"Pah!" exclaimed Bekki. "The Ukhs are no threat."
Fuar cocked an eyebrow. "Do not belittle the Rucha, my friend. Else thou art like to find thyself among a multitude in battle and in dire straits."
Bekki glared yet held his tongue.
Bwen frowned at the markings in the dirt. "And where are their wagons? Surely they have supplies."
"Indeed," replied Loric. His pointer moved toward the center fore of the vale. "Their wagons are off the road and gathered here." He jabbed the stick to the earth, and then drew a circle in the center of the swath marking the location of the Horde. "They are well warded by all the Foul Folk. Ghuls on Helsteeds are never far, and this is where linger the Trolls. Too, nigh each wagon stand water barrels, no doubt set there to deal with any small blazes a foe might set with fire arrows ere they become critical."
"Bice!" spat Eilor, the leader of the outriders at Ruar's side along with several other Dylvana. "Could we get to the wagons and fire them with burning oil, then we could starve the Horde out. Yet central to the Horde as they are, 'twill be uncommonly deadly, especially if the Ghulka on Helsteeds and Trolls are at hand, to say nought of the Rucha and Loka in between, and whether or no we could fire them all or even enough to be meaningful is dubious at best."
"Aye," said Loric. "Still, by the same token, if their main task is to protect their supplies, then many will be somewhat nullified in any battle."
A murmur of agreement muttered 'round the circle. When it died, Ruar turned to Loric. "Is there aught else thou wouldst say, Alor Loric?"
"Just this, Coron: perhaps the Trolls we cannot defeat, but all else we can, given a clever enough plan. As to the Trolls, should we destroy the leaders, the Ghulka, and after them, the Loka, then mayhap the Trolls will return unto their mountain haunts. Hence, I say we should avoid combat with them unless there is no other choice."
At Tipperton's side, Bekki nodded in agreement. And then the Dwarf said, "Fifty Chakka have been known to bring a stone-hided Troll down, and if necessary the Chakka of Mineholt North will divert them, but only if necessary."
"Oh, my," said Beau. "At fifty Dwarves an Ogru, five of them will require two hundred fifty Dwarves in all. And out of nine hundred Dwarven warriors that only leaves six hundred fifty to join in the main battle against the Rucks and Hloks and Ghuls on Helsteeds."
Bekki nodded. "Believe me, Waeran if not diverted, five Trolls will be the main battle, and the Okhs, Hroks, and Khols on their Helsteeds nought but a distraction."
As Loric resumed his seat by Phais, "Well, then," said Gara, "if the Waldan is right, and only six hundred fifty Dwarves join in engaging the rest of the foe, then two thousand five hundred fifty stand against ten thousand. Their advantage is four to one."
Bekki growled, "But nine thousand of them are Ukhs."
Ruar looked at Bekki and shook his head, yet now it was he who held his tongue.
"Argh," growled Bwen, scowling at Elf and Daelsman and Warrow and Baeron and Dwarf. "Enough of this back-and-forthing about Ukhs and Rucks and Rutcha and Rukha and Rucha, of Loks and Drdks and Hroks and Hloks and Lokha, of Guuls and Ghola and Ghuls and Ghulka and Khols, of Helsteeds and Trolls and Ogrus. What we need to do is talk about how to take on the foe while holding our own losses few." She glared 'round the circle as if daring any to dispute her. When none did, she said, "Now then, is there any way to draw them into a trap? An ambush?"
Loden frowned and pursed his lips. "But for their small patrols, none else has strayed from before the mineholt door."
"Perhaps we could present them a tempting target as we did at the Rimmen Gape," said Bwen. "Only in this case it would be a wagon train bound for the mineholt on the road from Dael."
"I think they would not fall for that ruse," said Loden. "Given that the Horde marched past Dael on that very same road, it is not likely any innocent caravan would be foolish enough to blindly follow."
Gara reluctantly nodded. "Aye. At Braeton we duped them into believing we had had no warning the Rimmen Gape was held, whereas in this case they would know any train would have been warned of the Horde by those in Dael. Nay, the foe would not likely fall into such a trap."
Phais held up a hand and was recognized by Ruar. "Can we not divide our forces?" she asked. "Some of us could strike at the Rvipt and then flee, drawing many if not all into the foothills after, where the remainder of us would lie in ambush."
"What of the Dwarves?" asked Counsellor Tain, sitting at Loden's right hand. "Where would they be during all of this?" He turned toward Bekki and sneered, "Hiding in their hole?"
" Yahh!" cried Bekki, snatching up his war hammer and leaping to his feet, his face black with rage, and he started across the circle for Tain, the white-haired man quailing back.
And Daelsmen leapt to their feet and drew blades, Tain not among them. And Coron Ruar also sprang up, his own blade in hand. Yet, "Hold!" he called and cast aside his sword, and, unarmed, he stepped between Bekki and the men.
Bekki glared at the Dylvana blocking his way and gripped his war hammer with both hands, his knuckles white, and he started around. But Ruar stepped before him again, and spread his empty hands wide. "The foe is yon and not here within this council, my Drimmen friend." Now Ruar turned to the Daelsman and repeated, "Not here within this council."
The uncontrolled rage left Bekki's eyes, to be replaced by simmering anger, and he glanced down at the blanching man. "Faugh!" he growled, and spun on his heel to return to his place beside Tipperton and Beau.
And a whisper of steel sounded as the Daelsmen re-sheathed their swords.
And Tip released his pent breath and looked up at Bekki as the Dwarf sat back down, to note the jumping muscles in Bekki's jaw as he yet ground his teeth in ire.
Loden turned and glared at Tain, and the counsellor flinched. And Loden, his voice low and angry, said, "That we have a lingering trade dispute with the Dwarves is no cause for insults, Lord Tain. In this war we are allies, and the quarrel between us can wait till we are quit of Modru."
Tain lowered his eyes. "As you will, my Prince."
Ruar took up his sword and sheathed it. Then he too sat down, and he gazed 'round the circle, where an uncomfortable silence pressed down. Yet finally Phais raised her hand to speak.
"Ill-said remark aside, still Lord Tain has raised a point: how will the Drimma engage in this plan?"
Sitting on Loden's left, young Brandt said, "Bekki has promised the Dwarves will act in concert to any plan, yet he does not say how."
Bekki shook his head but did not speak, and a low murmur whispered among the Daelsmen.
Loric cleared his throat and turned to Bekki and said, "Bekki, da unst tak dek an va na ke ein."
Bekki looked at Loric. "Nidpol kanar vo a Chdkka."
Loric now shook his head and gestured 'round the circle. "Nad skou dek va ke ein, ut tak dek au det."
Bekki sighed and nodded, then turned and glared at Brandt. "There is a secret way in, bratling, but I'll not show it to any Daelsman."
Again Brandt flushed red, yet he held his tongue.
"Ah, a secret path," said Durul among the Baeron. "Then if the Dwarves are to join in this ambush plan as proposed by Lady Phais, the Dwarven army could come out along this way."
Bekki pushed out his hands in negation, a stubborn jut to his jaw. "No, no. We Chakka will not allow a Horde to stand between us and our holt, for should aught go amiss and they somehow breach the doors and enter, then we will not be there to stop them, and all of our-"
Abruptly Bekki stopped speaking.
The Daelsmen looked at one another, puzzled, and Brandt sneered, "All of your what? All of your treasure would be exposed? All of your gold for them to loot? Your jewels to plunder? Your-?"