He rang the bell, and a moment later Darla opened the door.
“Cork,” she said, and gave him a nervous look and stepped back.
The priest was beside her out of sight for a moment, but Cork could see his shadow on the wall, a tall, lanky silhouette. Then Tom Griffin stepped into view, a steadfast smile on his lips and a huge black patch over his left eye.
“Evening, Cork,” the priest said, and reached out to shake hands. He had a strong grip that he used gracefully to guide Cork out of the storm and into the house.
Tom Griffin was dressed in black and wearing his cleric’s collar, an unusual thing for the man. Except for formal occasions and when performing the formally religious duties of his position, the priest preferred to wear blue jeans and flannel shirts and hiking boots. He had come to Aurora a year and a half earlier to help the aging Father Kelsey manage St. Agnes and to minister to the Catholic parishioners who lived on the Iron Lake Reservation. He was nearing forty, a man of enormous goodwill and energy. In summer he could be seen cutting along the back roads of the reservation on a huge, old Kawasaki motorcycle. In winter, he generally used the Kawasaki snowmobile. As a result, he was affectionately known on the reservation as St. Kawasaki.
“I’m glad you called somebody, Darla,” Cork told her.
“You didn’t find him,” Darla said.
“Maybe you should sit down.”
“What is it?”
Cork looked to the priest for help.
“Maybe we should all sit down,” Tom Griffin suggested.
He led the way into the living room and sat on the arm of the sofa. Darla sat beside him. Cork settled on the radiator, reluctant to wet the furniture with the drip of the melting snow off his coat.
“Judge Parrant is dead,” Cork told them.
“The judge?” the priest said. “How?”
“It looks as if he killed himself. The sheriff’s there now. We couldn’t find any indication that Paul had been there, so this probably hasn’t got a thing to do with him.”
“I know that,” Darla said.
Cork looked at the priest, then back at Darla. “What’s going on?”
“I was out at the reservation this morning. We buried Vernon Blackwater, you know,” the priest said.
“Word on the reservation is that Joe John is back.”
“Has anybody talked to him?” Cork asked.
“Not as far as I know.”
“Not even Wanda?”
“I was out there a little while ago. She hasn’t seen him or spoken to him, but she’s sure he’s around.”
“He’s got Paul?”
“Paul’s gone, Joe John’s back. I’d say that’s hardly coincidence, wouldn’t you?”
Cork felt relieved. At least it was Joe John. Not the storm or something worse. “The sheriff will want to know that,” he said.
“The sheriff?” Darla looked unhappy.
“He’s sending a man over here.”
“I don’t want any trouble,” she said.
“It’s Joe John,” the priest told Cork. “Can’t we do this without the law coming into it?”
“It’s out of my hands now,” Cork explained. He stood up. “It’s late. I’d best get going. I’ll stay in touch. And let me know if I can help in any way.”
“Thanks, Cork.” Darla managed a smile.
“Let me see you out,” the priest said.
As he put on his gloves at the door, Cork asked, “Lots of folks at Vernon Blackwater’s burial?”
“Most of the reservation. He was an important man.”
“He was a son of a bitch,” Cork said, drawing his cap out of his coat pocket.
“He was that, too,” the priest agreed.
“You were there when he died, weren’t you? Gave him last rites?”
“I did.”
Cork tugged the cap down over his ears. “Heard his final confession?”
“That’s something I would’ve given my left nut to hear.”
“I’d think twice before giving away body parts, Cork,” the priest said with a smile and a quick gesture toward the patch over his eye.
Before he reached for the door, Cork asked the priest quietly, “Can I talk with you soon?”
“About what?”
“I haven’t been in church in over a year.”
“Finally worried about your soul?”
“Please,” Cork said.
“Of course we can talk. When?”
“Tomorrow. Late afternoon maybe. Say five o’clock?”
“Make it six,” the priest suggested. “My office.”
“I’ll be there,” Cork promised.
In the brief time Cork was inside, his Bronco had become snow-covered again. He started the engine, then stepped out to brush the windows clean. The wind blew so hard the snow came at him levelly out of the darkness and he squinted against the flakes that the wind made bitterly piercing. It was late. The only light he could see came from Darla’s house. Across the street was a stand of tall birch and aspen where the wind screamed through and the bare branches rubbed together with a crying sound. Suddenly Cork stopped. Turning, he scanned the darkness at his back and listened to the crying of the trees.
“Who’s there?” he yelled.
He got no answer. Near him nothing moved but the snow. He couldn’t see a thing in the swaying trees.
“Is anybody there?” he tried again.
No voice answered except the bitter howl of the wind. Cork finished clearing the snow and got into his Bronco. As an afterthought he locked the doors. He waited a moment before driving away, trying one last time to see if anything moved among the trees.
Because he could have sworn someone there had called his name.
Next morning, Cork rose in the dark, stumbled to the kitchen and started coffee dripping in the Mr. Coffee. He showered, shaved, and dressed. Back in the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of coffee and looked out the window. Over the lake, the sky in the east was just turning a faint, powdery blue. He put on his coat, went to the back room, scooped a quarter bucket of corn from the sack, and made his way down to the shore of the lake.
In the night, the storm had moved east beyond Lake Superior and into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Its passing left the sky clear and with a few stars still shining. The snow lay smooth and deep, cast in the pale blue-gray light of early morning. The air was so still the white smoke from the chimneys in town rose up straight as birch trunks. Cork loved the painful cold of the morning, the brittle new snow beneath his boots, the breathless clarity of the sky. He loved Aurora deeply in such moments.
The geese were on the water. He was glad to see that they’d made it through the storm. They honked and paddled nearer when they saw him, but they wouldn’t come all the way to shore. He kicked a big circle in the snow, clearing it, as he had done with Anne, down to the frozen ground underneath. He shook the grain out of the bucket. After he’d stepped well away, the geese came quickly.
The sun still wasn’t up when he left the cabin, but a big bubble of yellow light showed where, in half an hour, it would rise over the bare trees on the far side of the lake.
At Johnny’s Pinewood Broiler, Cork found Johnny Pap out front shoveling snow. Johnny was first-generation Greek. His real name was John Papasconstantinou, but his father had shortened it when he arrived in the States. He was fifty, stout, a man of great but nervous energy.
“Winter’s here, that’s for sure,” Johnny observed. “Knew it had to happen.”
“Coffee ready yet?” Cork asked.
“Molly’s doing it now. Ski’d in from her place. Got here before me even.” Johnny leaned on his snow shovel. “Wish Maria was like that,” he said, speaking of his wife. “Takes a couple sticks of dynamite to get her out of bed most mornings.” He wiped the drip from his nose and eyed Cork man to man. “Wish she was like Molly in a lot of ways, if you know what I mean.”
“I’ll see you inside,” Cork said, and left Johnny to his shoveling.