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Nelo just stared at the city blankly. ‘It is a great stone tomb,’ he said. ‘Dead, where Northland was alive. It will swallow us up like a sarcophagus.’

Rina said, ‘We will find a way. You’ll see.’ On impulse she took his hand.

He looked at her, surprised. She wasn’t the kind of mother to make such gestures. He withdrew, gently, and there was an awkward silence.

Alxa just laughed and turned away. The boat sailed on.

They came to the entrance of the harbour. This close the white facade of the sea walls was dazzling, but Rina noticed a few blackened scars, the relics of the war and banditry that blighted the age. The walls’ smooth surface looked like grow- stone: Northland engineering, probably, Etxelur growstone laid over an older core; everybody knew that Northlanders mixed the best growstone in the world, and much revenue had been earned for the country by hiring out its expertise for such projects. The harbour mouth, a break in the walls, was guarded by a gigantic chain of which only a few links showed above the surface, ready to be pulled up to block the way. The chain was fixed to elaborate structures on which stood lighthouses, tremendously tall, with polished mirrors like staring eyes.

The harbour, once they entered it, was huge, overwhelming, like an inland sea lined by wharfs and jetties and warehouses and enclosed by the towering walls. The ships on the water were dwarfed, toys in a pond. At the far end, a gap in the walls led to yet another harbour, perhaps even greater than this one, lined by a kind of circular terrace, two or three storeys tall, topped by shining red tiles.

‘That one beyond is the military harbour,’ Alxa murmured. ‘One of the wonders of the world. So the Carthaginians say.’

Barmocar’s flotilla pulled up at jetties on the left-hand side of the outer commercial harbour. Rina saw elements of design in the utilitarian architecture, a touch of style, a portico supported by slim columns that ran the entire length of the waterfront. As Barmocar’s boat reached a jetty an official approached, bearing a slate. He wore a long black robe and a mask over his mouth. Barmocar disembarked and greeted the official with a smile and a formalised embrace.

‘Plague,’ Rina said. ‘They’re worried about plague, even here.’

Alxa, hanging over the rail, struggled to hear what Barmocar was saying. ‘The man wants us to wait on the ships. We may have to stand off at sea. For seven days! That can’t be right.’

Nelo said, ‘They want to wait and see if we’re infected with anything. It’s sensible if you’re trying to protect a city.’

Another seven days on the ship! After the trials of the journey, that would finish her off, Rina thought.

But Barmocar and the man were smiling, and Rina saw Barmocar hand the official a small pouch of purple cloth.

Alxa raised her eyebrows at her mother. ‘Well, we won’t be held up.’

Rina smiled. ‘You’re getting terribly cynical for one so young.’

‘That’s stupid,’ Nelo said, visibly unhappy. ‘That man’s supposed to protect the city from disease! What use is he if he’s just going to let through anybody who waves a bit of money?’

Rina was an Annid; she had plenty of practical experience of petty corruption. ‘Nelo, don’t worry. It’s just a rule being bent. If they were seriously concerned about plague here that man wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing. He’d be thinking about his own family, his own safety — he probably wouldn’t let us land at all. Now come on, let’s get our stuff together before we’re thrown off the boat. .’

The quayside was a jumble of passengers and their goods, grimy, weary, eager to get this last leg of their journey over with. The word had evidently got around that this was a boatload of the rich, and would-be porters came flocking, hungry for work, a look Rina had come to recognise.

Barmocar and his wife stood by, chatting to a dock official and his ship’s captain, while their mountain of luggage was loaded onto carts under the blustering supervision of Mago. Some of the Carthaginians waited while messengers fetched family or servants from the city; others had the dock workers call for carriages. They seemed surprised at how few horse-drawn carriages came in response. But there were plenty of two-wheeled contraptions with weary-looking men in harness — slaves, perhaps, or nestspills, doing the work of horses.

Alxa was growing agitated. ‘Mother? Everybody is making arrangements. What about us? What are we to do?’

‘We,’ Rina said coldly, ‘are in the hands of Barmocar, our host. We just wait.’

‘But he’s not paying us any attention. He’s not even looking at us.’

‘Wait, child.’

They did wait, silent and ignored, until at last the business was done, the carts were loaded. And Barmocar was helped up into the lead carriage.

Rina dropped her bundles, and with all the dignity and command she could muster she strode forward to face the Carthaginian. Even now he didn’t look down at her from his perch on the cart. ‘Barmocar!’

The man laughed, and gave a curt order to drive on. But Rina grabbed the traces of the lead horse. He looked down at her. ‘Why do you stand in my way?’

Rina summoned Alxa. ‘Repeat what I say in Carthaginian. Say that we had an arrangement, he and I. A business deal.’ They were attracting a small but curious crowd, of Barmocar’s other passengers, a few passers-by. ‘No, don’t whisper it, child. Speak it boldly. Put on a show. I want these others to hear. This man is a Carthaginian. A trader in a city of traders. Is he a man who reneges on deals honourably made? And are there followers of Jesus here? Any Hatti? Shall we discuss why a Carthaginian trader should wish to acquire the bones of-’

‘Enough.’ Barmocar leaned out of his carriage and hissed at her. ‘The deal was to bring you to Carthage, and that I’ve done.’

‘No. The deal was that you should get us established in Carthage. A place to live, work-’

He laughed. ‘What work? What use is a Northlander Annid here?’

Anterastilis, his wife, touched Barmocar’s arm, and whispered something.

Alxa frowned. ‘I can’t quite hear. I think she’s saying you’re not worth the scandal. “Send her to. . ” Jexami? “He might help.”’

‘Jexami?’ Rina had once known a Jexami, cousin of Ywa. ‘You’re sure that was the name?’

‘Jexami,’ repeated Barmocar, leaning from his carriage. ‘You heard right. Bought property here years ago. Your countryman. Maybe he’ll have something for you. I’ll have a carriage-man take you there. Would that fulfil our “contract”? Now, if you’ll let go of my horse-’

She stepped back. The driver flicked a rein, and the carriage rolled away, followed by carts bearing the rest of Barmocar’s baggage. The rest of the passengers dispersed too. Rina and her children were left standing, with their pathetic bits of luggage at their feet.

Only one man remained, a tall but scrawny man with big, powerful hands, standing by a two-wheeled cart.

Rina sighed. ‘All right. Look, I’ll take the luggage. I’ll get out to Jexami as fast as possible and get things sorted out. I’m sure he’ll put us up. Come back here at nightfall. I’ll send this man to collect you if I can’t make it back. In the meantime stay out of trouble.’

‘We’re not children,’ Alxa said.

Rina stepped closer to her. ‘Look after your brother.’

Alxa glanced at Nelo with impatience, then resignation. ‘Just don’t forget about us when you start in on Jexami’s mead, all right?’

Rina kissed her on the cheek, hugged her son, picked up the rough bags and walked determinedly to the waiting carriage-man and his cart.


The carriage-man’s cart jolted with every step of his jogging pace, and the bench on which she sat was hard as growstone. Yet she had suffered a lot worse during her long journey from Etxelur, her backside was probably tough as leather by now, and she endured.