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I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps, They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps: His day is marching on. (chorus)
—“The Battle Hymn of the Republic”

“Ah, beautiful Guantanamo Bay,” Sophia said as the Grace rounded Corinaso Point. “Again.”

It had been a forty hour run back to Gitmo with the Grace Tan more or less “hauling ass” at its flank speed of 25 knots. Which was not exactly smoking for most combat ships but truly was hauling ass for a support and supply ship.

It was the middle of the night but the dockyard areas were bright as day and tugs were already prepared to take the big support ship alongside.

“That’s got to be attracting some infected,” Faith said, leaning on the railing.

“I heard that every now and again there’s a boom from over at the fence line,” Sophia said. “When they hit the minefield.”

“That’s one way to get rid of them,” Faith said.

“You don’t sound your usual chipper self, Sis,” Sophia said. “This is me being supportive.”

“You heard the colonel, Soph,” Faith said. “Two words: Air Assault.”

“Oh…” Sophia said, trying not to laugh. “Seriously? I’m looking forward to it!”

You like roller coasters,” Faith growled. “And I thought you were being supportive?”

“The heroic, the indomitable, Lieutenant Faith Smith, darling of the Marine Corps!” Sophia said.

“Terrified of heights,” they both said in unison.

“Bite me, Sophia,” Faith said.

“Whatever you do, don’t let them see you sweat,” Sophia said seriously. “You can do it. ’Cause you have to. You know that.”

“I know I can do it,” Faith said. “I know. Doesn’t mean I want to. I’d almost rather fight my way in on foot if that made any sense at all.”

“I asked Colonel Hamilton about the astronauts,” Sophia said, changing the subject. “He told me it was covered. Do you know what the plan is?”

“Nope,” Faith said. “But it’s above my pay grade. I need to go get ready to take aboard all the gear and ammo we need for this. I don’t know who is signing for all the helo parts but I know it’s not me. Or, at least, it better not be. I don’t know for helo parts.”

“My question is, where the hell are we putting it all?” Sophia said.

“So, basically, we’re going to have to break down your quarantine,” Walker said, shrugging. “You’re eight days into the cycle. If you have an immune system at all, it’s either working or it’s not. And we need to get this container off the ship.”

“Doctor, do you concur?” Commander Daniels asked.

“We’re probably going to get sick,” Dr. Price said. “But we’re going to get sick, anyway. Breaks of the job. You always do. We should be sufficiently resistant to the neurological packet we should not ‘turn’ at this point if that is what you are asking. Even assuming some reservoir of H7D3. Most of which should have burned out at this point. We should be fine.”

“Dr. Shelley,” Walker said. “Mrs. Doctor, that is. The powers-that-be have asked if you’d be willing to accompany the mission. Not to do insertions, you understand. But we can take helmet cams along and your expertise could be crucial. Also, are either of you familiar with the London Research Institute?”

“We’ve both been there many times,” Tom Shelley replied. “Is that your target?”

“For the vaccine materials, yes,” Walker said. “It’s a big building. We can use any intel on where materials might be stored.”

“Am I invited as well?” Tom asked.

“That would be a natural assumption, Doctor,” Walker said. “I did not mean to leave you out.”

“I understand that my wife has more experience in this matter,” Tom said. “Rizwana? Are you willing to take an ocean voyage in winter?”

“I will accompany you, of course,” Rizwana said unhappily. “Would there be any possibility of making a slight detour?”

“How slight and to where?” Walker asked.

“Our daughter lives in Clapham,” Tom said quietly. “It’s a borough of South London.”

“Oh,” Walker said. “We’ll have to see what the situation is when we arrive but…should be doable. Don’t get your hopes up. The overheads are… Don’t get your hopes up. Two last questions for the group. Well, passing an order and one question. Lieutenant Lyons, you are included on the mission. You may not be up to clearing buildings by then but we can use you for an air assault instructor.”

“Got it,” Lyons said.

“Oddly enough, no one has asked me to help on that one,” Walker said. “Air-assault that is. But I’m a bit tied up being a baby doctor at the moment. Last, Colonel Kuznetsov. Captain Wilkes has asked if you would agree to be his copilot?”

“Absolutely,” the mission’s assistant commander said. “I look forward to flying with the captain. I look forward to it so much, I don’t even mind being a copilot.”

“It may be variable,” Walker said. “The captain’s previous experience was with SeaCobras, Hueys and CH-46s. The 53 flies more like an upgraded Hip. The size is taking some getting used to, from what I hear.”

“It would,” Colonel Kuznetsov said. “On the other hand, I’ve never landed on a moving ship.”

“As long as it’s not a pitching deck it’s easier than it sounds,” Walker said. “Again, nobody’s asked if I can fly a helo. Much less a 53. All things considered, we should do this with some ceremony, but if you’re ready to crack the hatch… We’re scheduled to pick this container up in about ten minutes.”

“Time to go breathe real air again,” Commander Daniels said, pulling himself up. “We’re still a bit unsteady. Can we get a hand?”

“Line of people waiting on you,” Walker said.

“Colonel,” Steve said, saluting the colors and returning Hamilton’s salute as he bounded up the gangway of the Grace Tan. “Good to have you back, however briefly.”

“Good to be back, sir,” Hamilton said, looking around. While the piers weren’t in quite as good a shape as before the plague, they were in remarkable shape given the time they’d been gone and were a scene of bustling activity. “Hell of a job here, sir.”

“Mostly Isham,” Steve said. “Guy has a positive fury at messy industrial areas. How’d the astronauts take the news?”

“They’re all out of the container, sir,” Hamilton said. “I understand we’re taking Lieutenant Lyons, Colonel Kuznetsov and the Shelleys, sir? What about Dr. Price?”

“We’ve got more total bodies here at Gitmo,” Steve said. “And a lot more pregnant women. He’s more needed here. And I’ve got plans for the others if they’re willing to pitch in. So, yes, just those four. You’ll be taking Walker, of course. He’ll have to do for a doctor. We’ve got a container of ammo, including ammo for the door guns on the 53, a container of helo parts and tools, the Seahawk and mixed supplies to load. And the rest of your Marines as well as Lieutenant Szafranski are prepared to board. Last but not least, in the event you find the materials to make the vaccine, since you’re taking the experts with you, one container has been made up as a turn-key lab for vaccine production. Hopefully, the glassware will survive the journey. Despite all of that, I want you out of here by zero four hundred.”