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Mandaline pulled the lid off the tub and unceremoniously upended it, dumping the contents onto her neatly made king-sized bed.

“Um…wow.” Libbie couldn’t make heads nor tails of the conglomeration, but apparently Mandaline knew exactly what she was looking for.

She began rooting through the pile, grabbing a few items and holding them up. “Here they are. This will be perfect. Your guys will love it.” She shoved the items into Libbie’s arms, grabbed her by the shoulders, spun her around, and began marching her toward her bathroom.

“My…what? Did you say my guys?”

“Duh. The ‘gay’ cousins.” Libbie could practically hear Mandaline’s finger quotes around the words. Mandaline gently pushed Libbie into the bathroom and pulled the door shut behind her.

“Put those on and let me see how you look.”

“They are gay,” she called through the door. “How many times do It’s a Sweet Life 101

I have to tell you that?” She held the items up, wondering if she could even pull it off. She was broader across the shoulders and hips than Mandaline, and a few inches taller. Knowing she couldn’t emerge from the bathroom without the costume on for Mandaline’s inspection, she slipped off her sweater and started working on her other clothes.

Mandaline snorted from the other side of the door. “Yeah, suuure they are.”

“I’m not saying I don’t wish they weren’t gay, but they’ve been nothing but gentlemen.” She left her socks on to keep her feet from getting chilled on the tile floor as she kicked off her sneakers and dropped her pants.

“I didn’t say they weren’t gentlemen,” Mandaline replied. “Don’t forget what I said. Wish big and dream hard, little lady.”

Libbie pulled the skirt up and was pleased to find it fit. “I’m going to freeze my ass off in this.”

“No you won’t. The weather will warm up enough for it. If I didn’t think so, I’d be putting you in something else.”

She pulled off her shirt and bra and pulled on the black sequined push-up bra and peasant blouse. When she opened the door, Mandaline let out a whistle. “Perfect.” She handed Libbie a pair of flat sandals. “Try these.”

Libbie leaned against the bathroom doorway and pulled her socks off so she could try them on. They fit perfectly. When she straightened, Mandaline handed her a pair of hoop earrings, and a jingly bracelet.

“That goes on your ankle, by the way,” she said with a smile as she made the bells on the anklet tinkle. “They won’t be able to resist you.”

Libbie stared at her reflection in the long mirror hanging opposite the bathroom door. “Unless you have a magic spell that can grow me a penis, I’m sure they will.”

Mandaline snorted. “You could wear a strap-on under the skirt, 102 Tymber Dalton

but not only will you not need it, it might scare the kiddies trick-or-treating.” She cocked her head. “Make sure you wear your hair down.”

“Down? Why?”

Mandaline rolled her eyes. “You really are out of practice in the ‘how to catch a man’ department, aren’t you?” She handed her a scarf. “Tie this around your head like a hair band. It’ll look beautiful with your hair.”

“Do I get extra points for difficulty for going after gay men, or do I get a handicap for my score?” Libbie snarked back.

Mandaline let out a sigh. “What I wish I had was something to fix your self-confidence.” She hugged Libbie. “Just this once would you please go with it and don’t fight it? I wouldn’t lie to you and send you out in something I didn’t think flattered your figure.”

Libbie blinked away the tears that wanted to flow as she hugged her friend. “Thanks,” she said. “I appreciate this. I’m sorry I’m sounding so ungrateful.”

“You’re not ungrateful. Your ex and this damn fibro have just done a number on your head is all. That rat bastard is lucky I’m not into throwing hexes.” She held Libbie’s hands as she stared into her eyes. “So what if your thighs and butt aren’t model-perfect? Guess what? Neither are mine. Most guys like their women to be real and not stick figures. You have beautiful curves. Any guy not willing to take you the way you are isn’t worth your time. But trust me, these guys are worth your time.”

Libbie decided Mandaline’s overall message was valid, even if she disagreed with her friend on the most salient point about whether or not the men were gay. “Thank you. And I appreciate this, really.”

“You’ll wear it?”

Libbie sensed how much this meant to Mandaline. The least she could do was be gracious. “Yes, I will.”

Mandaline let out a pleased little squeal that brought a smile to Libbie’s face. “Great! I also have a black crocheted shawl I’ll loan It’s a Sweet Life 103

you, too, just in case you need it. It’ll look perfect with the outfit. I’ll dig it out of my closet while you’re changing back.”

By the time Libbie reemerged from the bathroom with the costume in hand, Mandaline had found the shawl as well as a cloth Publix bag to stash everything in. She took the clothes from Libbie, handing her a zip-top baggy for the jewelry, which was then added to the bag. Mandaline proudly presented it to her. “There you go. One sexalicious Gypsy-in-a-bag, ready to wear.”

“I really do appreciate this. I’m sorry I’m being so snarky.”

“Sweetie, I understand. No, I don’t know what it’s like being in pain all the time. Frankly, I don’t see how you manage to do everything you do. I don’t know if I could function as well under the circumstances. But you’re my friend and I know I’ve been remiss in saying this to you, but I appreciate all the love and support you gave me after Julie…”

She sniffled and pasted a smile on her face that Libbie knew all too well from her own experience. “Julie really loved you as a friend, and I know you loved her back. I just feel blessed to have you in my life.”

They hugged again, the last of Libbie’s reluctance to dress up dissolving in a wave of gratitude. “Thanks, Mandaline.”

“I mean it. Anytime you need an ear, come see me. Please?”

Libbie nodded as she stepped back and shouldered the bag. “I will. I promise.”


Libbie made it back to the bakery a few minutes later. As she walked through the kitchen, Grover, Ruth, Jenny, and Charles all turned her way. “What’s in the bag?” Grover asked.

Libbie smiled. “Mandaline fixed me up with a costume.”

“Ooh, what is it?” Charles asked.

“Nope. It’s a secret.” She smiled. “Y’all will just have to wait and see.”

“Well,” Grover said, “since you’re going to have Charles and Ken 104 Tymber Dalton

here to help you out Halloween night, you mind I don’t come?

Louanne asked if I’d come over and go trick-or-treating with them for the twins.”

“Of course I don’t mind, as long as you bring those little girls in for cookies.”

He grinned. Next to Libbie, Grover’s twin four-year-old granddaughters were the center of his life. “We can do that.”

Libbie went upstairs to stash the bag in her bedroom. Galileo, disturbed by her arrival, followed her into the bedroom and jumped onto the bed, his tail in the air.


“Mwrao yourself, buddy. You’ve got a whole bowlful of chow in there.”

He settled onto the blanket, kneading it with his front paws, his loud purr filling the room. She reached out and stroked his head.

“Maybe I should get you a Halloween outfit.” She let out a laugh at that thought.

Likely, he’d pee on her bed in retaliation over the indignity.

It’s a Sweet Life