[Yes, but the Dwarvenholt was their goal, and so they had good reason to skirt it then, just as they disregarded Dael.]
Beau nodded, but added: [When the Mineholt siege was broken, they bypassed Bridgeton again as they fled.]
[They were running from an army of angry Dwarves, to say nothing of the Elves and Men.]
Beau laughed. [Angry Dwarves: nothing better to flee, eh?] As the others smiled, Beau sobered. [All I'm saying, Tip, is that every time the maggot-folk go past Bridgeton, they leave it alone.]
[Regardless as to their motives,] said Aylissa, [they marched to the Skarpals and within.]
[Retreating like the others, eh?] said Alver, looking at Beau.
Beau glanced at Tip and turned up his hands.
[Did you see any more maggot-folk?] asked Rynna. [The Spawn on the wold and those in the Rimmen Spur seem to have vanished.]
[Ah, so that's who they were,] said Farrix. [A belated group heading east as well.]
[They hie for the Skarpals, too,] said Aylissa, [or so we believe.]
[Fleeing to hide in the mountains,] said Dinly. [All of them run away.]
[Say, I wonder if this has to do with the High King breaking the siege at Gunarring Gap?] said Beau. [Perhaps the reason they head for the Skarpals is that they think the war lost and they run for cover, just as Alver and Dinly say.]
Tip looked up from the map and shook his head. [Perhaps you are right, Beau, and the Skarpals is their final goal. But then again perhaps you are wrong and Modru has something else altogether in mi-]
"Hiyo! Hiyo!" came a shout.
They all glanced up from the table to see Farly come racing into camp.
"The Dylvana are here!" he cried as he galloped across the sward.
As Tip rolled his maps, Farly haled his pony up short and swung his leg across his saddle and leapt down. "The Dylvana are here and are setting up camp at Eryn Ford."
Rynna scooped up Lark and held onto her tightly, and Tipperton put his arms about both.
Dressed in their leathers and bearing their weaponry, eight Warrows came riding into the Elven camp, Rynna and Tipperton in the lead, Dinly and Alver coming last. And as Tipperton rode past, Dylvana hailed him… and hailed Beau following after.
Her blue eyes sparkling, Dara Vail came and walked alongside Tip as he rode toward the central tent, where Coron Ruar was said to be. "I was glad to hear thee yet lived, Tipperton, thou and Beau."
"Beau and I have come through some scrapes since I rode scout with you on the way to Mineholt North, Lady Vail," said Tip. "Scrapes: ah but what a gentle name for those dire dealings; nevertheless, they seemed to seek us out, as I imagine they did you."
"Aye. The Spaunen in Crestan Pass were stubborn, yet we prevailed in the end." Vail looked across at Rynna. "Is this-?"
"Oh, my pardon," blurted Tip. "Lady Vail, may I present Rynna Fenrush-er, that is, Rynna Fenrush Thistledown. Rynna, Lady Vail."
Vail's eyes widened, then she laughed merrily. "Oh but what splendid news."
Rynna smiled tentatively. "News?"
"That thou didst not die at the fall of Caer Lindor."
Rynna grinned widely. "Nay, lady, I did not." Then Ryn-na's smile vanished and she added, "Though many others did."
"Beau! Tipperton!" hailed a familiar voice.
Tip turned to see just as Beau exclaimed, "Melor!"
"Come sup with me this eve," called Melor, as he curry-combed his horse, "and tell me what all has befallen."
"I will," replied Beau, then he gestured toward Linnet. "We will, and that's a promise."
Beau turned to Linnet. "A splendid healer. He taught me much."
Tip waved at Melor, turning to Vail as she said, "I wouldst that thou rejoin the scouts, Tipperton, for we need all to aid."
"Rynna is our leader," replied Tip. "But if she has no other plans for me, and if Lord Eilor requests, then so shall it be."
Vail's face fell. "Alor Eilor was slain in Crestan Pass. I am now chief scout."
"Oh my," said Tipperton…
… and they fared the rest of the way to Coron Ruar's tent in silence.
Two days later the Baeron came riding to Eryn Ford-huge men on huge horses, massive wagons drawn in their wake-and alongside their company was a band of Lian from Arden Vale, come down from Crestan Pass at the summons of High King Blaine. In addition among the Baeron also rode Dara Riatha's company, all of whom had been on the northern wold nigh Landover Ford at the time of the calling.
Everywhere Tip and Beau turned, it seemed, they found another friend; many were the reunions of the buccen with sundry of these warriors. Old acquaintances were renewed, and new acquaintances made, as Rynna and Linnet and the others were introduced to these comrades of old… though as Alver said, "Whoo, my head is spinning with names."
Among the Lian were the twins Gildor and Vanidor, along with Talar, Riatha, Ruar, Alaria, Arandar, and lovely, dark-haired Elissan-who smiled at Tip and winked, the buccan blushing furiously in remembrance of a particular exposed bath. And among the Baeron they found Wag-onmaster Bwen and Braec and Durul, who now was chieftain, for Gara had been slain in the Grimwalls nigh Crestan Pass. And Bwen laughed hugely to see the buccen, and she called out, "Thuas seasim me agus sios cnag me, Beau, Tip, hum!"
And so many of the reunions were bittersweet, for Tip and Beau learned of folk who had fallen in the war, folk they had come to cherish, folk they held in their hearts.
Yet there was little time to mourn and no time to celebrate, for on the morrow they would begin the march from Eryn Ford to Caer Pendwyr.
Dawn came to shadows slipping away after saying goodbye to the Warrows. Fires were quenched as Elven and Baeron and Waerlinga warriors broke camp. Horses and ponies were saddled, pack animals laden with goods, dray horses hitched to wagons, as all was made ready for the trek unto Pellar.
With tears running down her face, Rynna kissed Lark one last time and whispered, "I love you, my sweet one, I love you," then handed her over to Melli. Tipperton, his own cheeks wet, sat astride his pony, his good-byes already said.
Nix and Linnet and Beau all kissed Melli on the cheek, and kissed little Lark as well, and then they turned to their ponies and mounted and fell in line after Rynna and Tip and rode forward two by two.
Vail spied the oncoming group of Waerlinga, and she summoned them to the fore, for all would be scouts but Beau, and he a healer in the vanguard.
Finally, at a signal from Coron Ruar, Dara Lyra raised a horn to her lips and blew a ringing call, and it echoed from limb and stone and hill on the cool October morn.
And slowly the column began to move forward, horses and ponies splashing into Eryn Ford and across, wagons rumbling after, all following the trail of the Elven scouts who were now some leagues ahead.
And as he rode into the water, Tipperton turned to take one long last look at his beloved Lark, and he raised his black-oxen horn and blew a ringing cry. And the hearts of all were lifted, wee Lark laughing in weeping Melli's arms. And away rode the Warrows, eight strong, eight warriors riding unto war midst a thousand Dylvana and twelve hundred Baeron and a hundred or so Lian, but Melli's tear-laden eyes saw only the precious eight.
Chapter 34
Under a high blue October sky, the army of Dylvana, Baeron, and Lian, along with eight Warrows, rode down the marge of the Greatwood. East-southeast they fared overland, the Rimmen Spur off to their left, Darda Stor to their right.
Tipperton, Beau, Alver, and Dinly rode together within the vanguard, while Rynna, Linnet, Nix, and Farly-being the most familiar with the territory-rode at the fore of the column to help lead the way.
On the morrow, all of the Warrows but two would ride scout, for the previous eve at the riverside camp, Vail had called them all together and had said…