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31. Neil Armstrong letter to Erich von Daniken, February 24, 1977. From the author’s archive (Archive No. 01752).

32. «Auf den Spuren».

33. Daniken, In Search of Ancient Gods.

34. Ibid.

35. Kaufhold, Von den Gottem.

36. Professor Gebhardt letter to Erich von Daniken, November 29, 1972. From the author’s archive.

37. Lechtmann, «Vorkolumbianische Oberflachenveredelung».

38. Berlitz, Geheimnisse.

39. Borges, «La Cueva de los Tayos».

40. Various expeditions, described by various authors in: Boletln Historico. Pupl. Del Organo de la Direcci6n de Historia у Geografla Militares del Estado Mayor Conjunto de la FF.AA. Ecuadoriano, Ano 1, No. 3, Julio 1977, as well as further issues of the same bulletin. (From the author’s archive; Archive No. 03149.)

41. Hall, Stan. Tayos Gold. The Archives of Atlantis. 2005. Available from orders@booksurge.com.

56. From the Vatican Website: bulletin/news/20586.php?index=20586&lang=en#TESTO%20 IN%20LINGUA%20INGLESE

57. Bezold, Kebra Negast.

58. Sebeok, I Think I Am a Verb.

59. «Stinkbomben in Atomlagen».

60. «Atomzeitalter».

61. Posner, Wamungen.

62. «Indianer prophezeien».

63. As quoted in the New York Times on February 25, 1957.

64. Сerf and Navasky, The Experts.

65. Ptolemy, Almagest.

66. Bracewell, The Galactic Club.

67. Deardorff, «Examination».

68. Deardorff у «Possible Extraterrestrial».

69. Bracewell, The Galactic Club.

70. Deardorfft «Possible Extraterrestrial».

71. Bracewell, The Galactic Club.

72. The Book of Mormon.

73. scriptures.lds.org/en/js_h/1.

74. The Book of Mormon.

75. Wedemeyer, Sonnengott.

76. Volkrodt, Es war ganz anders.

77. Ibid.

78. Blumrich, The Spaceships.

79. Kung, Unfehlbar? (and numerous other books by the same author).

80. Drewermann,Der sechste Tag.

81. Deschner, Das Kreuz (and numerous other books by the same author).

82. The Book of Mormon.

83. Ibid.

Наска и естественные науки

1. Prganatz, «Das Gehimnis».

2. Mejia Xesspe, Acueductos у caminas, pp. 559–569.

3. Ibid.

4. Kosok, «The Mysterious Markings».

5. Kosok and Reiche,«Ancient Drawings».

6. Reiche, Geheimnis der Wuste.

7. Daniken у Erinnerungen.

8. Legare, Les Lignes de Nazca.

9. Daniken, In Search of Ancient Gods.

10. Daniken, Habe ich mich geirrt?.

11. Daniken, Zeichen fur die Ewigkeit.

12. Kern, et al (referring to Maria Reiche): Peruainische Erdzeichen.

13. Silvermann, «Beyond the Pampa», pp. 435—56.

14. Daniken, The Gods Were Astronauts, and Blumrich, The Spaceships of Ezekiel.

* * *

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