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require could safely be left in the hands of this expert.

With considerable fervor, Mr. McEachern congratulated himself on his

astuteness. With Jimmy above stairs and Spike below, the sleuth-

hound would have his hands full.



Life at the castle during the first few days of his visit filled

Jimmy with a curious blend of emotions, mainly unpleasant. Fate, in

its pro-Jimmy capacity, seemed to be taking a rest. In the first

place, the part allotted to him was not that of Lord Herbert, the

character who talked to Molly most of the time. The instant

Charteris learned from Lord Dreever that Jimmy had at one time

actually been on the stage professionally, he decided that Lord

Herbert offered too little scope for the new man's talents.

"Absolutely no good to you, my dear chap," he said. "It's just a

small dude part. He's simply got to be a silly ass."

Jimmy pleaded that he could be a sillier ass than anybody living;

but Charteris was firm.

"No," he said. "You must be Captain Browne. Fine acting part. The

biggest in the piece. Full of fat lines. Spennie was to have played

it, and we were in for the worst frost in the history of the stage.

Now you've come, it's all right. Spennie's the ideal Lord Herbert.

He's simply got to be him-self. We've got a success now, my boy.

Rehearsal after lunch. Don't be late." And he was off to beat up the

rest of the company.

From that moment, Jimmy's troubles began. Charteris was a young man

in whom a passion for the stage was ineradicably implanted. It

mattered nothing to him during these days that the sun shone, that

it was pleasant on the lake, and that Jimmy would have given five

pounds a minute to be allowed to get Molly to himself for half-an-

hour every afternoon. All he knew or cared about was that the local

nobility and gentry were due to arrive at the castle within a week,

and that, as yet, very few of the company even knew their lines.

Having hustled Jimmy into the part of CAPTAIN BROWNE, he gave his

energy free play. He conducted rehearsals with a vigor that

occasionally almost welded the rabble he was coaching into something

approaching coherency. He painted scenery, and left it about--wet,

and people sat on it. He nailed up horseshoes for luck, and they

fell on people. But nothing daunted him. He never rested.

"Mr. Charteris," said Lady Julia, rather frigidly, after one

energetic rehearsal, "is indefatigable. He whirled me about!"

It was perhaps his greatest triumph, properly considered, that he

had induced Lady Julia to take a part in his piece; but to the born

organizer of amateur theatricals no miracle of this kind is

impossible, and Charteris was one of the most inveterate organizers

in the country. There had been some talk--late at night, in the

billiard room--of his being about to write in a comic footman role

for Sir Thomas; but it had fallen through, not, it was felt, because

Charteris could not have hypnotized his host into undertaking the

part, but rather because Sir Thomas was histrionically unfit.

Mainly as a result of the producer's energy, Jimmy found himself one

of a crowd, and disliked the sensation. He had not experienced much

difficulty in mastering the scenes in which lie appeared; but

unfortunately those who appeared with him had. It occurred to Jimmy

daily, after he had finished "running through the lines" with a

series of agitated amateurs, male and female, that for all practical

purposes he might just as well have gone to Japan. In this confused

welter of rehearsers, his opportunities of talking with Molly were

infinitesimal. And, worse, she did not appear to mind. She was

cheerful and apparently quite content to be engulfed in a crowd.

Probably, he thought with some melancholy, if she met his eye and

noted in it a distracted gleam, she put it down to the cause that

made other eyes in the company gleam distractedly during this week.

Jimmy began to take a thoroughly jaundiced view of amateur

theatricals, and of these amateur theatricals in particular. He felt

that in the electric flame department of the infernal regions there

should be a special gridiron, reserved exclusively for the man who

invented these performances, so diametrically opposed to the true

spirit of civilization. At the close of each day, he cursed

Charteris with unfailing regularity.

There was another thing that disturbed him. That he should be unable

to talk with Molly was an evil, but a negative evil. It was

supplemented by one that was positive. Even in the midst of the

chaos of rehearsals, he could not help noticing that Molly and Lord

Dreever were very much together. Also--and this was even more

sinister--he observed that both Sir Thomas Blunt and Mr. McEachern

were making determined efforts to foster the state of affairs.

Of this, he had sufficient proof one evening when, after scheming

and plotting in a way that had made the great efforts of Machiavelli

and Eichlieu seem like the work of raw novices, he had cut Molly out

from the throng, and carried her off for the alleged purpose of

helping him feed the chickens. There were, as he had suspected,

chickens attached to the castle. They lived in a little world of

noise and smells at the back of the stables. Bearing an iron pot

full of a poisonous-looking mash, and accompanied by Molly, he had

felt for perhaps a minute and a half like a successful general. It

is difficult to be romantic when you are laden with chicken-feed in

an unwieldy iron pot, but he had resolved that this portion of the

proceedings should be brief. The birds should dine that evening on

the quick-lunch principle. Then--to the more fitting surroundings of

the rose-garden! There was plenty of time before the hour of the

sounding of the dressing-gong. Perhaps, even a row on the lake--

"What ho!" said a voice.

Behind them, with a propitiatory smile on his face, stood his

lordship of Dreever.

"My uncle told me I should find you out here. What have you got in

there, Pitt? Is this what you feed them on? I say, you know, queer

coves, hens! I wouldn't touch that stuff for a fortune, what? Looks

to me poisonous."

He met Jimmy's eye, and stopped. There was that in Jimmy's eye that

would have stopped an avalanche. His lordship twiddled his fingers

in pink embarrassment.

"Oh, look!" said Molly. "There's a poor little chicken out there in

the cold. It hasn't had a morsel. Give me the spoon, Mr. Pitt. Here,

chick, chick! Don't be silly, I'm not going to hurt you. I've

brought you your dinner."

She moved off in pursuit of the solitary fowl, which had edged

nervously away. Lord Dreever bent toward Jimmy.

"Frightfully sorry, Pitt, old man," he whispered, feverishly.

"Didn't want to come. Couldn't help it. He sent me out." He half-

looked over his shoulder. "And," he added rapidly, as Molly came

back, "the old boy's up at his bedroom window now, watching us

through his opera-glasses!"

The return journey to the house was performed in silence--on Jimmy's

part, in thoughtful silence. He thought hard, and he had been

thinking ever since.

He had material for thought. That Lord Dreever was as clay in his

uncle's hands he was aware. He had not known his lordship long, but

he had known him long enough to realize that a backbone had been

carelessly omitted from his composition. What his uncle directed,

that would he do. The situation looked bad to Jimmy. The order, he