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“I do have Jayla. She can’t work as much as I’d like, but it’s a help. I have had other helpers from time to time. But they never stick around very long, and it’s such a pain in the arse to advertise, hire someone, and then train them. And then two months later they’re gone.”

A delivery man arrived with two large cartons which Maeve signed for. Keara eyed the big boxes sitting on the floor. “What do you do with stuff like that when you’re alone?” she asked. “Those are too big and heavy for you to move.”

“I just unpack them here.” Maeve reached for a box cutter under the counter. “And put the merchandise out. Or sometimes Shane comes around and helps me if I need to move heavy things.”

“Oh.” Shane. “I forgot to tell you. He stopped by last night.”

Maeve paused, her hand above the cardboard box, and frowned. “Last night? When last night?”

“About three o’clock.”

Maeve’s auburn brows flew up toward her hairline. “In the middle of the night? He came to see you?”

“No, no. I was up. Insomnia. I was wandering around down here uh…looking around, and he saw the light on. So he came and knocked on the door and scared the hell out of me.”

Maeve laughed. “Oh dear. I’m sorry.”

Keara shrugged and wiped crumbs from her fingers with a paper serviette. “Let me open that box. You finish your lunch.”

So Shane helped out her aunt. What a guy. That must be considered above and beyond for the deputy police chief. But then, Shane’s mom and Maeve were good friends. Shane was as much like a nephew to Maeve as Keara was a niece. In fact—shame slid through her—probably more.

“He’s so thoughtful that way.” Maeve picked up her sandwich. “He helps look after his parents too.”

“Good of him,” Keara muttered, slashing the box open. She folded back the sides and reached in, began pulling out boxes containing massage oils and…er…lotions. She read the label—Love Licker. Strawberry melon flavor. Whoa.

Maeve watched her and told her where the items should be displayed, then helped her arrange them.

“There.” Maeve dusted her hands together. “That’s wonderful. Thank you for your help, muirnín.”

“I have to do something while I’m here. Now, what about that missing shipment?”

“What missing shipment?”

Keara smiled. “The one you phoned about this morning. The one they said you signed for in February.”

Maeve’s confused frown made Keara pause.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Maeve said. She put a hand to her head. “We talked about that this morning?”

Keara nodded slowly. “Yes. Don’t you remember?” Worry slid through her, thick and heavy.

“Oh yes, of course!” Maeve rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about it, muirnín. I’ll take care of it.”

“Are you sure?” Keara wasn’t convinced Maeve did in fact remember what they were talking about. And she’d said earlier Keara could help with it. It didn’t make sense.

But she didn’t push it, and picked up the plates they’d eaten lunch off to take them upstairs.

In Maeve’s kitchen she loaded them into the dishwasher along with coffee mugs and a few other things sitting in the sink, then leaned against the counter after she’d closed the door of the dishwasher. How could Maeve forget something they’d talked about only a few hours ago? And she’d been so annoyed after her telephone conversation with the supplier. Weird.

She went back down to the shop.

“Can I use your computer, Maeve?” she asked. “I’d like to email my friends and let them know I’m away for a while.”

“Of course. In my office. Feel free to use it whenever you like.”

Keara had been impressed to see Maeve using a computer, keeping her business records, emailing and even using “that Internet thing” as Maeve called it. She sat down at Maeve’s computer and logged into her own email, and sent a quick message off to Monica, Paige and Essie to let them know where she was. They’d been so worried about her—for no reason, because she was fine—she wanted them to know she’d just gone on a little holiday. She smiled wryly as she tapped at the keys. No more middle of the night phone calls.

Chapter Five

Shane strolled into The Irish Sex Fairy. To his surprise, Keara stood behind the counter ringing up a purchase. Huh. Maeve had her working.

Still pale and thin, dressed in skinny black jeans and a floaty yellow top, her golden red hair swung around her shoulders. The shadows in her eyes seemed to have diminished but smudges below the eyes said she still hadn’t been sleeping well.

Something tugged at his conscience with a twinge. She looked like she’d been through hell.

She lifted her head and saw him walking in, and a faint frown flickered across her face. What? Had he pissed her off that much by scaring the bejesus out of her in the middle of the night?

“Hello,” she said. “What can I do for you today?”

He opened his mouth to say “nothing”, and then closed it. Did he want to tell her he was there checking up not only on Maeve, but her? Somehow, no, he didn’t. So he grabbed a box of condoms and slapped them on the counter. “I’ll take these.”

Her pretty mouth pinched and she rang up the purchase without a word, slipping the box into the red plastic bag.

“Shane!” Maeve had finished with her customers and spotted him, and zipped across the store. “How are you? How was your date last weekend?”

“Must’ve been good,” Keara muttered handing him the bag of condoms. His cheeks heated but he smiled at Maeve.

“It was fine,” he said. “Great.”

“That’s so good! You need more fun in your life. You must bring your new girlfriend around to meet me sometime.”

Shane didn’t want to tell her that he wasn’t going to be seeing Laila again. Gorgeous girl, and she’d been as horny as he had last weekend, making for a great night of hot, no-strings sex, but she hadn’t really sparked his interest on any other level. But how else to explain the jumbo box of condoms he now held in his hands? He tried to hold them unobtrusively at his side.

“Sometime,” he prevaricated. “How are things here? Need anything moved? Nails hammered? Screws tightened?”

Maeve swatted his shoulder with a trill of laughter. “Don’t be silly, a rún. I can hammer a nail and I can screw…well, let’s not go there.”

“Let’s not,” he agreed with a return smile.

“There are some boxes in the back I wouldn’t mind moved,” she told him, biting her bottom lip. “If you have a minute. I just want to store them on a higher shelf.”

“Sure. I’ll do it right now.” He glanced at Keara as he followed Maeve, felt her eyes on him as they walked through the Staff Only door. He strode into a storeroom where Maeve kept extra stock and supplies.

“These two boxes.” She indicated a couple of large cartons on the floor. “They’ve been sitting there for weeks just getting in the way. I’d like them up on that top shelf.”

He eyed the shelf. “Gonna be hard to get them down. What’s in them? Stuff you won’t need any time soon?”

Keara’s face appeared in the door. “Maeve? A customer is asking for you.”

“Oh. All right. I’ll be right back.” She fluttered out of the room, leaving Keara and Shane alone.

“Know what’s in those boxes?” Shane asked, waving a hand.

“Um…no. But let’s look.”

She went to unfold the flaps but realized that packing tape sealed the boxes. “These look like they’ve never been opened.” She frowned. A packing slip inside a plastic pouch was taped to the top of one, and she ripped it off and opened it. Unfolding the papers, she nibbled her bottom lip.