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Королевский двор в политической культуре средневековой Европы: Теория, символика, церемониал / Отв. ред. Н. А. Хачатурян. М., 2004.

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"The History of the Life and Accomplishments of Henry VII" ("De Vita atque Gestis Henrici Septimi Historia") written between 1500–1502 is the first official literary monument of the period of first Tudors (in addition to the chronicles), depicting Henry Richmonds victory over Richard III of York in the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 and following the first years of the triumph of a new dynasty. The author of "The History of the Life…" is Bernard Andre (1450–1522), a French humanist, court English poet and historian, tutor to Princes Arthur and Henry (the future King Henry VIII). Being perfectly familiar with the ancient tradition of biographical historical writing, Andre had supplied his work with a large number of allusions and quotations, direct speeches of historical characters. The document survives in a single manuscript, first edited and published in 1858 by J. Gairdner. "The history of the life and accomplishments of Henry VII" by B. Andre is a biography of the monarch, in which the most attention is paid to Henry’s genealogy, the legitimacy of Lancastrian dynasty, Henry’s right to be their heir; cruelty of the enemies of the crown, rather than to historical facts and events. B. Andres work includes numerous poetic interludes by the author, copyist errors and omissions, and left gaps. However, "The History of the Life…" by Andre is supposed to by the program and guidefor the faithful to the throne Englishmen — what them should think and feel in relation to the wellknown personalities and events of that era. Andres writing was a real milestone in the development of English historiography after the Tudor dynasty period. This edition consists of the first translation on Russian of the manuscript "The History of the Life and Accomplishments of Henry VII" made by three editions in 1858, 2010 and 2011, and is completed with extensive commentary to facilitate further work with the text for professional historians, and allows the reader to get acquainted with one of the most interesting records of England History of the late Middle Ages — early Modern period.


Генрих, граф Ричмонд. 1470–1480 гг. Неизвестный художник французской школы, музей Кальве
Король Генрих VII. Неизвестный художник. Копия с портрета М. Ситтоу. 1505 г. Национальная портретная галерея, Лондон
Пьетро Торриджано. Бюст короля Генриха VII. 1509 г. Музей Виктории и Альберта, Лондон
Елизавета Йоркская, супруга короля Генриха VII