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A. Ferziger, Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Non-Observance and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Identity (Philadelphia, 2005); C. Kaiser, ‘Sitting on Fences: The Toleration of Compromise and Mixed Seating in Orthodox Synagogues in the USA’ в кн.: M. Goodman et al., Toleration within Judaism (Oxford and Portland, Oreg., 2013), ch. 10; H. Soloveitchik, ‘Rupture and Reconstruction in the Transformation of Contemporary Orthodoxy’, Tradition 28.4 (1994), 69–130; о превращении современной ортодоксии в структурированное движение см.: Z. Eleff, Modern Orthodox Judaism: A Documentary History (Philadelphia and Lincoln, Nebr., 2016).

Y. Leibovitz, Judaism, Human Values and the Jewish State (Cambridge, Mass., 1992), с введением Э. Голдмана.

Об Элиэзере Берковиче см.: C. Raffel, ‘Eliezer Berkovits’ в кн.: S. Katz, ed., Interpreters of Judaism in the Late Twentieth Century (Washington, DC, 1993), 1–15; о декларации в Варшавском гетто см.: G. Bacon, ‘Birthpangs of the Messiah: The Reflections of Two Polish Rabbis on their Era’, SCJ 7 (1991), 86–99; I. Greenberg, ‘Cloud of Smoke, Pillar of Fire: Judaism, Christianity, and Modernity after the Holocaust’ в кн.: E. Fleischner, ed., Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust (New York, 1977), 30, 33.

О Сабато Морайсе см.: A. Kiron, ‘Dust and Ashes: The Funeral and Forgetting of Sabato Morais’, AJH 84.3 (1996), 155–88; S. Schechter, Studies in Judaism (London, 1896), xvii — xviii; L. Finkelstein, The Pharisees, 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1936–66).

См.: N. Bentwich, Solomon Schechter: A Biography (Cambridge, 1938); E. K. Kaplan, Holiness in Words: Heschel’s Poetics of Piety (Albany, NY, 1996).

J. Hellig, ‘Richard Rubenstein’ в кн.: Katz, ed., Interpreters of Judaism in the Late Twentieth Century, 249–64.

R. Gordis, ed., Emet ve-Emunah: Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism (New York, 1988), 19–22.

M. Waxman, Tradition and Change (New York, 1958), 361.

Об истории реконструктивистского иудаизма см.: J. Gurock and J. Schacter, A Modern Heretic and a Traditional Community: Mordecai M. Kaplan, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism (New York, 1996); о синагоге как центре общественной жизни см.: D. Kaufman, Shul with a Pooclass="underline" The ‘Synagogue-Center’ in American Jewish History (Hanover, 1999).

R. T. Alpert and J. J. Staub, Exploring Judaism: A Reconstructionist Approach (New York, 2000).

О современном состоянии консервативного иудаизма см.: E. Cosgrove, ‘Conservative Judaism’s «Consistent Inconsistencies» ’, Conservative Judaism 59.3 (2007), 3–26.

L. Jacobs, We Have Reason to Believe (London, 1957; 3th ed., 1965); об истории концепции «Тора — с небес» в иудаизме см.: N. Solomon, Torah from Heaven: The Reconstruction of Faith (Oxford, 2012).

19. Отрицание

Ис. 66:5; Езд. 10:3; S. C. Heilman, Defenders of the Faith: Life among the Ultra-Orthodox (New York, 1992).

О скандале вокруг индийских париков см.: D. Wakin, ‘Rabbis’ Rules and Indian Wigs Stir Crisis in Orthodox Brooklyn’, New York Times, 14 May 2004.

О роли женщин в общинах харедим см.: T. El-Or, Educated and Ignorant (Boulder, Colo., 1994); N. Stadler, Yeshiva Fundamentalism: Piety, Gender and Resistance in the Ultra-Orthodox World (New York, 2009), 117–134.

О Хатаме Софере см.: P. Mendes-Flohr and J. Reinharz, The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History, 2d ed. (New York and Oxford, 1995), 172; Y. D. Shulman, The Chasam Sofer: The Story of Rabbi Moshe Sofer (Lakewood, NJ, 1992).

Shulman, The Chasam Sofer, 25.

О Ганцфриде см.: J. Katz, ‘The Changing Position and Outlook of Halachists in Early Modernity’ в кн.: L. Landman, ed., Scholars and Scholarship (New York, 1990), 93–106; о Хафец Хаиме см.: M. M. Yashar, Saint and Sage: Hafetz Hayim (New York, 1937); о труде «Мишна брура» см.: S. Fishbane, The Method and Meaning of the Mishnah Berurah (Hoboken, NJ, 1991); о Карелице см.: S. Finkelman, The Chazon Ish: The Life and Ideals of Rabbi Yeshayah Karelitz (New York, 1989).

Finkelman, The Chazon Ish, 218.

I. Etkes, Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Musar Movement: Seeking the Torah of Truth (Jerusalem, 1993).

L. S. Dawidowicz, ed., The Golden Tradition: Jewish Life and Thought in Eastern Europe (New York, 1989), 192–200.

О гурских хасидах см.: A. Y. Bromberg, Rebbes of Ger: Sfar Emes and Imrei Emes (Brooklyn, NY, 1987).

J. R. Mintz, Hasidic People: A Place in the New World (Cambridge, Mass., 1992).

A. I. Kook, The Lights of Penitence… (London, 1978), 256; см.: Y. Mirsky, Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution (New Haven, 2014).

J. Agus, High Priest of Rebirth: The Life, Times and Thought of Abraham Isaac Kuk (New York, 1972); M. Weiss, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, Founder of Modern and Religious Zionism (New York, 1969); об Алкалае см.: J. Katz, ‘The Forerunners of Zionism and the Jewish National Movement’ в кн.: J. Katz, Jewish Emancipation and Self-Emancipation (Philadelphia, 1986), 89–115.

О «Гуш Эмуним» см.: M. Keige, Settling in the Hearts: Jewish Fundamentalism in the Occupied Territories (Detroit, 2009).

О Меире Каѓане см.: R. Friedman, The False Prophet: Meir Kahane — from FBI Informant to Knesset Member (London, 1990).

О «Нетурей карта» см.: I. Domb, The Transformation: The Case of the Neturei Karta (London, 1989).

A. Kaplan, Rabbi Nahman’s Wisdom (New York, 1973), p. 275, № 141 (с упоминанием нескольких различающихся версий); ср.: A. Green, Tormented Master: A Life of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (Philadelphia, 1979); о современном любавичском движении см.: S. Fishkoff, The Rebbe’s Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch (New York, 2005).

S. Hellman and M. Friedman, The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Princeton, 2010).

A. S. Ferziger, ‘From Lubavitch to Lakewood: The Chabadization of American Orthodoxy’, MJ 33 (2013), 101–124; M. Dansky, Gateshead: Its Community, its Personalities, its Institutions (Jerusalem, 1992).

D. Berger, The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference (London, 2001).