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Meredith didn’t know where Isaiah had come from. Like someone in a dream, she’d been lost in a maze, her sexual desire swamping her. It was worse than it had been in years. Her body recognized there was an eligible male close by. One she wanted in spite of the fact he was mostly a stranger.

Thankfully, her family knew what was happening. Hank would have told them what kind of shape she’d been in earlier today. She was confident they’d handle the club for the next two days. It certainly wasn’t the first time this had happened, even though it was one of the worst.

There was no way they’d tell Isaiah what was going on. They’d made no secret of the fact they wanted him gone for good. But somehow he’d come to her anyway.

He climbed atop her, holding his weight off her body, supporting himself on his knees and hands. God, she needed him. Needed his mouth on hers, his hands on her skin and his shaft buried deep in her tight, slick channel. Fisting her fingers in his hair, she yanked his mouth down to hers. She heard him laugh and then their lips met and nothing else mattered. He tasted musky and male and so inviting.

She tugged his head back and they stared at one another, both of them panting hard. Her body yearned to be covered by his. She sucked in a deep breath and took the plunge, knowing it would be too late to stop him once they started. She would have to trust him not to claim her.

“Help me.”

Isaiah growled and swooped back down, his mouth taking hers in a brutal kiss.

Chapter Seven

Meredith thought she could handle sex with Isaiah and maintain a safe emotional distance, stay slightly detached. After all, it was just sex between two consenting adults.

But she was wrong. His lips ate at hers, his teeth tugged on her bottom lip, his tongue invaded her mouth until the only breath she had was his.

Her head swam. Her body craved more. Everything else ceased to exist. There was only Isaiah and the pleasure he was making her feel.

With a growl, he pulled away and stared down at her. They were both panting hard. “You are so beautiful.” He lifted one of his hands and smoothed it over her hair. He peppered her forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with kisses. He nibbled at her jawline, working his way to her ear. His sharp teeth nipped at her lobe, tugging on the small gold hoop she wore there.

Her skin tingled where he touched her. The sensation worked its way down her torso and settled between her legs. She smoothed her hands over his chest, loving the play of the thick muscles beneath his skin. He was so strong, so hard. His shoulders bunched as he leaned closer and used his tongue to trace the whorls of her ear. She sucked in a breath, loving the sensual caress.

She arched up while using her grip on his shoulders to pull him down. The firm plane of his chest brushed against her breasts. She sighed at the light caress. The tips of her nipples were red and her breasts ached.

“Touch me.” She hooked her right leg around his thigh and tugged until his body was covering hers. The hair on his legs tickled the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. His heavy erection pressed against her sex, wringing a moan of pleasure from deep within her.

He was so large. So substantial. She felt feminine, almost delicate next to his bulk. An unusual sensation for her considering she was only an inch off six feet.

He arched his hips into her, working his erection against her slick folds. She spread her legs wider to accommodate him and earned his praise. “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Let me in.”

Isaiah slid a hand beneath her, cupping her butt and raising her into his thrusts. The smooth, firm weight of his shaft rubbed against her clit, setting off a series of fireworks inside her.

She began to pant like she’d been running for miles. Every inch of her body ached and she knew she was close to coming. She wanted to hold out, to make it last. But she’d been primed by days of his teasing kisses and the sheer magnetism of his presence. Combined with the thick mixture of hormones coursing through her and it all proved too much.

She cried out, her eyes closing and her head kicking back, as the first spasm hit. Clutching at his butt, she silently urged him not to stop. He kept working his cock against her clit, sliding through the swollen, damp folds until she was spent.

Damn, she’d orgasmed and he hadn’t even been inside her yet. She opened her eyes to find him watching her, a tiny smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

“Now that the edge is off, I want to taste you.” Putting actions to his words, he dropped a quick, hard kiss on her lips and nuzzled his way down to her breasts.

Damn, she was hot. His head was still spinning from watching her orgasm. Hearing her soft whimpers of need followed by her cry of passion, seeing her lips parted, wet and enticing, smelling her lush perfume as she found release was a complete rush.

The head of his dick was wet, a reminder of how close to the edge he was. But he didn’t want to enter her. Not yet. Not until he’d tasted her.

Her chest was still noticeably rising and falling, but her breathing was beginning to even back out. He lapped at the swell of her breast, tracing the edge of the mound with his tongue.

He shifted his weight so that his cock wasn’t touching her. Too much of that and it would be all over for him. He turned his attention back to Meredith, ignoring the insistent need pounding at the base of his erection.

Her breasts were perfect. Plump mounds, tipped with pale pink nipples that were now puckered and red. Ripe. She reminded him of a raspberry bush. There were plenty of thorns, but the juicy red berries were well worth the effort it took to get them.

He touched the tip of his tongue to one ripe bud. She gasped and pulled at his hair, urging him closer. He took what she offered, opening his lips and drawing the nub into his mouth and sucking.

Her soft cry was music to his ears. He continued his sensual torture, flicking at the tip with his tongue before releasing it. She whimpered in protest and he blew on her damp flesh, pulling another cry from her.

“More,” she commanded, tugging on his hair. He loved the way she wanted him and gave her what she wanted. Working his way over to her other breast, he gave it the same attention.

She wasn’t still for a moment. Her entire body moved under and around him. Her hands clutched at his hair and then his shoulders. Her nails lightly scored his skin in a way that made him want to throw back his head and howl his pleasure.

She ran her hands up and down the length of his spine, touching him wherever she could reach him. Her legs were restless and she wrapped her left one around him.

Isaiah couldn’t remember a time in his life when he’d felt this alive. This damn good. And he savored every moment of it.

Giving her plump nipple one final kiss, he worked his way down her torso. His hands followed the slight curve of her hips as his lips licked and sucked over her stomach. He circled her belly button with his tongue, dipping in briefly before continuing his journey.

He situated himself between her spread thighs, widening her legs with his broad shoulders. This was what he’d been waiting for. Her pubic hair was damp. He buried his face against it and breathed in her scent.

His cock jerked so forcefully he was afraid he was going to spill himself then and there. He gritted his teeth and fought through the wave of lust that pounded in him like a runaway heartbeat.

Spreading her thighs as wide as they could go, he lapped up one side of her slick folds and down the other. Meredith moaned, arching her hips against his face.

Yeah, this was what he wanted. He sucked and tasted every inch of her pussy, reveling in every cry, every whimper of pleasure. Her fingers had a death grip on his hair, as though she was afraid he’d leave her.