less of a reason. There was no justice in that; he had no right to do that. The man was wrong, he was probably even evil, but did he deserve the sort of death Tom had inflicted on him. First Tom had practically scared him to death, and then he popped him. In his mind the dying man’s exhalations echoed again and again. The hissing and gurgling noise he made as he had bled down Tom’s arm, would not go away.

Tom tried to cry in shame and anger at himself, but found that he couldn’t, apparently demons had no tear ducts. He was nothing but a cold blooded killer, if he’d had anything to throw up, he would have; but he’d never eaten anything in this form. He had ruthlessly, and thoughtlessly, killed a man in a very gory and disgusting manner. What had become of him, to get so easily provoked into such a horrible thing? What he had done was sickening, inhuman, demonic.

Demonic, that was the word, Tom almost laughed at the sick irony of it all. It was like Tizzy said, “... demons... that’s what we’re called and that’s what we are.” He had killed the man just like a demon out of countless video games and books he’d read. He wasn’t human, he was less than human, he was a creature of evil. Tom wanted to cry, but he couldn’t, even that was denied him.