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Dscp match

This match is used to match on packets based on their DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) field. This is documented in the RFC 2638 - A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet RFC. The match is explicitly loaded by specifying -m dscp. The match can take two mutually exclusive options, described below.

Table 10-13. Dscp match options

Kernel2.5 and 2.6
Exampleiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m dscp --dscp 32
ExplanationThis option takes a DSCP value in either decimal or in hex. If the option value is in decimal, it would be written like 32 or 16, et cetera. If written in hex, it should be prefixed with 0x, like this: 0x20. It can also be inverted by using the ! character, like this: -m dscp ! --dscp 32.
Kernel2.5 and 2.6
Exampleiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m dscp --dscp-class BE
ExplanationThe --dscp-class match is used to match on the DiffServ class of a packet. The values can be any of the BE, EF, AFxx or CSx classes as specified in the various RFC's. This match can be inverted just the same way as the --dscp option.

Note Please note that the --dscp and --dscp-class options are mutually exclusive and can not be used in conjunction with each other.

Ecn match

The ecn match is used to match on the different ECN fields in the TCP and IPv4 headers. ECN is described in detail in the RFC 3168 - The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP RFC. The match is explicitly loaded by using -m ecn in the command line. The ecn match takes three different options as described below.

Table 10-14. Ecn match options

Kernel2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Exampleiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m ecn --ecn-tcp-cwr
ExplanationThis match is used to match the CWR (Congestion Window Received) bit, if it has been set. The CWR flag is set to notify the other endpoint of the connection that they have received an ECE, and that they have reacted to it. Per default this matches if the CWR bit is set, but the match may also be inversed using an exclamation point.
Kernel2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Exampleiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m ecn --ecn-tcp-ece
ExplanationThis match can be used to match the ECE (ECN-Echo) bit. The ECE is set once one of the endpoints has received a packet with the CE bit set by a router. The endpoint then sets the ECE in the returning ACK packet, to notify the other endpoint that it needs to slow down. The other endpoint then sends a CWR packet as described in the --ecn-tcp-cwr explanation. This matches per default if the ECE bit is set, but may be inversed by using an exclamation point.
Kernel2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Exampleiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m ecn --ecn-ip-ect 1
ExplanationThe --ecn-ip-ect match is used to match the ECT (ECN Capable Transport) codepoints. The ECT codepoints has several types of usage. Mainly, they are used to negotiate if the connection is ECN capable by setting one of the two bits to 1. The ECT is also used by routers to indicate that they are experiencing congestion, by setting both ECT codepoints to 1. The ECT values are all available in the in the ECN Field in IP table below.
The match can be inversed using an exclamation point, for example ! --ecn-ip-ect 2 which will match all ECN values but the ECT(0) codepoint. The valid value range is 0-3 in iptables. See the above table for their values.

Table 10-15. ECN Field in IP

Iptables valueECTCE[Obsolete] RFC 2481 names for the ECN bits.
Not-ECT, ie. non-ECN capable connection.
11ECT(1), New naming convention of ECT codepoints in RFC 3168.
21ECT(0), New naming convention of ECT codepoints in RFC 3168.
311CE (Congestion Experienced), Used to notify endpoints of congestion

Hashlimit match

This is a modified version of the Limit match. Instead of just setting up a single token bucket, it sets up a hash table pointing to token buckets for each destination IP, source IP, destination port and source port tuple. For example, you can set it up so that every IP address can receive a maximum of 1000 packets per second, or you can say that every service on a specific IP address may receive a maximum of 200 packets per second. The hashlimit match is loaded by specifying the -m hashlimit keywords.