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He growled and rolled, taking her beneath him as he bucked his hips. Once. Twice. And one final time.

Another spasm rocketed through her and she orgasmed again. She clutched him to her, never wanting him to leave. He collapsed on top of her, burying his face in the curve of her neck.

She could barely breathe but didn’t care. She was completely exhausted and totally replete. She curled her toes and toyed with a lock of his hair, smiling when she felt his lips brush her neck in a gentle kiss.

Isaiah was the first to move, shifting his torso off hers. Their bodies were so sweaty they stuck slightly. She couldn’t help herself and she laughed. His hair was standing on end in one spot where she’d tugged on it. Both of them were sticky and smelled of sex. They were totally debauched.

Isaiah smiled and rubbed his nose against hers. “I take it that means you liked that?”

She kissed him because his lips were there and they were so very kissable. “I did.”

“Good. That means you won’t mind trying it again.” He slowly disengaged his body from hers. He wasn’t quite as hard anymore, but he was still semi-aroused. She gasped and then groaned when her body emitted a small sucking sound as if trying to keep him inside her.

He rolled onto his back and flung an arm over his head. Even at rest, his biceps were huge. She let her fingers walk over his chest and tangle in his chest hair. It was nice just to lie here together after such an explosive experience.

Isaiah covered her hand with his and flattened it against his body. “Too much more of that and you won’t get a shower before I’m in you again.”

She glanced down and, sure enough, instead of getting soft, he was getting hard again.

“Maybe we can have a shower while you’re in me. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

He grinned and it quickly became a full-fledged smile. Meredith felt her mouth drop open. Isaiah had been compelling before, in a rugged way, but now he was drop-dead gorgeous. Her hormones were already rising to sing a song of thanks and encouraging her to get more of him before he was gone.

Reality descended with a heavy thud. He didn’t live here. He had a pack of his own and was only here for business. Once that business was completed, he’d be going.

And she couldn’t leave the city. Her pack and her life were here. She had to protect the secret of her pack at all costs.

They’d also had unprotected sex. Not that she had to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. Werewolves couldn’t catch them. And the chances of her getting pregnant were slim to none. It was a miracle she’d carried both her sons to term when so many females around her had been losing their unborn children. Why that thought depressed her when it should have reassured her, she had no idea.

“Hey, you okay?” Isaiah rolled onto his side and propped himself up on one arm. She’d never met a man more in tune with her moods.

She pushed away all negative thoughts. It was too late to back out now. They’d already made love. He knew where she and her pack lived and worked. Deep down she trusted him to keep their existence a secret. She wouldn’t have had sex with him otherwise.

Their affair was finite. That was a given. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy their time together. It was only one night. One night of pleasure. One she’d remember for the rest of her life.


She’d been silent for too long. She reached up and feathered her fingers through his hair. “I’m fine. How about that shower?”

He frowned, so she pulled him down for a kiss. It started out light and she felt him start to tug away. Fearing questions she didn’t want to answer, she plunged her tongue into his mouth, putting everything into the kiss. All the years of loneliness, the need she felt for him.

By the time she pulled back they were both breathless and very aroused. Isaiah rolled out of the bed and lifted her into his arms as easily as if she weighed no more than a child. His sheer, virile strength made her hot. That was the primal wolf inside her, drawn to the strongest male, the one who could provide for her, protect her and give her children.

Well, she was a modern female and provided for herself, protected her pack and already had two children, which was more than most female werewolves ever had in their entire lifetime. She didn’t need him at all.

But oh, how she wanted him.

“Which way?” he asked.

She rested her head on his brawny shoulder and pointed the way. Wistfully, she wondered what it would be like not to have to be the strong one all the time.

Then he angled his head down and kissed her as he carried her into the bathroom. She returned the caress, determined not to let such thoughts spoil their one and only night together.

Tomorrow was time enough for reality.

He released her legs and let her body flow over his until her feet touched the floor. He was hot and heavy and aroused. She turned on the taps and when the water was the right temperature, she stepped into the wide stall and held her hand out to him.

Chapter Eight

Isaiah woke, as he always did, completely alert and aware of his surroundings. Meredith was draped over his body, her limbs wrapped around him, her head nestled on his shoulder.

He rubbed his hand up and down her supple spine, loving the feel of her soft skin beneath his palm. Her long hair tangled in his fingers and he stopped, not wanting to tug on it and wake her. This moment was special. One he wanted to capture and remember.

Last night had been phenomenal. They’d made love in the shower before tumbling back to bed again for round three. Meredith was a generous lover, not holding back anything. He knew part of that enthusiasm was due to the fact she was in heat. She’d been insatiable and both of them were going to be a bit sore today.

Not that he minded. It was a reminder that he’d satisfied her, brought her through the peak of her needing time. Now that it had passed, he wanted to hold her in his arms and enjoy the quiet. He, who was usually the first one out of bed and gone from his previous lovers’ homes, felt no inclination to leave.

He frowned, not wanting to delve too deeply into that. They were both adults. He genuinely liked Meredith. Admired the way she was fiercely protective over her small pack, the way she’d built a life for herself in the city. She was loyal, smart and strong. What wasn’t to like?

She was also sexy as hell and twice as hot. There were several times last night he’d expected the sheets to start smoldering.

None of that meant they were making any kind of commitment to one another. They were simply enjoying their time together. Both of them knew it was limited. He would be leaving soon, his job here almost at an end. If he couldn’t attempt to pick up Alexandra and her father’s stuff soon he’d have to abandon the attempt for now and try again another time.

The thought of leaving Meredith made his guts twist into a knot. She was a beautiful woman and would eventually take another lover. A low growl rumbled deep in his throat and he tightened his grip on her. He didn’t like the idea of another male, werewolf or human, waking up in bed next to her, being the recipient of her sensual generosity in bed, or out of it.

She lifted her head and stared at him, her blue eyes sleepy and sated. “Morning.” She turned her head and yawned. He admired her profile, the tender slope of her jaw and her high cheekbones.

He rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip and she stilled, her breathing hitching for a brief moment before resuming slightly faster. Immediately, his dick responded, springing to attention. He’d always had an insatiable sexual side, seeking human lovers in nearby towns back in Wolf Creek to try to satisfy it, but this was different. Meredith brought out the primal aspect of his nature. The wolf.