Там же
(обратно)Там же
(обратно)Djurovic, D. “Solar Activity and Relationships between Astronomy and the Geosciences.” Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Publications of the Department of Astronomy — Beograd, no. 18, 1990.
(обратно)Terdiman, Daniel. “Uh-Oh, Mercury’s in Retrograde.” Wired, September 15, 2003.
(обратно)Terdiman, Daniel. “Tech problems due to Mercury in retrograde?” CNet News Blog, June 28, 2007.
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(обратно)Nelson, Roger. “GCP Background.” Institute of Noetic Sciences.
(обратно)Там же
(обратно)Там же
(обратно)Nelson, R.D., Bradish, J., Dobyns, Y.H., Dunne, D.J., and Jahn, R.G. “Field REG Anomalies in Group Situations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10:111-42. (1996)
(обратно)Nelson, Roger. “Consciousness and Psi: Can Consciousness Be Real?” Utrecht II: Charting the Future of Parapsychology, October 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands, in Global Consciousness project, July 29, 2008. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/papers/pdf/consciousness.real.pdf
(обратно)Radin, Dean I., Rebman, Jannine M., and Cross, Maikwe P. “Anomalous Organization of Random Events by Group Consciousness: Two Exploratory Experiments.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10, I (1996), pp. 143-168
(обратно)Nelson, Roger. Consciousness and Psi: Can Consciousness Be Real? Сочинение цитированное
(обратно)Там же
(обратно)на 37 компьютерах
(обратно)Radin, Dean. “Global Consciousness Project Analysis for September 11, 2001.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/dean/wtco921.html
(обратно)Dadin, Dean. “Terrorist Disaster, December 11, 2001: Exploratory Analysis.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/exploratory.analysis.html
(обратно)Там же
(обратно)Braden, Gregg. Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Publishers, 2009, p. 193
(обратно)Radin, Dean. “Formal Analysis, September 11, 2001.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/911formal.html
(обратно)Nelson, Roger. “Barack Obama Elected President.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2008.
(обратно)Nelson, Roger. “Barack Obama Inaugurated as President.” Institute of Noetic Sciences. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/obama.inauguration.html
(обратно)Nelson, Roger. “Global Harmony.” Global Consciousness Project.
(обратно)Williams, Brian. “GCP Technical Note: Global Harmony Revisited.” Global Consciousness Project, 2004. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/williams/GCPGlobalHarmonyBW.pdf
(обратно)что выявлено в Проекте Глобального Сознания
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