“No can do,” Mac answered. “That wouldn’t be right.”
Judging from the expression on Munroe’s face, the RTO couldn’t see any difference between stealing fuel and stealing candy bars. But he couldn’t say that and didn’t.
They were back on the road ten minutes later. Would the local police look at the surveillance footage? And try to chase the Strykers down? Mac hoped not. But she was ready to respond if they did.
Fortunately, there was no pursuit. But, consistent with Mac’s fears, the situation on the highway began to change. The southbound lanes of the highway were jammed with cars trying to escape the fighting to the north. The scene was reminiscent of what Mac had seen in Washington State after the meteor impacts.
The northbound lanes were relatively clear by contrast although the Strykers had to pass slow-moving military vehicles from time to time. No one challenged them, however, since they were speeding toward the front lines, not away from them.
As they pulled into Jackson, all of the traffic was forced to leave the freeway and funneled through city streets. There was no obvious reason for the detour—and the incoming vehicles added to the congestion in the city’s streets. Mac was standing in the front hatch when an MP signaled for the MISS WASHINGTON to stop, and Fuller had little choice but to obey. The MP climbed up onto the birdcage so that Mac could hear him. “Good morning, ma’am… Where are you headed?”
“Up to Martin,” Mac answered. “To kill us some Yankees.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the MP agreed. “I’d take 45 east if I was you… Some A-10s caught one of our convoys on 45 west just before sunset yesterday. Kick some ass for me.”
“Roger that,” Mac replied. “And thanks for the intel.”
The soldier jumped to the ground, and Mac ordered Fuller to proceed. Then she ducked down into the cargo bay, where Sloan was waiting. “We’re close, sir… Only seventy miles out. But here’s the problem. We’re flying a rebel flag, but when the sun comes up, I’ll have to take it down. Either that, or run the risk of taking fire from Union forces. But, because we won’t be broadcasting a reb IFF signal, they might attack us. That’s why I want you to gear up and be ready if we have to bail out.” Mac pointed to the assault rifle propped up next to him. “Do you know how to use that thing?”
Sloan offered a slow smile. “You’ll notice that I’m alive—and that it’s clean.”
Mac grinned. “Point taken, Mr. President. Did you get some sleep?”
“No. Did you?”
Mac laughed. “Hell, no. But Munroe is fully rested. I’ll keep you in the loop.”
It took the better part of an hour for the Strykers to clear the traffic jam, bypass a roadblock, and crash through a fence onto the highway. The northbound lanes were completely empty, and that suited Mac just fine. The Strykers were doing about 50 mph, and every mile they put behind them was a victory.
The southbound lanes were another story, however. They were filled with reb vehicles, trucks loaded with soldiers, and pathetic-looking civilians, many of whom were on foot. What did that imply? The rebs were pulling back, that’s what… And the battle lines were being redrawn back behind them.
That’s what Mac was thinking when the mine went off under MISS WASHINGTON’s armored belly, flipped the Stryker onto its right side, and threw her into the ditch next to the highway. Mac hit hard and struggled to breathe. Finally, after sucking some air into her lungs, Mac managed to stand. The BETSY ROSS came to a stop just short of the wreck. And that was Mac’s impetus to move. The rebs had mined the northbound lanes of the freeway—and would probably do the same with the southbound lanes once their forces turned to fight. That’s why northbound traffic had been forced off the road and into Jackson. Shit, shit, shit!
The sky was starting to glow in the east, which meant there was enough light to see by. As Mac arrived at the wreck, Sloan crawled out of the air-guard hatch. He was clutching his rifle and wearing a fully loaded vest. Once on the ground, he turned to assist MISS WASHINGTON’s gunner.
As Munroe appeared, Mac saw that he had a cut over his right eye. He passed his radio, shotgun, and a bottle of water down before wiggling out. “Fuller?” Mac demanded, as the RTO stood. “Where’s Fuller?”
Gunner Cissy Roper was on her feet by then. Tears were streaming down her face. “He didn’t make it, ma’am… The mine went off under his seat.”
Mac wrapped an arm around Roper’s bony shoulders. “I’m sorry, Cissy… Munroe? Take her to the Betsy Ross. Mr. President, follow me. We’ve got to keep moving.”
The ramp was already down when they arrived at the BETSY ROSS—and the TC took off before the hatch was up and locked in place. Mac took a quick look around. Sloan had applied a dressing to Munroe’s cut—and Roper was hunched on a bench, with her head in her hands.
The TC was a corporal named Anders. Mac went forward to speak with him. “Take it slow, Andy… Watch the surface of the road for anything that looks suspicious. And drive on the shoulder when you can. That’s a gamble, needless to say—but it’s a chance we’ll have to take.”
Anders kept his eyes glued to the LCD screen in front of him. He knew how Fuller had been killed, and he knew that the same thing could happen to him. “Yes, ma’am.”
Mac went back to sit on the bench opposite Roper. Her mind was racing. Speed versus safety. That was the calculation. Even though the truck had been forced to go slowly, it was still moving faster than they could walk.
On the other hand, the BETSY ROSS constituted a very visible target. For both the rebs and Union forces. Unless… She turned to Munroe. “Try to get ahold of somebody senior… someone on Hern’s staff.”
Munroe went to work. After a dozen attempts, he shook his head. “I can’t get through… Someone is jamming all the frequencies.”
Mac swore. The “someone” could be working for either side. She turned to find that Sloan was smiling. “Welcome to my world, Captain. A decision has to be made, you’re the one who has to make it, and you have zero intel.”
Mac made a face. “Screw you, sir.”
Sloan laughed.
“Okay,” Mac said, as she glanced around. “Grab anything you need. And don’t forget to bring water. We’re going to bail out.”
Mac passed the word to Anders, he pulled over, and all of them were clear three minutes later. She would have used a demolition charge to destroy the vehicle if one had been available. But there wasn’t, so Mac ordered Roper to drop two thermite grenades in through a hatch. Odds were that the resulting fire would find some ammo and set it off. Then it was time to run.
Mac took the point. She had an M4 carbine acquired from the BETSY ROSS, a fully loaded tac vest, and her pistol. They were off the highway, and crossing the fence next to it, when the Stryker blew. Mac heard the explosion but didn’t turn to look. Thick brush blocked the way, and it was necessary to shoulder her way through it.
A wide-open field lay beyond. It was pockmarked with overlapping shell craters. What remained of a Black Hawk helicopter was sitting in the middle of the field, with bodies sprawled around it. Treetops were visible beyond the crash site. Some had clumps of foliage, but most didn’t, and the rest were jagged stumps. Fingers of smoke probed the sky in the distance—and the rattle of machine-gun fire could be heard. Maybe, if they moved quickly enough, the party could find a way around the fighting. Mac waved the group forward.
She dashed to a crater, went prone, and waited for the others to catch up. Then it was time to do it again. They were coming up on the Black Hawk’s shot-up carcass when Mac heard a grenade go off and saw what might have been fifty soldiers, all backing out of the tree line. They were firing toward the north… And clearly under pressure. Rebs then… Left behind to try to slow the enemy down.