Выбрать главу

T=( $(ls --inode --ignore-backups --almost-all --directory \

--full-time --color=none --time=status --sort=none \

--format=long $1) )

case $of in

# Assign T back to the array whose name was passed as $2

0) eval $2=\( \"\$\{T\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

# Write T into filename passed as $2

1) echo "${T[@]}" > "$2" ;;


return 0


# # # # # Is that string a legal number? # # # # #


# IsNumber "Var"

# # # # # There has to be a better way, sigh...



local -i int

if [ $# -eq 0 ]


return 1


(let int=$1) 2>/dev/null

return $? # Exit status of the let thread



# # # # # Index Filesystem Directory Information # # # # #


# IndexList "Field-Array-Name" "Index-Array-Name"

# or

# IndexList -if Field-Array-Filename Index-Array-Name

# IndexList -of Field-Array-Name Index-Array-Filename

# IndexList -if -of Field-Array-Filename Index-Array-Filename

# # # # #

: << IndexListDoc

Walk an array of directory fields produced by ListDirectory

Having suppressed the line breaks in an otherwise line oriented

report, build an index to the array element which starts each line.

Each line gets two index entries, the first element of each line

(inode) and the element that holds the pathname of the file.

The first index entry pair (Line-Number==0) are informationaclass="underline"

Index-Array-Name[0] : Number of "Lines" indexed

Index-Array-Name[1] : "Current Line" pointer into Index-Array-Name

The following index pairs (if any) hold element indexes into

the Field-Array-Name per:

Index-Array-Name[Line-Number * 2] : The "inode" field element.

NOTE: This distance may be either +11 or +12 elements.

Index-Array-Name[(Line-Number * 2) + 1] : The "pathname" element.

NOTE: This distance may be a variable number of elements.

Next line index pair for Line-Number+1.




local -a LIST # Local of listname passed

local -a -i INDEX=( 0 0 ) # Local of index to return

local -i Lidx Lcnt

local -i if=0 of=0 # Default to variable names

case "$#" in # Simplistic option testing

0) return 1 ;;

1) return 1 ;;

2) : ;; # Poor man's continue

3) case "$1" in

-if) if=1 ;;

-of) of=1 ;;

* ) return 1 ;;

esac ; shift ;;

4) if=1 ; of=1 ; shift ; shift ;;

*) return 1


# Make local copy of list

case "$if" in

0) eval LIST=\( \"\$\{$1\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

1) LIST=( $(cat $1) ) ;;


# Grok (grope?) the array



until (( Lidx >= Lcnt ))


if IsNumber ${LIST[$Lidx]}


local -i inode name

local ft


local m=${LIST[$Lidx+2]} # Hard Links field

ft=${LIST[$Lidx+1]:0:1} # Fast-Stat

case $ft in

b) ((Lidx+=12)) ;; # Block device

c) ((Lidx+=12)) ;; # Character device

*) ((Lidx+=11)) ;; # Anything else



case $ft in

-) ((Lidx+=1)) ;; # The easy one

b) ((Lidx+=1)) ;; # Block device

c) ((Lidx+=1)) ;; # Character device

d) ((Lidx+=1)) ;; # The other easy one

l) ((Lidx+=3)) ;; # At LEAST two more fields

# A little more elegance here would handle pipes,

#+ sockets, deleted files - later.

*) until IsNumber ${LIST[$Lidx]} || ((Lidx >= Lcnt))




;; # Not required




INDEX[0]=${INDEX[0]}+1 # One more "line" found

# echo "Line: ${INDEX[0]} Type: $ft Links: $m Inode: \

# ${LIST[$inode]} Name: ${LIST[$name]}"





case "$of" in

0) eval $2=\( \"\$\{INDEX\[@\]\}\" \) ;;

1) echo "${INDEX[@]}" > "$2" ;;


return 0 # What could go wrong?


# # # # # Content Identify File # # # # #


# DigestFile Input-Array-Name Digest-Array-Name

# or

# DigestFile -if Input-FileName Digest-Array-Name

# # # # #

# Here document used as a comment block.

: <<DigestFilesDoc

The key (no pun intended) to a Unified Content File System (UCFS)

is to distinguish the files in the system based on their content.

Distinguishing files by their name is just, so, 20th Century.

The content is distinguished by computing a checksum of that content.

This version uses the md5sum program to generate a 128 bit checksum

representative of the file's contents.

There is a chance that two files having different content might

generate the same checksum using md5sum (or any checksum). Should

that become a problem, then the use of md5sum can be replace by a

cyrptographic signature. But until then...

The md5sum program is documented as outputting three fields (and it

does), but when read it appears as two fields (array elements). This

is caused by the lack of whitespace between the second and third field.

So this function gropes the md5sum output and returns:

[0] 32 character checksum in hexidecimal (UCFS filename)

[1] Single character: ' ' text file, '*' binary file

[2] Filesystem (20th Century Style) name

Note: That name may be the character '-' indicating STDIN read.




local if=0 # Default, variable name

local -a T1 T2

case "$#" in

3) case "$1" in

-if) if=1 ; shift ;;

* ) return 1 ;;

esac ;;

2) : ;; # Poor man's "continue"

*) return 1 ;;


case $if in

0) eval T1=\( \"\$\{$1\[@\]\}\" \)

T2=( $(echo ${T1[@]} | md5sum -) )


1) T2=( $(md5sum $1) )



case ${#T2[@]} in

0) return 1 ;;

1) return 1 ;;

2) case ${T2[1]:0:1} in # SanScrit-2.0.5

\*) T2[${#T2[@]}]=${T2[1]:1}
