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They eventually reached Wicker Park. The green space was the namesake of the neighborhood. It was a nice little bit of nature in the heart of the city, even though it was cultivated and not wild as he preferred.

Keeping them in his sight while maintaining enough of a distance so they wouldn’t detect him wasn’t easy, but he managed. For one thing, they weren’t vigilant enough. Isaiah wanted to kick Michael and his brother for not keeping better watch on the back trail.

What if he was a hunter?

Meredith should be more cautious. Sure, they were werewolves and therefore stronger than humans, but those hunters were wily bastards. He’d seen them kill strong werewolves before. And most of her pack was young. Not a single seasoned fighter among them.

They walked past the iron fence and into the park, skirting alongside the fountain and moving deeper. He followed, staying hidden in the shadows.

Isaiah breathed a sigh of relief when they stopped among a stand of trees. Meredith disappeared behind one of them and Isaiah sprinted forward, his sneakers making no sound on the grass. What the hell was she doing leaving the safety of the pack?

Suddenly he knew. Relief blasted through him as she came into view. He gave thanks for his preternatural vision as she kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of her jeans, revealing her firm, slender thighs. She folded the pants neatly and set them aside.

Her sweater came next and then the shirt she wore beneath it. More of her pale skin was revealed with each layer she stripped off. She was wearing only her underwear now, a pair of pale green panties and a matching bra that cupped the mounds of her breasts. He could almost see the goose bumps on her skin brought on by exposure to the sudden chill.

He wanted to warm her skin against his.

She didn’t linger, but efficiently removed her bra and panties, dropping them atop of the mound of clothing. Her breasts swayed as she took a deep breath. Then the change began.

Bones cracked and shifted, some lengthening while others shortened. Her jawbone reformed, becoming long and straight. Fur sprouted from beneath her skin, covering her entire body. She fell onto her hands as they changed.

He’d seen female werewolves change before but none had ever affected him like this. It wasn’t an erotic act, so much as a functional one. But his dick obviously didn’t know that. It was as hard as a rock.

Meredith was a gorgeous woman and she was just as beautiful in her wolf form. She was strong and sleek, muscles rippling beneath her skin as she prowled back out to the small clearing. Her fur was as black and glossy as her hair. She carried herself like a queen, her eyes watchful, her gaze filled with innate intelligence.

He tracked her movements, prowling closer. His fingers dug into the trunk of a tree, almost shifting into claws as his wolf clamored to get out. Sweat broke out on his brow. He wanted to run. With Meredith.

The others were waiting. Only one of them had shifted. Michael. He looked a lot like her, but bigger. The rest ranged around on the grass. He sensed their nervousness, tinged with anger. Isaiah could understand their nervousness, but why were they angry?

Teague kept looking over his shoulder, the trio of earrings in his left ear glinting in the artificial lighting that managed to find its way into the clearing, while Kevin kept his eyes moving over the park beyond. It was dangerous to shift here. This wasn’t exactly a huge park. A human could come by at any time. He couldn’t sense one at the moment, but that could easily change.

Isaiah’s skin itched but he resisted the urge to scratch. His wolf wanted out, especially since it sensed others of its kind. Who was he kidding? He wanted to shift because he wanted Meredith to see his wolf. Wanted to run with her. Protect her.

He was debating what he should do when Michael and Meredith faced each other and the rest formed a loose circle around them.

Hank stepped between the two wolves. “Challenge has been issued and, although I’d like to personally beat Michael to a pulp, it must be met.”

Meredith shot Hank a glare and gave a low growl.

“Sorry.” He raked his hand through his short, blond hair. “Michael has questioned Meredith’s right as alpha of the pack.”

“Shit,” Isaiah swore under his breath even as he was kicking off his sneakers. This was about him. He’d known Michael was upset with his mother, but enough to challenge her? Actually fight her?

No fucking way.

He tore his shirt over his head and practically yanked his jeans from his body, throwing himself into the change just as Hank finished speaking.

“Let the challenge begin.”

Isaiah felt his bones shifting and reforming, felt the cool grass on the pads of his feet. Muscles coiled and his ears shot up as he strained to hear any signs of fighting.

He loped forward, catching sight of the group. Michael and Meredith were circling one another. She growled, baring her fangs at her son. He growled back, but made no move to attack.

Meredith struck first, nipping at Michael’s flank. He responded instinctually, striking back. She barely moved out of the way in time to keep from getting struck by his lethal front claws.

Isaiah didn’t slow, didn’t hesitate. He jumped, flying from between the trees, a silent, deadly shadow, and went on the attack. Teeth barred, he spun to face Michael. The younger wolf backed up a step in surprise, but quickly recovered and launched himself at Isaiah. Savage pleasure filled Isaiah as he met his opponent, more than ready for a fight.

Collins was all but quivering with excitement as he pulled his truck into an empty space by the park. He grabbed his phone. “We got ’em,” he said as soon as it was answered. “Wicker Park. He followed another group in there. Could be more than one wolf.”

“We’re right behind you. Two minutes.”

Collins closed his cell phone, grabbed his rifle and slid out of his car. The others could have the rest of them. He wanted that big bastard for himself. He tucked the rifle beneath his long trench coat and headed into the park.

Meredith didn’t know what was happening at first. One moment she’d been squared off against her son, the leadership of their small pack hanging on the outcome of this night. The next, another wolf had come from out of nowhere, attacking her son.


There was no doubt as to the identity of the huge male wolf. He was enormous. Larger than her son. Fur, mostly brown with patches of black, covered a massive, muscular body. Menace poured off him in waves as he growled at her son and attacked.

Michael hesitated and then jumped into the fight. A yelp filled the air and she knew it was from her son and not Isaiah. He fought with a savagery that could only come from years of practice. None of the males in her pack were any match for him.

Benjamin stripped of his clothes, shifted and jumped into the fray. Isaiah twisted his body at the last second, getting out of the way of Benjamin’s powerful jaw. Saliva dripped from his teeth as he whirled around to face his two attackers.

She had to stop this before anyone was hurt. She charged between the males and emitted a low growl. He sons ignored her, inching forward, their muscles coiled for attack.

Meredith faced Isaiah and one look in his eyes told her there was no appealing to him to back down. He was not the sort of man, or wolf, to back away from any fight.

She did the only thing she could think of that might stop them. She shifted. The fur on her body receded. Her bones snapped and reformed. Muscles lengthened and hands reformed. She pushed herself to her feet, her long hair fluttering around her, the cool air caressing her skin.