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Dimrill Dale — Valley in the Misty Mountains near Khazad-dûm

Dol Elros — The capital of Andúnië in Númenor

Dor-en-Ernil — A seacoast region in Gondor between Belfalas and Lebennin

Doriath — Ancient Elvish kingdom in Beleriand

Duitirith — “Guardian of the River”, Barathor's son

Dúnadan — Singular of Dúnedain

Dúnedain — “Men of the West”, who founded Númenor, Umbar, Gondor, and Arnor

Dunharrow — Ancient city of Men in the northern Ered Nimrais

Dunland — A wild land west of Calenardhon

Durin — King of the Dwarves

Dwarves — A race created by Aulë the Vala

Eärendil — “Lover of the Sea”, son of Tuor and Idril, married Elwing, sailed to Aman and secured the help of the Valar against Morgoth, called “The Mariner”

Easterlings — Wild men of the east

Edain — “The Men”, The Three Houses of Men

Elbereth — “Star Queen”, see Varda

Elda — Singular of Eldar

Eldamar — “Elvenhome”, region of Aman in which the Elves live

Eldar — “People of the Stars”, the Elves, also called “The Speakers”, “Quendi”, “Firstborn”

Eldarin — Relating to the Eldar or their language

Eldarion — King of Gondor in the Fourth Age

Elendil — “Elf-friend” Amandilson, founder of the Realms in Exile

Elendili — “Elf-friends”, “The Faithful”, those Númenóreans who continued to revere the Eldar and the Valar when the kings of Númenor turned against them

Elendur — “Devoted to the Elves”, first son of Isildur, born 3403 SA in Osgiliath, died 2 FA at Gladden

Elenna — “Starwards”, the island on which Númenor was founded

elanor — Small white flowers

Elessar — “Elfstone”, the name in which Aragorn ascended the throne of the Reunited Kingdoms

Elosterion — Westernmost and tallest of the towers on the Emyn Beraid

Elrond — “Star-dome”, son of Eärendil and Elwing, known as Peredhil “Half-elven”, lord of Imladris

Elros — “Star-foam”, son of Eärendil, brother of Elrond, founder of Númenor

Elvenhome — See Eldamar

Emyn Arnen — “Hills of Royal Water”, in southern Ithilien

Emyn Beraid — “Tower Hills”, in western Eriador

Ephel Dúath — “Fence of Shadow”, mountains between Ithilien and Mordor

Erech — Town in northern Lamedon, capital of the Eredrim

Ered Lithui — “Ash Mountains”, mountains on the northern side of Mordor

Ered Luin — “Blue Mountains”, in western Eriador

Ered Nimrais — “White Mountains”, mountains in Gondor

Eredrim — “People of the Mountains”, a strong tribe in the southern Ered Nimrais

Eregion — “Land of Holly”, Elvish kingdom of Celebrimbor in southern Eriador

Ereinion — “Scion of Kings”, see Gil-galad

Eriador — The land between the Misty Mountains and the Blue

Eru — “The One”, see Ilúvatar

Ethir Anduin — “Mouths of the Long River”, the delta of the river Anduin

Ethir Lefnui — “Mouths of Lefnui”, a city at the mouth of the river Lefnui in Anfalas

Ethring — A town on the river Ringlo in Lebennin

Evenstar — planet Venus as evening star, see Eärendil

Faithful, the — See Elendili

Fangorn — Forest between Lothlórien and Calenardhon

Faramir — Thirty-fifth Thain of the Shire, he had a copy made of the Red Book

Fëanor — “Spirit of Fire”, true name Curufinwë, the leader of the Noldorin rebellion, he made the silmarilli

Findegil — The writer of King Eldarion II of Gondor

Firstborn, the — See Eldar

Fleetfoot — Isildur's war charger

Flói — Father of Frár the Dwarf

Followers, the — See Atani

Foradan — “Northman”, soldier of Pelargir

Forithilien — “North Ithilien”, north of Minas Ithil

Fornen — “Northern Water”, one of the Elders of the Eredrim

Fornoch — Valley in the southern Ered Nimrais

Fornost — “Northern Fortress”, a city of Arnor

Frár — Dwarf of Khazad-dûm who joined Isildur

Frodo — “Nine-fingered”, Bilbo's nephew, Ringbearer

Galadriel — Queen of Lothlórien, bearer of Nenya

Galadrim — “People of the Trees”, the people of Lothlórien

Galathilion — The White Tree of Tirion, the image of Telperion

Galdor — One of Galadriel's boatsteerers

Gandalf — One of the Istari, or wizards, also called Mithrandir, Greyhame

Gil-galad — “Star or Radiance”, King of Lindon and all the Noldor, true name Ereinion

Gildor — “Starland”, Elf of Lindon, also called Inglorion

Gilrain — A river in Lebennin

Gilrondil — Cirdan's sailing master

Gilthoniel — See Elbereth

Gladden — River and fields at the confluence with Anduin, also called Loeg Ningloron

Glamrod — Keeper of the stables in Pelargir

Gondolin — “Hidden Rock”, hidden Elvish city of Turgon, also called Ondolindë

Gondor — “Stone Land”, southern kingdom of the Realms in Exile, capital Osgiliath

Gondorrim — The people of Gondor

Gordrog — Orc of the bridge garrison in East Osgiliath

Gorgoroth — “Dreaded Horror”, a plain in central Mordor

Gorthaur — “Abominable Horror”, see Sauron

Great Armament — The Númenórean fleet that attempted to attack Valinor

Great North Road — The road between Gondor and Arnor

Great Smials — The mansions of the Took family of hobbits in Tuckborough of the Shire

Greycloak — See Thingol

Greyhame — See Gandalf

Grey Havens — See Mithlond

Guthmar — The Elder of Linhir

Gwaith-i-Mírdain — “People of the Jewel-smiths”, the craft-Elves of Gondolin

Gwathlo — River in western Eriador, called the Greyflood

Hadhodrond — Sindarin name of Khazad-dûm

Halfelven — The brothers Elros and Elrond, also called Peredhil