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Jun 25 — Muster of Pelargir begins

Jun 26 —

Jun 27 — N: Corsails sail from Tolfalas; Gildor arrives Pelargir

Jun 28 — 2 AM Corsairs arrive at Ethir Anduin; 7 AM Cirdan arrives at Ethir Anduin; M: Isildur departs from Pelargir

Jun 29 — 5 AM Corsairs attack Pelargir; 10 AM Cirdan attacks Corsairs; E: Cirdan departs from Pelargir; 1st quarter moon rising at noon

Jun 30 — E: Isildur arrives at Osgiliath; waxing gibbous moon rising in afternoon

Jun 31 — M: Galadrim arrive at Osgiliath; E: Cirdan arrives at Osgiliath — Council of Osgiliath

Jul 01 — M: Invasion of Ithilien; Noon: Capture of Minas Ithil; E: Crossing of Pass

Jul 02 — M: Ride to doom, Sauron breaks siege, is pursued; E: fall of Sauron

Jul 03 —

Jul 04 — Full moon rising at sunset


Aeglos — “Snowpoint”, Gil-galad's spear

Ainur — “Holy Ones”, divine beings created by Eru. The fourteen greatest Ainur were called the Valar, the others were Maiar

Aldamirë — “Tree Jewel”, wife of Elendil

Alliance, Army of — The combined armies of Gondor, Arnor, and Lindon, which united to drive Sauron from the west

Altariel — See Galadriel

Aman — “The Blessed Lands”, island in the far western sea, home of the Valar

Amandil — “Lover of Aman”, last lord of Andúnië, father of Elendil

Amon Sûl — “Hill of the Wind”, outpost on the eastern borders of Arnor, later known as Weathertop

Amroth — Sindarin Elf, lover of Nimrodel, founded the city of Dol Amroth in Belfalas

Anárion — Younger son of Elendil, born in Rómenna 3296 SA, died in the siege of the Barad-dûr 3440 SA

Anduin — “The Long River” that runs the length of Middle-earth and drains into the Bay of Belfalas

Andúnië — “Sunset”, the westernmost province of Númenor, refuge of the Faithful

Anfalas — “Long Strand”, southwestern province of Gondor

Anga — “River of Iron”, rising in Angrenost, emptying into the sea at Anglond

Angband — “Hell of Iron”, the dungeon-fortress of Morgoth

Anglond — “Port of Iron”, port city at the mouth of the River Anga

Angmar — “Iron Land”, northern land, capital Carn Dûm, home of the Lord of the Ring-wraiths

Angrenost — “Iron Fortress”, outpost in northwestern Gondor, later known as Isengard

Annatar — “Lord of Gifts”, the name Sauron used among the Elves of Eregion

Annúminas — “Tower of the West”, the capital of Arnor, built on the shore of Lake Nenuial

Anórien — “Land of the Sun”, western province of Gondor, chief city Minas Anor

Ar-Adûnakhor — “Lord of the West”, 19th king of Númenor

Ar-Pharazôn — “The Golden”, 24th and last king of Númenor

Arador — “Royal Land”, Duitirith's esquire

Aragorn — 39th heir of Isildur, also known as “Strider”, crowned King of the Reunited Realms as Elessar Telcontar “Elfstone Strider”

Arannon — “Royal Gate”, triumphal arch in Osgiliath

Aratan — “Royal Man”, Isildur's second son, born 3411 SA in Osgiliath, died 2 FA at Gladden

Araw — Land near Rhûn, home of giant cattle

Ari — Diminutive of Aratan

Armenelos — “Citadel of the Men of Heaven”, capital of Númenor

Arnor — “Royal Land”, northern kingdom of the United Realms

Arthedain — Northern region of Arnor

Atani — Men, also called The Followers and The Secondborn

Aulë — One of the eight Aratar, the mightiest Valar, married to Yavanna, he made the Dwarves

Baggins, Bilbo — See Bilbo

Baggins, Frodo — See Frodo

Barad-dûr — “Dark Tower”, Sauron's fortress in Mordor

Barahir — Father of Beren, he was given Finrod's ring

Baranduin — “The Brown River” in Eriador, later called the Brandywine in The Shire

Barathor — Lord of Pelargir, father of Duitirith, died 3441 SA at Minas Ithil

Belamon — Soldier of Ithilien, died 3441 SA at Minas Ithil

Belcarnen — A captain of the White Fleet

Belegost — “Mighty Fortress”, one of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains

Beleriand — “Country of Balar”, ancient realm of the Elves in northwest Middle-earth, sunk under the sea in the war with Morgoth, Lindon is the only remainder

Belfalas — Southern coastal province of Gondor

Belfalas, Bay of — Large bay between Harad and Gondor

Belrund — Leader of Pelargrim that went to fight with Elendil

Beren — Son of Barahir, hero who took silmarilli, slain by the wolf Carcharoth

Bergil — Mayor of Minas Anor

Bilbo — Hobbit that found the One Ring, uncle of Frodo

Blackroot — See Morthond

Blessed Lands — See Aman

Blotmath — Hobbit month, roughly November

Boromir — Father of Barathor

Bortil — Merchant of Osgiliath

Brandybuck, Anson — Scribe who copied Amroth's journal

Brethilrond — Elf of Lothlórien

Buckland — Eastern region of The Shire

Cair Andros — “Long Foam”, island in the Anduin north of Osgiliath

Caladil — Ship captain of Pelargir

Calembel — Town in Lamedon in Gondor

Calenardhon — Northern region of Gondor, later called Rohan

Caradhras — “Redhorn”, mountain in the Misty Mountains

Caras Galadon — “City of the Trees”, capital of Lothlórien

Cardur — A captain of the White Fleet

Carlen — Master of the Wainwright's Guild in Pelargir

Celeborn — Lord of Lothlórien, husband of Galadriel

Cerin Amroth — Hilltop home of Amroth in Lothlórien

Cerveth — Dúnedain month, roughly August

Cirdan — “Shipwright”, Lord of Mithlond, bearer of Narya

Ciri — Diminutive of Ciryon

Cirith Ungol — “Pass of the Spider”, between Minas Ithil and Mordor

Ciryon — Third son of Isildur, born 3425 SA in Minas Ithil, died 2 FA at Gladden

Curufin — “Skill Hair”, father of Celebrimbor

Curulin — “Skill Pool”, Cirdan's helmsman

Dagorlad — “Battle Plain”, field before the Morannon, site of a great battle