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"While passing through the green hills of Pinnath Gelin, nigh to the River Lefnui, we came upon a handful of survivors of a Corsair raid on the city of Ethir Lefnui. That city, much smaller and more lightly defended than Anglond, could do little to defend itself and in but a few hours was reduced to smoking rubble, nearly all of its people slain."

Several in the hall had not yet heard this news, and many gasped in horror and anger. There were growls and oaths of revenge.

"Then it was clear that the Corsairs had withdrawn from Anglond only to fall on Lefnui," Isildur continued. "It was our thought that the solitary galley had brought orders to the raiders, directing them to Lefnui rather than spend any more time besieging Anglond to little profit. We believe that some hints or suspicions of our plans may have already reached the enemy, and that he is purposely moving to thwart us. The innocent people of Ethir Lefnui paid with their lives for that suspicion. Turgon here leads what remains of that people." All eyes turned in wonder and pity to the grim-faced chief who had borne so much. He stood and looked upon them.

"That which was Ethir Lefnui is no more," he said, "save as a fair memory forever darkened and poisoned in our minds. When last the sun rose to her greatest height at midsummer, more than a thousand people danced in the streets of Lefnui to celebrate Loëndë. Now we are but thirty, and there will be no more celebrations for us, unless it be to dance upon the ruins of the Barad-dûr." And he sat down to silence.

Cirdan, who sat next to Amroth, leaned close and murmured in his ear, "Woe to the foe that meets that one in battle, for he seeks only revenge and he does not fear death."

Amroth nodded. "He is one Man who might agree that death is the Gift of Men."

Isildur then continued his tale. "We journeyed then to Erech in the southern vales of the Ered Nimrais. We met there with Romach, Lord of the Eredrim. When my father and I discussed our prospects in the western and southern provinces, we had the greatest hopes for the Eredrim, for they are a numerous and formerly warlike people, and they long before swore to me a solemn oath of mutual aid. Though they tend to be reclusive and keep to their own valleys, still they have for many years been allies and friends to Gondor.

"But Romach was evasive and asked for time to make a decision. Soon enough we learned why, for the following day there arrived at Erech an emissary from Umbar."

"What?" came several voices at once. "The Corsairs openly treat with the Eredrim? They should have been seized for their crimes!"

Isildur's voice grew harder still. "It was with regret that we were forced to honor their flag of truce, especially as I thought it most likely that their emissary was the same that had ordered the attack on Ethir Lefnui. Malithôr is his name, but I called him the Mouth of Sauron, for though he pretends to speak for his Emperor Herumor, his thoughts and his speech are but the will of the Dark Lord.

"I warned Romach against his threats, but Romach is grown fearful and cautious in his old age, and he would not side with us. I think in the end he thought he would rather have Gondor as a betrayed ally than Umbar, for he knows we will not attack him for it.

"And so when I sounded my horn and called them to the aid of Gondor, they broke their oath and hid their faces from me. But Romach's cowardly cunning did not avail him, for I called upon my own not inconsiderable powers and laid a doom upon him and all his people. They shall remain undisturbed in their remote valleys as they wish, but they shall neither increase nor flourish. Their line shall wither and fade and their settlements and their works shall fall into disuse and ruin. They shall never find rest, neither in this life nor after it, until they fulfill their oath and answer the call of my horn."

The hall remained silent, in awe and horror at this doom. Amroth studied Isildur in surprise. He could not say if Isildur had such power, but he looked so grim and determined that he doubted him not. He whispered to Elrond beside him. "These Dúnedain seem to wield powers greater than many an Elf a hundred times older. We Quendi tend to think of Men as our younger brothers, but there may come a time when they rival or even exceed us."

Elrond must have been thinking much the same thoughts, for he whispered back, "With allies such as Isildur, perhaps we shall indeed prevail against the enemy."

While they were thus engaged with their thoughts, Isildur had gone on to relate the tale of the council at Pelargir and his return to Osgiliath. When he was finished he called upon Cirdan, who told of his voyage, the storm at sea, their mad race up Anduin, and the battle at Pelargir. Since Amroth had taken part in these adventures, he was giving only half an ear as he scanned the faces in the hall. But then Cirdan said something that caught his attention.

"And near the end of the battle," Cirdan was saying, "when it was clear that the Corsairs could not have the victory, one galley broke free and dashed for the eastern shore. We pursued it and caught it, but not before one of their officers took to a great black horse and escaped. Of all the men of Umbar in that fleet, I believe he is the only one to escape alive."

"Lord Isildur," said Amroth. "You told of an emissary from Umbar that came to Erech. What was his name?"


"And what his likeness?"

"Very tall and dark, with a long face and a nose hooked like a hawk's."

"It is the same man!" exclaimed Amroth. "Our eyes met as his galley swept past ours. Such a face, and such a look of hatred upon it. I would know him anywhere."

"Which way did he ride?" asked Isildur sharply.

"East and north, toward Mordor, my lord. We noted it at the time."

"Returning to his true master, no doubt," said Isildur. "Would you had caught him. Our entire enterprise depends on surprise. If he has learned or guessed our plans and bears them to Sauron, we have but little hope of success."

"Then we must move swiftly," said Galadriel, speaking for the first time. All turned at the sound of her voice, like water falling in a fountain on a still night.

"I would urge the greatest possible haste," she continued. "We have heard the reasons for this council and how we have been gathered here. This Malithôr threatens Gil-galad's plan, root and leaf. Our only hope is to strike before he can reach the Barad-dûr. What would you have us do, Isildur?"

Isildur nodded. "All our tales are told. Now is the time for us to fulfill our part of the final acts of the war. The Lords of the West bid us to cross the Anduin and assail Minas Ithil using all the weapons at our disposal. Our task is to strike swiftly and rout the foul carrion things that now rule the Tower of the Moon before they can send to the Barad-dûr for aid. We are to secure the city as quickly as possible, then drive east without delay to join him in Gorgoroth. We have reason to believe that Sauron will soon perceive that the city has been attacked. He will be compelled to come forth to attack us. Gil-galad and Elendil will do all they can to stop him when he issues from his Tower. If fortune is on our side, they will have bested him before we arrive. If not, we will be there to finish him. This is my charge by my king and father. I will fulfill my duty, if I have to ride alone. But most of you are not subjects of Elendil. You are not compelled and must choose. I ask you all, will you ride with me?"

Turgon leaped to his feet. "My king, if you go to assail Mordor, to the death would I follow you!"

"So say also the men of Pelargir, my lord," said Barathor. "The Enemy tried to destroy our city. We are eager to return the compliment."

"The men of Angrenost," said Thardun, "will always serve our king, through both duty and love."

"We too serve our king," said Cirdan, "for Gil-galad has ruled us since the world was changed, and always we have fought against evil. We will do as he bids."