The Arden Shakespeare. London, various editors and dates. (For Edward III: Elizabethan History Plays (ed.) William A. Armstrong, OUP 1965.
Adam of Usk. Chronicle, 1377–1421. Tr. and ed. E. M. Thompson, London 1904.
Anon. The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. 1594? — 8.
Anon. The First English Life of Henry V. Ed. C. L. Kingsford, Oxford 1911.
Anon. Gesta Henrici Quinti. An account by an unknown chaplain to Henry V, ed. B. Williams for the English Historical Society, London 1830.
Anon. Historie of the Arrivall of King Edward IV. Ed. J. Bruce, Camden Society, London 1838.
Chandos Herald, The. Life of the Black Prince. Tr. and ed. M. K. Pope and E. C. Lodge, London 1910.
Commynes, Philippe de. Mémoires. Ed. J. Calmette and G. Durville, 3 vols, Paris 1924–5.
Croyland Chronicle, The. Historiae Croylandensis Continuatio. Tr. H. T. Riley as Ingulph’s Chronicles, London 1893.
Daniel, Samuel. The First Fowre Bookes of the ciuile warns between the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke. In Complete Works in Verse and Prose, ed. A. B. Grosart, London 1885.
Fabyan, Robert. The New Chronicles of England and France. 1516, republished by Sir Henry Ellis, 1816.
Fox, John. Actes and Monuments. Repr. 1843–9.
Froissart, Jean. The Chronicle of Froissart translated out of French by Sir John Bourchier Lord Bemers. With introduction by W. P. Ker, London 1903.
— Chronicle. Eng tr. abridged by G. Brereton, London 1968.
Great Chronicle of London, The. Ed. A. H. Thomas and I. D. Thorney, London 1938.
Hall, Edward. Chronicle of the Vnion of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke. 1542, 1548, 1550. (Reprinted London 1809)
Holinshed, Raphael. Thefirste volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande and Irelande. 2nd edn, 1587. (See Nicoll, below)