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The President tapped the stylus. “I think one thing is clear. If we’re talking about pulling the Behemoths out of Los Angeles, it means we think the great Chinese offensive into California has stopped.”

“Clearly, for the moment, it has.”

“It was the commandos who bought this success,” Anna said. “Without Nung driving them, the enemy shifted their strategy.”

The President and General Alan, along with everyone else in the chamber, regarded her.

President Sims nodded. “I concur with your analysis, Ms. Chen. It was a good idea and it worked. We’re not out of the woods yet, however. There are still millions of enemy soldiers waiting to invade our country. We’re going to need more ideas like that. In fact, Ms. Chen—”

Sims glanced at Director Levin. “I’m taking her away from you.”

It almost seemed as if Levin was going to shrug. Instead, he said, “If you so desire, sir.”

“I do desire. Ms. Chen, I would like to make you a member of my staff. Does that fit with your approval?”

“Yes, Mr. President,” Anna said. This was wonderful.

“We’ll speak after the meeting.”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

Sims glanced around the room. “We’ve stopped the Californian Offensive. It will likely continue as a siege, but we can deal with that for now. Now I want us to concentrate on how to meet the next Chinese thrust in other areas of the country and to look into ways of stopping any Germen Dominion offensives. We don’t know much time we have, days or weeks, but we’d better start thinking hard about these things.”

The President clicked his stylus onto the table. “First, I would like to look into the possibility of…”

The End

To the Reader: I hope you’ve enjoyed Invasion: California. If you would like to see the story continue, I encourage you to write a review. Let me know how you feel and let others know what to expect.

Novels by Vaughn Heppner

Invasion: Alaska


Mind Assassin

Visit www.Vaughnheppner.com for more information.


Copyright © 2012 by the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.