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546. Fomenko А.Т., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. When was Ptolemy's Star Catalogue in «Almagest» Compiled in Reality? Statistical Analysis // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. V. 17. P. 203–229.

547. Fomenko А.Т., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. When was Ptolemy's Star Catalogue in «Almagest» Compiled in Reality? Preprint, No. 1989-04, ISSN 0347–2809. Dept. of Math. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, The University of Goteborg. Sweden.

548. Fomenko A.T. Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology. A New Approach // Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. Vol.17. P. 231–256.

549. Fomenko A.T. New Empirico-Statistical Dating Methods and Statistics of Certain Astronomical Data // Тезисы Первого Всемирного Конгресса Общества математической статистики и теории вероятностей им. Бернулли. — М.: Наука, 1986. Т. 2. С. 892.

550. Fomenko А.Т., Rachev S.Т. Volume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle. — Computers and the Humanities. 1990. Vol.24. Pp. 187–206.

551. Fomenko A.T. Some New Empirico-Statistical Methods of Datihg and the Analysis of Present Global Chronology. 1981. The British Library. Department of Printed Books. Cup. 918/87.

552. Fomenko A.T. The Jump of the Second Derivative of the Moon's Elongation. — Celestial Mechanics. 1981. V. 29. P. 33–40.