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Halgon — Isildur's scribe

Harad — Land in the far south of Middle-earth, allies of Umbar

Haradrim — The people of Harad

Harithilien — “South Ithilien”, south of Minas Ithil

Harlond — “South Beach”, the docks of Osgiliath

Harondor — “Southern Land”, border region between Gondor and Harad

Heleth — Wife of Barathor

Herumor — “Dark Lord”, Emperor of Umbar

Hithaiglir — “Line of Misty Peaks”, the Misty Mountains

Hithimir — “Mist Jewel”, a captain of the White Fleet

Hollin — See Eregion

Ilúvatar — “The Father of All”, God, also called “The One”

Imladris — “Deep-cut Valley”, Elrond's home east of Arnor, also called Rivendell

Indis — One of the ships of Pelargir, named for the mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin

Inglorion — See Gildor

Ingold — Master of Calembel

Iorlas — Sindarin Elf, esquire of Amroth

Isembold — Father of Isengar

Isengar — Thain's Scribe of the Shire, copied Halgon's manuscript

Isildur — “Devoted to the Moon”, first son of Elendil, King of Gondor and The Realms in Exile, born 3289 SA in Andúnië, died 2 TA at Gladden

Isildur, Stone of — “The Black Stone”, “The Stone of Erech”, a large round stone found in Númenor, brought to Pelargir by Isildur at the Downfall, and later set up at Erech

Ithilien — “Moon Land”, eastern province of Gondor

Karmach — Lord of the Eredrim who made an oath of allegiance with Isildur

Kementári — “Queen of the Earth”, see Yavanna

Khazad — The name the Dwarves call themselves

Khazad-dûm — “Dwarf-mansions”, city of the Dwarves beneath the Misty Mountains, later called Moria

Kiril — A river in Lamedon, also called Ciril

Lamedon — Province in southern Gondor

Langstrand — See Anfalas

Lebennin — Province in southern Gondor

Lefnui — River in southwestern Gondor

lembas — “Way-bread”, Elvish bread for travelling

Lhûn — A gulf and river in northwestern Eriador, also called Lune

Limlight — A river running from Fangorn Forest to the Anduin

Lindir — A lookout on Cirdan's ship

Lindon — “Land of Song”, Gil-galad's Elvish kingdom in the northwest of Middle-earth, capital Mithlond

Linfalas — “Coast Song”, Man of Arnor, one of survivors of Gladden

Linhir — City in Lebennin

Linroth — A captain of the White Fleet

Lithui — “Ashy”, river in Anfalas

Loeg Ningloron — “Pools of the Golden Waterflowers”, Elvish name for Gladden

Lótesse — Eldarin month, roughly May

Lothlórien — “Garden of the Blossom”, the Elvish kingdom of Celeborn and Galadriel, between the Misty Mountains and Anduin

Lothron — “Flowering”, Eldarin month, roughly June

Loëndë — Midsummer's Day

Luindor — “Blue Land”, Captain of the Ships of Pelargir

Lúthien — Daughter of Thingol and Melian, consort of Beren, called Tinúviel

Maia — Singular of Maiar

Maiar — The lesser Ainur

Malithôr — “Golden Eagle”, ambassador from Umbar, agent of Mordor, called “The Mouth of Sauron”

mallorn — Gold-leafed trees in Lothlórien

Manwë — The chief of the Valar

Melian — A ship of Pelargir, named for the Maia, Queen of Doriath, mother of Lúthien

Melkor — “He who arises in might”, Vala who rebelled against Manwë, called Morgoth the Enemy

Meneldil — “Devoted to the Heavens”, son of Anárion, King of Gondor

Meneltarma — “Pillar of Heaven”, high mountain in Númenor

Menelvagor — “Huntsman of the Heavens”, the constellation Orion

Meriadoc — A hobbit, Master of Buckland, called Merry Brandybuck

Мering — Stream between Anórien and Calenardhon

Minas Anor — “Tower of the Setting Sun”, fortress city in Anórien, later called Minas Tirith

Minas Ithil — “Tower of the Rising Moon”, fortress city in Ithilien, later called Minas Morgul

Minas Tirith — “Tower of Guard”, see Minas Anor

Mindolluin — “Towering Bluehead”, mountain beside Minas Anor

Minhiriath — Western province of Arnor

Mithlond — “Grey Havens”, capital of Lindon

mithril — “Moon silver”, Elvish metal alloy

MoonFire — See Narsil

Morannon — “Black Gates”, gates of Mordor

Mordor — “Black Land”, Sauron's realm in southeastern Middle-earth

Morgai — “Black Fence”, eastern ridge of the Ephel Dúath

Morgoth — “Enemy”, see Melkor

Morthond — “Blackroot”, river in Lamedon rising in the caverns of Erech

Namarië — “Farewell”, Elvish salutation

Nanbrethil — “Valley of the Silver Birches”, a valley in the Pinnath Gelin

Nanduhirion — Valley outside the eastern entrance to Khazad-dûm

Nantasarion — One of the Drowned Lands of Beleriand

Nargothrond — “Underground fortress on the river Narog”, founded by Finrod, destroyed by Glaurog, former home of Galadriel

Narsil — “Moonflame”, Elendil's sword, made by Telchar of Nogrod, broken at Elendil's fall, later reforged for Aragorn and renamed Andúril, “Flame of the West”

Narya — “Ring of Fire”, one of the Three Elf-Rings made by Celebrimbor, given to Cirdan, later to Mithrandir, was taken by him Over Sea at the end of the Third Age

Nazgûl — See Ring-wraiths

Nenuial — “Lake of Twilight” in Arnor, where Annúminas was built, called Evendim

Nenya — “Ring of Water”, one of the Three Elf-Rings made by Celebrimbor, given to Galadriel, taken Over Sea at the end of the Third Age

Nimloth — “White Blossom”, the White Tree of Númenor

Nimrodel[1] — A stream running through Lothlórien to join the Gladden

Nimrodel[2] — An Elf-woman of Lothlórien, lover of Amroth

Nindalf — Marshes at the mouth of the Entwash where it joins Anduin