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“Honestly,” Athena said, “I’d rather be here than L.A. And if there is a God, all agents are going to be eaten. Not getting the problem solved…”

Best ways to secure themselves were eventually determined and Sarah and Christy got some, more or less, alone time at the back of the compartment. Although it was pointed out that either one could turn at any moment.

“I just wish they would keep it down,” Anna said, hopping over to sit next to Athena. She leaned up against the shelving and sighed.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Athena said, shrugging. “If I didn’t have a strong sense of self-preservation, I’d think about joining in.”

“Don’t look at me,” Anna said. “Go see Rebekah if you want someone’s neck to bite.”

“But it’s a very nibblable neck, Anna,” Athena said, smiling.

“Not funny in the circumstances, Athena,” Anna said. She gestured with her chin to Snoopi. “And that problem still remains. The answer to your earlier dilemma is the tarps and tape in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“I did,” Athena said. “But…I can’t do it. I just can’t.”

“Fine,” Anna said, standing up and hobbling over to Snoopi. She dropped her light wrist restraints, turned the struggling girl over facedown and sat on her back, pinning her to the ground. Then she reached around and pinched the former reality star’s nose closed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Brenda said angrily.

“What does it look like I am doing?” Anna said. She had her head turned away and her eyes closed. But she was still holding the girl down with almost no expression on her face.

“You can’t do that,” Brenda protested weakly.

“Just bloody well shut up, Brenda,” Anna said. “If I face the High Court I’ll simply plead guilty.”

Finally, Snoopi stopped struggling. Anna checked for a carotid pulse, then stood up with the back of her hand over her mouth.

“Brenda, go get a tarp and a roll of gaffer tape,” she said, her voice muffled. “Julianna, Athena, strip her. We need the rags and ties. Now, I’m going to go throw up. And don’t anyone make a joke about the world ‘becoming a better place.’”

“How are you doing?” Athena said, sitting down next to Anna.

Brandon Jeeter, a “male” teen heart throb of such questionable sexuality French police categorized him as a woman, had just been added to the growing pile at the back of the storehouse. One by one over the last week members of the group had turned. First Snoopi, then Brenda McCartney, who before her death confessed she would have “cracked her own mother’s skull” for access to a vaccine despite her long-running opposition to the entire concept of vaccination. Rebekah Villon, famous mostly for her role as insipid character Berra from the Midnight movies and amazingly useless douchebag. Ines Moretti, has been a Beverly Hills Teen Force star, PETA activist, aggressive sponsor of all things vegan, peace activist and flaming bitch, frankly. Heather Marks, overendowed blonde-bombshell super-model, virtually an Untouchable in Hollywood since coming out of the closet in opposition to abortion and as a concealed carry proponent. Also one of the small group Athena had come to depend upon to get things done. Last, prior to Brandon, was Michelle Bazuin, just about the most cold-hearted bitch in a land of cold-hearted bitches, whose transformation was particularly ironic, in Athena’s opinion, given her one big movie was Zombiehood.

And Anna, quiet, composed, caring Anna, had strangled every single one to death with that same quiet, composed, cold expression.

“Strange,” Anna said, rubbing her hands. “Feeling very much like Macbeth. The king, not the lady. Out, out, damned rope burns. And conflicted. I feel immense loss when someone as wonderful as Heather turns. We needed her.”

“Agreed,” Athena said. “I miss her.”

“And I feel even more guilt with those who…” Anna said, her face working. “I hate that… It was Brandon. The only guy, sort of, in the compartment and he could barely be forced to lift a box of rations much less be any real help. The world truly is a better place. God help me for thinking it much less saying it no matter how true. Conflicted.”

“New rule,” Athena said, slipping out of her restraints and putting her arm around the girl. “Only you get to. And I think you switched a u for an a in that sentence. But you’re right. This is certainly a better place with him gone. Now if I could suggest Sarah?”

“Don’t, please, Athena,” Anna said.

“I’m scared,” Athena said. “I’m also…I’ve had a fever the whole time we’ve been in here. It won’t go away. I know what that means and it scares me. I get…bitchy, sarcastic and have a bad sense of humor when I’m scared. We all are. Christy just wants to fool around as much as possible before she goes. I don’t know why that girl never did porn.”

“She told me nobody would take her seriously as an actress,” Anna said, holding up her hand as if swearing. “Honestly. That’s what she said when I asked.”

“Well, she had good advice in that,” Athena said, boggling slightly.

“If I turn…” Anna said, frowning. “If you’re going to keep any credence as our leader, you will have to do it. And simply do it, Athena. Do not hesitate.”

“I know,” Athena said, her face working. “And I don’t know…I don’t…” She twitched and grabbed her left arm with her right hand, trying to quell a sudden muscle spasm. “I don’t… NO! No…Please…”

“Sweet merciful…” Anna said, backing away fast. “ATHENA’S TURNING!”

When they had the group’s leader pinned down, Anna slipped a rope around her friend’s neck and gave herself more rope burns.

“Julianna, you’re in charge, now,” Anna said when Athena’s body had been added to the pile. Even through double tarps the pile stunk and was covered in flies.

“I think you’re in charge, kid,” Sarah said sarcastically.

“I have one job in this room, Sarah,” Anna said, turning to the starlet and staring at her with blank, dead, eyes. “Do not require my services.”


“Has anybody heard anything from the U.S. government? I mean, what happened to the Army…?”

From: Collected Radio Transmissions of The Fall
University of the South Press 2053

“Saint Barthelemy,” Faith said, pointing to the satellite image. It was hazy due to cloud cover and thus there was a secondary map up. “It is generally called St. Barts. Main town and capital is Gustavia. French island, sort of. Usual history, got passed around in wars, in this case for a while to Sweden…”

The gunny had already taken training in hand and things were starting to shake down. She still wasn’t happy with so many of the Gitmo Marines in squad leader positions but she was going to let the gunny and the colonel argue over that.

“That’s why the capital has a Swedish name, oorah? Pre-Plague population estimate was seventy-three hundred but it had a lot of tourists. Those were mostly in the winter so we don’t know how many, exactly, were on the island when the Plague hit. Harbor is a really nice U shape in Gustavia. Town sort of hooks around it. If it was bigger it would be an awesome harbor for big boats but only the yachts are going to be able to fit into it. Cargo pier is over here…” she said, pointing to the north of the main harbor.

“If we hook off the Grace that will be the landing point. This peninsula…” she continued, pointing to the west side of the main harbor, “has a military base for the local police. But it’s occasionally used by visiting French forces. Satellite imagery has detected possible survivors here, here, here and at the military base. Recommend gunboats here, at this unnamed beach north, at this beach by the cargo pier, Shell Beach, south of Gustavia, Anse du Governeur, which is ‘Governor’s Cove.’ Last division here, in the harbor, firing up this boat launch.