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--state, State match

CLOSED, TCP headers

Complex protocols, Complex protocols and connection tracking

see also Complex protocols

ESTABLISHED, Introduction, User-land states, ICMP connections, The TCP chain, INPUT chain

ICMP, ICMP connections

INVALID, Introduction, User-land states, The bad_tcp_packets chain

NEW, Introduction, User-land states, ICMP connections, The bad_tcp_packets chain

NOTRACK, Untracked connections and the raw table

see also NOTRACK target

RELATED, Introduction, User-land states, TCP connections, The TCP chain, The ICMP chain, INPUT chain

TCP, TCP connections

UDP, UDP connections

UNTRACKED, User-land states

Untracked connections, Untracked connections and the raw table

[ASSURED], UDP connections

[UNREPLIED], UDP connections

Stream, Terms used in this document

SYN, TCP headers, The bad_tcp_packets chain, SYN/ACK and NEW packets

Syn match, TCP matches

SYN_RECV, TCP connections

SYN_SENT, The conntrack entries

Syslog, LOG target options, System tools used for debugging

alert, System tools used for debugging

crit, System tools used for debugging

debug, System tools used for debugging

emerg, System tools used for debugging

err, System tools used for debugging

info, System tools used for debugging

notice, System tools used for debugging

warning, System tools used for debugging

syslog.conf, System tools used for debugging

System tools, Debugging your scripts


Table, IP filtering terms and expressions

Filter, General, Filter table

Mangle, General, Mangle table, The structure

Nat, General, Nat table, The structure

Raw, General, Raw table

Traversing, Traversing of tables and chains

Table does not exist error, Iptables debugging

Tables, Tables

Target, IP filtering terms and expressions, Iptables targets and jumps