1. «Das geheimste Buch der Welt».
2. Kennedy and Churchill, The Voynich Manuscript.
3. Voynich, «А Preliminary Sketch».
4. Gawsewitch, Le Code Voynich.
5. Bacon, Epistola de Secretis, Chapter 4.
6. Ibid.
7. Geiles, «Spuren der Luftfahrt im alten China».
8. Ibid.
13. Kanjilal, «Vimana in Ancient India».
14. Bezold, Kebra Negast.
15. Kulke, Geheime Botschaften.
16. Kennedy and Churchill, The Voynich Manuscript.
17. Ibid.
18. Delitzsch, Die groBe Tauschung.
19. Pauwels and Bergier, L’homme eternal.
20. Lechtman, Vorkolumbianische Oberflachenveredelung.
21. Plato, Phaedrus.
22. Berdyczewski, Die Sagen der Juden.
23. Oberg, New Earths.
24. Berdyczewski, Die Sagen der Juden.
32. Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judentum.
33. Bergmann, Die Legenden der Juden.
34. For a digital version of Babyloniaca, go to www.archive.org/stream/ babyloniaca05pariuoft
35. Aram, Magie und Zauberei.
36. Griinwedel, Mythologie des Buddhismus.
37. Wahrmund, Diodor’s von Sicilien.
44. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.
45. Messel, Der Menschensohn.
46. Hoffmann, Das sogenannte hebraische Henochbuch.
47. Ibid.
48. Riessler, Altjtidisches Schrifttum.
49. Ebermann, Sagen der Technik.
50. Schott, Das Gilgamesh-Epos.
51. Bopp, Ardschunas Reise.
52. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine.
53. Roy, The Mahabharata.
54. Hoffmann, Das sogenannte hebraische Henochbuch.
55. All from Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.
67. Yoshimura, et al., Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation.
68. Daniken, Der jtingste Tag. Final chapter.
69. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.
70. Fuchs, Das Leben Adams.
98. Hoemer and Schaifers, Meyers Handbuch.
99. Kautzsch, Die Apokryphen.
100. Kanjilal, Vimana in Ancient India.
101. Burrows, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
102. Bonwetsch, Das sogenannte slawische Henochbuch.
126. Biirgin, Geheimakte Archaologie.
127. Biirgin, Ratsel der Archaologie.
128. Landmann, «Das so genannte Voynich-Manuskript».
129. Aram, Magic and Sorcery.
1. Daniken, Aussaat und Kosmos.
2. Blinkhorn, «Un verdadero Mundo subterraneo».
3. «Wir fanden die Wiege».
4. The Book of Mormon.
5. Ibid.
6. Lambert and Millard, Atra-Hasis.
7. Sitchin, The 12th Planet.
8. Cordan, Das Buch des Rates Popol Vuh.
9. Нопогё, Ich fand den weiBen Gott.
10. Falconi L., Dr. Gustavo. Escritura. Protocolizacion de la Denuncia. Otorgada por Presentada por el Senor Juan Moricz, July 21, 1969. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0232).
11. Utz Utermann letter to Mr. Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp, ECON Verlag Dlisseldorf, October 7, 1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
12. Erich von Daniken letter to Mr. Blumenschein, editor at Stem magazine, Hamburg, September 17,1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
13. Dr. Gerardo Pena Matheus letter to Erich von Daniken, September 12,
1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
14. Pia Buob (EigenvasenstraBe 14) letter to Erich von Daniken, October 22, 1972. From the author’s archive.
15. Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp (ECON Verlag, Diisseldorf) letter to Professor UdoOberem (University of Bonn), September27,1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
16. Udo Oberem letter to Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp, October 12, 1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
17. Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp letter to Ramon Burneo, October 6, 1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
18. Ramon Burneo letter to Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp, October 18,
1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
19. Erich von Daniken letter to Dr. Pena, November 11, 1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
20. Erich von Daniken letter to Dr. Pena, December 29, 1972. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
21. Erich von Daniken letter to Erwin Barth von Wehrenalp, January 7,
1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
22. Dr. Gerardo Pena Matheus letter to Erich von Daniken, January 26,
1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
23. Document of the members of the «Expedicion 1969». Signed by all participants. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0232).
24. Erich von Daniken letter to Dr. Pena, February 1, 1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
25. James B. Mobley (Media Associates Company, Los Angeles, California) letter to Erich von Daniken, March 5, 1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
26. Erich von Daniken letter to Dr. Pena, March 16, 1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0238/ECON documentation).
27. Thompson, Ron. «The Mystery of Ecuador’s Secret Treasure». Newspaper article from June 17, 1973. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 0095).
28. «Juan Moricz realizaria una nueva expedicion».
29. «Pueden tildarme de loco» (and various other articles from the author’s archive; Archive No. 02699).
30. Erich von Daniken letter to Neil Armstrong (Cincinnati), February 18, 1977. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 01752).