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“Yeah, I doubt it,” Eli muttered.

“It’s not going to be easy to go in after Esteban,” she murmured. “That area is already under so much scrutiny. Security is tight. Tits arranged a house as well as a cover. We’re a team of photo journalists traveling through Germany. Still, it’s going to be risky.”

“Every mission is,” Eli said. “Esteban’s desire to stay alive will help us. He’s a rich son of a bitch, and I bet he’s lining some local pockets there. He probably funds half the terrorist activity.”

“Still think he’s working with the U.S. government?” she asked.

Eli’s face darkened. “I don’t know, sugar. I wish I did. I’m not naïve enough to discount the notion. Until it’s proven otherwise, I have to assume the worst. I’ve had to work at building a network for my team from the ground up again. It’s slow going. No idea who I can trust. After Adharji, my U.S. contacts dropped me like a whore with the clap. It’s why you’re going to be more help than I would be in locating and capturing Esteban. Falcon hasn’t been compromised the way CHR has.”

“I’m sure Jonah would disagree,” she murmured. “He’ll say that I’ve single-handedly brought down the entire team.”

“Not an optimist, is he.”

She laughed. “No. Not Jonah. Brooding bastard. That’s him to a tee.”

“Well, you’ve done your part. Now I have to get us to Germany.”

“Going to have a problem with that?” she asked.

Eli shook his head. “My pilot is here in Buenos Aires. He’s very well connected. But then I pay him a lot to be. He can get us into most airports under no scrutiny or cargo checks. If he can’t get us directly into Neu Ulm, he can get us close and we can hoof it the rest of the way. Either way, in a few days time, we’ll have Esteban.”

Tyana nodded. “Tits is going to make sure we have what we need at the house he snagged for us. He has a man at one of the Army bases.”

“All right, sugar. You get dressed, and let me make a few calls. I’ll need to round up the rest of my team and make sure they’re present and accounted for when we hit the airport. We won’t want to be hanging around for long.”

She leaned over and put her hand on his cheek then kissed him long and hard. “Thank you. I know you’re doing this as much for you and your team, but thank you.”

He kissed her back, sliding one hand behind her neck and holding her possessively. “Don’t thank me, sugar. I might get us killed yet.”

* * *

It was still dark when they assembled at the small airstrip on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Gabe, Ian and Braden were waiting inside the plane when Tyana and Eli boarded.

She glanced at the three men, gauging their mood, their demeanor. They were silent, alert and wary.

No one spoke until they were in the air, and then they gathered in the small lounging area in the middle of the plane. Eli relayed the information they’d received from Tits.

“It’s a risky job,” Eli said. “We have no back-up. We’re a five man team going into a relatively unknown situation with only sparse intel.”

Gabe snorted. “Like that’s anything new? It’ll be like old times, only this time we’ll expect to have no support instead of expecting it and not getting it when things go to shit.”

Ian nodded. “It won’t be anything we haven’t done before.” His gaze found Tyana. “The chemical you gave us. It works.”

She smiled faintly. “I’m glad. I hope it works longer for you than it did for Damiano.”

“Can we get more?” Braden spoke up.

“Assuming we don’t die and that Marcus is someone I’ll still have access to when this is all over with, I’ll ask him to examine you and Ian if you want. He’s the doctor who created the formula for Damiano. I don’t know a lot about it. Marcus explained that it was an inhibitor that reacts with and paralyzes the chemical receptors in the brain that apparently control the urge to shift.”

Braden nodded.

“That’s also assuming we haven’t become members of a newly formed Falcon hit list,” Eli said dryly. “I don’t imagine I’m very popular with them right now.”

Guilt crept over Tyana. Not only did she have to deal with the fact that she’d compromised Falcon and gone against a direct order from Jonah, but she’d put Eli’s team at risk by doing so. Jonah didn’t tolerate any threat to Falcon’s security. He’d definitely see Eli as a big one.

“Well if they kick you out, I’m sure Eli here will be more than happy to offer you a spot on CHR,” Gabe said slyly.

Eli shot him a quelling stare.

“Why isn’t Esteban on Falcon’s hit list?” Ian asked. “Why are we the ones going after this guy? Seems to me Jonah would want some payback for what he did to Damiano.”

Tyana shook her head. “Because Jonah doesn’t believe Esteban can help Damiano. And Jonah doesn’t know that Esteban was behind the chemical attack in Adharji. I didn’t know until I met Esteban in Paris, and if I had gone to Jonah with that information, he would have still shut me down.”

“Is Damiano that bad?” Braden asked. There was a hint of dread in his voice, as if he could see into his own future and knew that whatever Damiano had degraded to would eventually come to him.

“Marcus doesn’t think there is a cure,” she said softly. “He believes that if Damiano is going to survive he has to learn to cope and control his powers. His DNA has been altered. This isn’t some disease or sickness that can be cured by medicine.”

Ian stared at Gabe and Eli. “And maybe it’s sort of a sick twist on evolution. The strong adapt and the weak die off. Gabe and Eli seemed to readily adapt to their ‘powers’.”

Tyana stole a glance at Eli, who stiffened at Ian’s words. He hadn’t told them that his shifting ability came with birth—a freak aberration in his DNA at conception. And maybe now she understood why. They looked at Eli and Gabe as hope that they too would adapt and survive.

She turned her gaze to Gabe. He was the wildcard. The only one of the entire group who had actually been able to harness his abilities. Why?

He returned her stare with bland indifference.

But the inhibitor worked on him while it hadn’t on Eli. So he wasn’t completely invulnerable.

“Our objective has to be to take Esteban and make him talk,” Eli said, bringing the conversation back to the heart of the matter. “We don’t have room for emotion, rage or revenge.” He looked at Tyana pointedly, and she had an eerie sense of déjà vu, as if Jonah was standing in front of her lecturing her about going off half-cocked. “This is a job. Cut and dried. We go in, extract Esteban from his hidey hole, and then we can address the other issues that concern us and our wellbeing as a team. Understood?”

The others slowly nodded their agreement. Tyana dipped her head in acknowledgement.

Chapter Twenty-Five

It was nearing dusk when they drove into Neu Ulm. Two vehicles drove down the small street toward the house Tits had arranged, lots of useless camera equipment in the back. The more useful equipment like guns and ammo were carefully tucked underneath.

They entered the driveway through a weathered archway covered with ivy. Tyana’s brow rose as she caught sight of the house. She was expecting a cottage. Not a big-ass mini mansion.

It was a two-story stone house covered in the same ivy as the archway. Square and boxy, but more importantly, there was a high fence around the perimeter offering privacy.

Eli parked in the semicircle drive in front of the door, and Gabe pulled in behind him. They all got out, and Tyana reached for her bag after checking to make sure her remaining knives were securely fastened to her person.

She waited for Gabe, Ian and Braden to catch up while Eli headed for the door. They each carried cases or bags.