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A logic analyser may miss it because the incoming data is sampled once per pulse and if it misses the glitch it will not be recorded. To overcome this, the logic analyser can use its own internal clock that is running much faster than the system clock so a single logic one may extend for 10 or 20 bits in the register and a glitch may well be recorded. Figure 18.9 shows the internal clock running at 10 times the microprocessor clock. Some logic analysers have a built-in glitch catcher and use it to capture the correct section of data. As we can see, the logic analyser is a very useful and sophisticated piece of kit. Using it, however, is a slow process. There are lots of connections to be made to the circuit and much sitting and thinking.

Figure 18.9 Glitch catching

Quiz time 18

In each case, choose the best option.

1 Damage due to static electricity:

(a) can only occur in the winter.

(b) is best prevented by wearing wet clothing.

(c) is only possible in carpeted areas.

(d) can be reduced by wearing a grounded wrist strap.

2 If the two power supplies were connected as in Figure 18.10, the result would be:

(a) smoke pouring from both power supplies.

(b) an output of +5 V but twice as much current.

(c) an output of +10 V.

(d) no output but no smoke either.

Figure 18.10

3 The arrow in Figure 18.11 indicates pin:

(a) 2.

(b) 8.

(c) 11.

(d) 16.

Figure 18.11

4 A logic probe:

(a) indicates whether your fault-finding technique is based on sound reasoning.

(b) can detect the difference between a disconnection and a grounded connection.

(c) can store a stream of data.

(d) detects the presence of static electricity.

5 A logic analyser quoted as 20 channels × 1024 bits:

(a) will show a four digit hex number in its window.

(b) can monitor any 1024 points at the same time.

(c) would store a total of 1044 bits of data.

(d) can monitor any 20 points at the same time.

Appendix A: Special function register file

Addr Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Power-on Reset
BANK 0  
00H Uses contents of FSR to address data memory (not a physical register)
01H TMRO 8-bit real-time clock/counter xxxxxxxx
02H PCL Low order 8 bits of the program counter (PC) 00000000
03H Status IRP RP1 RPO TO PD Z DC C 00011xxx
04H FSR Indirect Data Mamory Address Pointer xxxxxxxx
05H PortA RA4/T-CKI RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 ---x xxxx
06H PortB RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0/INT xxxxxxxx
07H Unused
BANK 1  
81H Option RBPU INTEDG T0CS T0SE PSA PS2 PS1 PS0 11111111
85H TRISA PortA data Direction ---11111
86H TRISB PortB data Direction 11111111
87H Unused
89H EECON 2 EEPROM control reg. (not a physical register) -------

The full details (85 pages) of absolutely everything about the PIC16F84A (or any other PIC) can be downloaded from www.microchip.com.

Appendix B: PIC 16CXXX instruction set

Syntax Description Status affected
ADDLW k The contents of the W register are added to an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. C, DC, Z
ADDWF f,d Add the contents of the W and f registers. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to the f register C, DC, Z
ANDLW k The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. Z
ANDWF f,d AND w with reg f. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to the f register Z
BCF f,b Bit b in reg f is cleared  
BSF f,b Bit b in reg f is set  
BTFSS f,b If bit b in reg f=0, the next instruction in executed. If it is 1 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP 1 or 2 cycles
BTFSC f,b If bit b in reg f=1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP 1 or 2 cycles
CALL k Call subroutine. Return address (PC+1) is pushed onto stack. The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits 1:0 The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH 4:3. 2 cycle
CLRF f Register f is cleared and Z flag is set. Z
CLRW Register W is cleared and Z flag is set. Z
CLRWDT Resets watchdog timer and watchdog prescaler TO, PD
COMF f,d Contents of ‘f’ are complemented (0→1, 1→0) If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f Z
DECF f,d Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d = 1 the result goes to f Z
DECFSZ f,d Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. if d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. If result = 1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP 1 or 2 cycles
GOTO k The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH <4:3>.  
INCF f,d If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1, result goes to f.  
INCFSZ f,d Contents of ‘f’ incremented. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. If rfesult = 1, the next instruction is executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP 1 or 2 cycles
IORLW k The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. Z
IORFWF f,d The contents of the W register are Inclusive ORed with reg. F. If d=1 resujlt goes back into f  
MOVF f,d If d=0, contents of f goes to W reg. If d=1 it goes to f Z
MOVLW k The 8-bit number k goes into W.  
MOVWF f Moves data from W register to f register  
NOP Does nothing – just a time waster (one cycle period)  
RETFIE Return from interrupt. Top of stack→PC, 1→GIE 2 cycle
RETLW k W reg loaded with number , return address→PC 2 cycle
RETURN Return from subroutine. Return address→PC 2 cycle
RLF f,d Contents of ‘f’ are rotated left one bit via the carry flag. If d=0 the result goes to W. Id=1, result goes back to f. See fig. below C
SLEEP Powerdown status bit PD is cleared, Timeout status bit TO is set. WDT and prescaler are cleared, oscillator stops and controller goes to sleep. TO, PD
SUBLW k W register subtracted from the number k, result goes into W reg. (2’s complement method) C, DC, Z
SUBWF f,d W register subtracted from the register f. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. (2’s complement method) C, DC, Z
SWAPF f,d Upper and lower nibbles of f are exchanged. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f.  
XORLW k W register contents XOR’ed with the number k, result goes into W reg. Z
XORWF f,d W register contents XOR’ed with the register f, if d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f Z