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No chance of that. Her cream was like nectar, an erotic cocktail that made him drunk with pleasure. She tasted sweet, like honey, but spicy too. A hint of cinnamon maybe. Mixed with a musky feminine scent of desire.

He slowly pushed one thick finger into her sheath. Her inner muscles fluttered around it, gripping it hard.

Yes,” she hissed.

He glanced up and marveled at the sensual picture she made. One arm was thrown over her head while the other held him to her. Her lips were parted on a low cry. The soft mounds of her breasts swayed with each breath she took, her nipples red and puckered. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed.

Growling low in his chest, he doubled his efforts. She had to come now. He couldn’t wait any longer. His sense of urgency seemed to fire hers. She bucked her hips when he sucked her clit between his lips and flicked the hard nub of nerves with his tongue.

“So close,” she moaned.

He pulled back and blew on her heated flesh. “Come for me, Meredith. Come now.”

He pushed a second finger into her sheath, working both digits in and out of her hot core. The first ripples came a few seconds later and he felt the gush of her release coat his hand.

There was no time to wait. He had to be in her. Had to feel the slick walls of her channel tightening around his dick. Sitting back on his heels, he withdrew his fingers and brought them to his mouth.

She watched him, her blue eyes dark with passion, as he thrust them into his mouth and sucked, licking her cream from them, not wanting to waste a single drop.

“It’s not enough,” she panted, biting on her bottom lip. “I need you inside me.”

Gripping her hips, he dragged her toward him, draping her thighs over his. Angling his body, he guided his cock to her opening and pushed.

Meredith was finding it hard to breathe. The heady scent of sex permeated the air, pushing her desire higher. She’d come twice already and he hadn’t even been inside her yet. Never had she experienced anything like this.

She’d been married. She’d had lovers. But she’d never had a male make love to her as though her pleasure was all that mattered. It was erotic and enthralling. A woman could easily become addicted to it.

Maxwell had been all about his pleasure. If she’d found some, that was all well and good, but certainly not a prerequisite. Being in heat was the rare time she’d enjoyed sex with him. She’d found some pleasure with her human lovers. A sense of well-being and satisfaction. But this blew the doors off all her notions of what sex could and should be.

She knew she should be frightened out of her mind just thinking about the kind of power Isaiah could wield over her. But right now, she honestly didn’t care.

She felt as though her body was experiencing what it was meant to for the first time in her life.

His hard thighs supported hers as he angled his thick shaft toward her channel. The broad head of his penis pushed past the constricted muscles banded around the opening. She gasped as the blunt tip of his cock forged into her.

He paused, his dark eyes watching her carefully. His powerful chest was heaving and she sensed his control was about to snap. And suddenly that’s what she wanted. She wanted him out of control. As lost to the passion swirling between them as she was.

Meredith lifted her hips, driving him a bit deeper. His cock was broad and stretched her slick sheath. It had been quite a while for her, and she’d never had a lover as well endowed as Isaiah.

He emitted a feral growl, his lips drawing back and exposing his gleaming white teeth. The muscles in his neck corded and his strong hands gripped her hips.

She squeezed her inner muscles around him and his control snapped. He thrust his cock into her, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt.

Pleasure mixed with a twinge of pain as her body softened to accommodate his girth and length. Meredith panted hard, concentrating on trying to relax and accept him.

His head dropped down and he took several deep breaths before looking at her. “You okay?”

Now that the initial shock was over, her body was humming with pleasure. Her sheath was rhythmically squeezing and releasing his shaft, the slick, wet walls expanding and contracting. The initial pain vanished, quickly replaced by pleasure.

“I’m wonderful,” she all but purred.

Isaiah kept his gaze on her as he pulled back until only the head of his cock was inside her. Then he plunged back in again.

Oh, yes. This was what she wanted. What she needed.

Hormones surged through her bloodstream. He continued to thrust, slow and deep. A fire flared between her thighs and only he could quench it. “Harder,” she pleaded.

Isaiah banded an arm around her waist, his hips pumping faster. His cock powered into her, his thrusts growing shorter. He seemed to go deeper as he angled her hips upward.

She cried out as the head of his cock dragged over a sensitive spot on the inside of her sheath. She dug her fingernails into his ass. “More.”

He shifted suddenly, rolling with her.

Fear shafted through her. Was he going to try to get her on her stomach so he could claim her? She resisted, but stopped fighting him when he ended up on his back with her on top of him.

“Shhh,” he ran his hands over her back and sides, calming her struggles. “Take what you need from me. Ride me.”

She sat back and the motion drove him deeper inside her. They both groaned and then Isaiah gave a short laugh. “That is if you don’t kill me first.”

Meredith wasn’t quite sure what to think of him. She’d never laughed with a man in bed before. Sex was serious business. It still was, but she hadn’t realized it could be fun too.

Isaiah was opening up a whole new world for her. But it would be a short-lived one. He wouldn’t be staying. That thought put a damper on her desire until he cupped her breasts and thumbed her puckered nipples. Then it came roaring back like a freight train running down a mountainside. There was no stopping it.

“Ride me,” he urged her again.

She planted her hands on his chest and her hair flowed over her shoulders, pooling around him.

He groaned. “I love the feel of your hair on my skin. I want to feel it everywhere.”

She had a flash of wrapping the long, black length around his cock as she sucked the tip. That surprised her. She’d given oral sex many times before to satisfy her partners, but she’d never gained much pleasure from the act. Somehow she knew it would be different with Isaiah. Just thinking about going down on him was pushing her buttons.

He gently tugged on her nipples and her entire body jerked. Pressure was building inside her that needed to be released. Her hormones were clamoring for him to come inside her. Only that would ease the ache that had been building inside her for days now.

Isaiah let one of his hands slide down her torso and delve between her thighs. He touched her clit and a shot of pure pleasure went through her.

Up and down, she raised and dropped her body over his. Her channel was slick and he slid easily in and out of her. She began to move faster, pushing down harder with each stroke.

She found a rhythm that worked for her and kept it up. Isaiah continued to fondle her breasts and touch his finger to her clit with each down stroke she made.

It was perfect. It was beautiful.

And it couldn’t last.

Her entire body clenched. Paused. And then exploded. She spasmed around him. His cock swelled inside her. He grabbed her hips and arched his pelvis right off the bed, lifting her with it.

She cried out his name as another wave of pleasure raced through her. She felt the ripple surge up his shaft and then the hot spurt within her as he found his release.