Выбрать главу

Foundations of Economic Analysis, Cambridge: Harvard Uni-

versity Press, 1947.

Economics, 1st ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948.

Collected Scientific Papers, 4 vols., Cambridge: MIT Press,



ЙОЗЕФ А. ШУМПЕТЕР (Joseph A. Schumpeter)

Theory of Economic Development, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1934 (1912).

Business Cycles, 2 vols., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York:

Harper, 1942. History of Economic Analysis, New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.

РИЧАРД СТОУН (Richard Stone)

with James E.Meade, National Income and Expenditure, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1944.

The Role of Measurement in Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951.

with J.A.C. Brown, A Computable Model of Economic Growth, London: Chapman & Hall, 1962.

Mathematics in the Social Sciences and Other Essays, London: Chapman & Hall, 1966.

Mathematical Models of the Economy and Other Essays, London: Chapman & Hall, 1970.

ЯН ТИНБЕРГЕН (Jan Tinbergen)

Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories, 2 vols., Geneva:

League of Nations, 1939.

On the Theory of Economic Policy, Amsterdam: North-Holland,

452 •

Economic Policy: Principles and Design, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1956. Income Distribution, Amsterdam:

North-Holland, 1975.

Другие авторы по экономической теории

ДЖОН P. KOMMOHC (John R. Commons)

Trade Unions and Labor Problems, Boston: Ginn, 1905. Industrial Government, New York: Macmillan, 1921. The

Legal Foundations of Capitalism, New York: Macmillan, 1924. Institutional Economics, New York: Macmillan,

1934. The Economics of Collective Action, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1950.




МОРИС ДОББ (Maurice Dobb)

Political Economy and Capitaclass="underline" Some Essays in Economic Tradition, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1937. Studies in

the Development of Capitalism, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1946.

On Economic Theory and Socialism, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1955.

Welfare Economics and the Economics of Socialism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.

Theories of Value and Distribution since Adam Smith, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973.

ДЖОН КЕННЕТ ГЭЛБРЕЙТ (John Kenneth Galbraith) American Capitalism, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. The

Affluent Society, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. The New Industrial State, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967. Economics

and the Public Purpose, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973.

НИКОЛАС КАЛДОР (Nicholas Kaldor)

Collected Economic Essays, 8 vols., London: Duckworth, 1960-1980. The Scourge of Monetarism, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1982. Economics without Equilibrium, New York: M.E.Sharpe, 1985.

МИХАЛ КАЛЕЦКИ (Michal Kalecki)

Essays in the Theory of Economic Fluctuations, London: Allen & Unwin, 1939.

Studies in Economic Dynamics, London: Allen & Unwin, 1943. Theory of Economic Dynamics: An Essay on Cyclical

and Long-run Changes in Capitalist Economy, London: Allen & Unwin, 1954. Studies in the Theory of Business Cycles,

1933-1939, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1966.

Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist Economy, 1933-1970, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

Selected Essays on the Economic Growth of the Socialist and the Mixed Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 1972.

ГУННАР МЮРДАЛЬ (Gunnar Myrdal)

Monetary Equilibrium, London: Hodge, 1939. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, New

York: Harper, 1944.

The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953.


Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions, London: Duckworth, 1957.

Value in Social Theory, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958. Beyond the Welfare State, New Haven: Yale University

Press, 1960. Challenge to Affluence, New York: Pantheon, 1963. Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations,

New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1968.

Objectivity in Social Research, New York: Pantheon, 1969. Against the Stream, New York: Pantheon, 1972.

ПЬЕРО СРАФФА (Piero Sraffa)

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, и vols., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951-1973.

Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1962.

ПОЛЬ М. СУИЗИ (Paul M. Sweezy)

The Theory of Capitalist Development: Principles of Marxian Political Economy, New York: Monthly Review Press,

1942. with Paul A. Baran, Monopoly Capitaclass="underline" An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order, New York: Monthly

Review Press, 1966.

Modern Capitalism and Other Essays, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972.

ТОРСТЕЙН ВЕБЛЕН (Thorstein Veblen)

The Theory of the Leisure Class, New York: Macmillan, 1899. The Theory of Business Enterprise, New York: Charles

Scribner's Sons, 1904.

The Instinct of Workmanship, New York: Huebsch, 1914. Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, New York:

Macmillan, 1915.

An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its Perpetuation, New York: Macmillan, 1917.

The Higher Learning in America: A Memorandum on the Conduct of Universities by Businessmen, New York: Huebsch,

1918. The Vested Interests and the Common Man, New York: Huebsch, 1919.

The Placeof Science in Modern Civilization,New York: Huebsch, 1919. The Engineers and the Price System, New York:

Huebsch, 1921. Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times, New York: Huebsch, 1923.


Приложение А

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