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Cordan, Wolfgang. Das Buch des Rates Popol Vuh— Schopfungsmythos und Wanderung der Quiche-Maya. (The Book of

Councillor Popol Vuh — The Creation Mythology and Migration of the Quiclte Mayans.) Dusseldorf: Diederichs Verlag, 1962.

Daniken, Erich von. Aussaat und Kosmos (The Gold of the Gods). Dusseldorf: Econ Verlag, 1972 (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Золото богов»).

Daniken, Erich von. Erinnerungen an die Zukunft. (Published in English as Chariots of the Gods.) Dtisseldorf: Econ Verlag, 1968 (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Воспоминания о будущем»).

Daniken, Erich von. The Gods and Their Grand Design. New York: Putnam, 1984.

Daniken, Erich von. Der Gotter-Schock. (The God Shock.) Munich: Bertelsmann Verlag, 1992.

Daniken, Erich von. The Gods Were Astronauts. New York/London: Element Books, 2002. (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Боги были астронавтами»)

D&niken, Erich von. Habe ich mich geirrt? (Did I get it wrong?) Munich: Goldmann Wilhelm GmbH, 1985.

D&niken, Erich von. Der jungste Tag hat langst begonnen. (Judgment Day Has Already Begun.) Munich: Goldmann, 1995 (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Страшный суд начался»).

Daniken, Erich von. In Search of Ancient Gods. New York: Putnam,


Daniken, Erich von. Zeichen fur die Ewigkeit. (Published in English as The Arrival of the Gods.) Munich: Goldmann Wilhelm GmbH, 1997 (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Знаки, обращенные в вечность»).

Deardorff, James W. «Examination of the Embargo Hypothesis as an Explanation for the Great Silence». Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 40, 1987.

Deardorff, James W. «Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth». Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, No. 27. Published for the Royal Astronomical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1986.

Delitzsch, Friedrich. Die groBe Tauschung. (The Big Deception.) Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1921.

Deschner, Karlheinz. Das Kreuz mit der Kirche. (The Cross the Church Must Bear.) Dusseldorf: Econ Verlag, 1974.

Drewermann, Eugen. Der sechste Tag. Die Herkunft des Menschen und die Frage nach Gott. (The Sixth Day. The Origin of Man and the Search for God.) Zurich: Walter, 1998.

Ebermann, Oskar. Sagen der Technik. (Legends of Technology.) Leipzig: Hegel & Schade, 1931.

Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas. Entdecktes Judenthum. (Judaism Unmasked.) Konigsberg: n. p., 1711.

Fuchs, C. «Das Leben Adams und Evas». («The Life of Adam and Eve».) Die Apokryphen und Pseudoepigraphen des Alten Testaments (The Apocrypha and Pseudoepigrapha of the Old Testament), Volume II. Hildesheim: Olms, 1962.

Caius Plinius Secundus. Die Naturgeschichte. (Naturalis Historia.) Volume 1. Translated by Prof. Dr. G. C. Wittstein. Leipzig: Gressner & Schramm, 1881.

Gawsewitch, Jean-Claude. Le Code Voynich. Self-published, 2005. Available at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

«Das geheimste Buch der Welt». («The most secret book in the world».) P.M. [Peter Moosleitners] magazine, February 2007.

Geiles, Herbert. «Spuren der Luftfahrt im alten China». («References to Aviation in Ancient China».) Astronomische Zeitschrift, Issue 9, 1917.

Grunwedel, Albert. Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und in der Mongolei. (The Mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia). Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1900.

Hall, Stan. Tayos Gold. The Archives of Atlantis. Kempton, 111.: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2005.

Hoerner S., and K. Schaifers (Eds.) Meyers Handbuch tiber das Weltall. (Meyer’s Handbook of Space.) Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 1964.

Hoffmannt Helmut. Das sogenannte hebraische Henochbuch. (The Hebrew Book of Enoch). Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1984.

Holy Bible. New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society.

Honore, Pierre. Ich fand den weissen Gott. (I Found the White God.) Frankfurt: Scheffler, 1965.

«Indianer prophezeien den Untergang des weissen Mannes». («Indians Foretell the Downfall of the White Man».) Weser-Kurier, January 21, 1980.

«Juan Moricz realizaria una nueva expedicion a Cueva de los Tayos». El Universo, August 3, 1976.

Kanjilal, Dileep Kumar. «Vimana in Ancient India: Aeroplanes Or Flying Machines in Ancient India». Extract in Erich von Daniken, Habe ich mich geirrt? (Did I get it wrong?). Munich: Goldmann Wilhelm GmbH, 1985.

Vimana in Ancient India. Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, 1985.

Kaufhold, Peter. Von den Gottem verlassen. (Left by the Gods.) Recklinghausen: Meyster, 1983.

Kautzsch, Emil. Die Apokryphen und Pseudoepigraphen des Alten Testaments. (The Apocrypha and Pseudoepigrapha of the Old Testament.) Volumes I and II. Freiburg/Leipzig: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1900.

Kennedy, Gerry, and Rob Churchill. The Voynich Manuscript. London: Inner Traditions, 2005. (книга выходила на русском языке под названием «Загадка магического манускрипта», 2006)

Kern, Hermann, et al. Peruainische Erdzeichen. (Peruvian Ground Drawings.) Munich: Kunstraum Munchen e.V., 1974.

Kosok, Paul, and Maria Reiche. «Ancient Drawings on the Desert of Peru». Archaeology, Volume II. New York: Archaeological Institute of America, 1949.

«The Mysterious Markings of Nazca». Natural History, volume LVI. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1947.

Kulke, Ulli. «Geheime Botschaften aus dem Mittelalter». («Secret messages from the Middle Ages».) DIE WELT, March 1, 2007.

Kung, Hans. Unfehlbar? Eine unerledigte Anfrage. (Infallible? An Unfinished Question.) Munich/Zurich: Piper, 1989.

Lambert, Wilfred G., and Alan Ralph Millard. Atra-Hasis, the Babylonian Story of the Flood. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.

Landmann, Erhard. «Das so genannte Voynich-Manuskript. Eine wissenschaftliche Abhandlung». («The so-called Voynich manuscript. A scientific treatise».) Magazin 2000plus, Issue 233.

Laufer, Berthold. «The Prehistory of Aviation». Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, Volume XVIII, Number 1, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1928.

Lechtman, Heather. «Vorkolumbianische Oberflachenveredelung von Metall. («Pre-Columbian Metal Gilding Techniques.) Spektrum der Wissenschaft, August 1984.

Legare, Felix. Les Lignes de Nazca. Trop belles pour etre vrais. (The Nazca Lines. Too good to be true.) Montreaclass="underline" La Revue Qu6bec Science,


Mejia Xesspe, Toribio. «Acueductos у caminos antiguos de la hoya del RioGrande de Nazca». Actas у Trabajos Cientlficos del XXVII Congreso 1939, Volume 1, pp. 559—69. Congreso Intemacional de Americanistas, Lima, 1942.