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She jerked her hand out of the bag like she’d just been bitten.

“Thank you,” she mumbled. “I think the cider will get a lot more use than the…other stuff.”

Mandaline hugged her. With her lips pressed against Libbie’s ear, she gently scolded, “Don’t forget. Wish big, dream hard. Especially tonight of all nights when the veil is thinnest. The Universe will hear you, believe me.” After pressing a kiss to Libbie’s cheek, she bounded out of the store as fast as she’d entered after giving a wave of her fingers to the men.

“What’s in the bag?” Charles asked.

She grabbed the bottle of spiked cider and quickly shoved the bag out of sight under the counter. She’d also caught sight of three small bottles of flavored lube in the bag along with the condoms. “Adult beverage, courtesy of Sachi. I’ll go get cups.”

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The evening went well. Ken had ditched his plastic fangs early on when he realized they interfered too much with his speech. After two cups of the delicious spiked cider, Libbie relaxed and completely enjoyed herself and the trick-or-treaters that filtered through. Grover stopped by with his daughter, son-in-law, and the twins, who were both dressed as little princesses.

Libbie felt giddy, whether from the spiked cider Mandaline had brought over, or the attentiveness and flirting of Ken and Charles all through the evening, she didn’t know. The three of them finished off the cider and she didn’t think it was her imagination that the men were friendlier and more flirty with her than normal.

She wouldn’t question it, and she’d enjoy every minute of it. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this good or had this much fun. By eight o’clock they’d handed out nearly all the cookies and the flow of young trick-or-treaters had ended with just the occasional high school pair or trio stopping by.

“I think it’s time to close up shop,” Charles said.

She licked her lips, fighting the urge to beg them to take her to bed and knowing that couldn’t possibly end well for her ego when they would inevitably refuse. “Okay.”

Ken locked the door and pulled the shades in the front windows.

“How you feeling?”

Horny. Reeeally horny. And probably intoxicated. “I’m okay.

Good.” Make that definitely intoxicated. I hope I have enough batteries for Bob or I’m going to be a really sad panda later.

“How’s your pain?” Charles asked as he broke down one of the folding tables.

“Good, really. I’m okay.” She walked over to help him. Only a few feet away from the table, her feet somehow got tangled up in her skirt and she let out a little yelp as she started to fall.

Charles dove for her, snagging her with a strong arm around her waist and pulling her body tightly against his.

She was startled to feel a hard, generous bulge pressing into her It’s a Sweet Life 111

lower back.

That’s…oh my.

“You all right?” Ken asked as he rushed over.

She nodded, barely able to speak as Charles righted her on her feet. “Yeah, just tripped. You know me, klutzy.”

Libbie suppressed a disappointed moan when Charles released her and stepped away. He quickly turned his back to her to finish collapsing the table, meaning she couldn’t see the front of his shorts.

Ken touched her hand and she found herself staring up into his eyes.

She wanted them both. Really wanted them.

Why can’t life be more like those books I read?

“You sure you’re okay?” Ken asked.

“Uh-huh.” She threw a glance over her shoulder. Charles still managed to keep his back to her as he worked on collapsing another table.


She wasn’t so intoxicated, or had been celibate for so long, that she couldn’t recognize a generous erection when she felt one pressed against her ass.

She threw her arms around Ken’s neck and wiggled the length of her body against his. When she did, his arms encircled her waist as if on autopilot. She immediately felt a generous bulge spring to life against her lower belly.

Hmm. That’s promising.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Are you okay?”

“I know what would make me feel better.” Fuck it. Either they’d put a stop to it immediately, and she could feign no memory of it in the morning and blame it on being drunk on Sachi’s cider, or…


It was that or upon which she hung her hopeful hat.

She didn’t miss how he swallowed, hard. “What?”

She looked back at Charles again and found him staring at them, 112 Tymber Dalton

his jaw slightly agape. She crooked a finger at him before draping her arm around Ken’s neck again.

Charles looked at the table he’d been fumbling with before forgetting it and hurrying over to them.

Ken started to speak. “Libbie, I—”

She laid a finger across his lips. “Shh.” She reached behind her and pulled Charles close. Fortunately for her, he appeared to be a quick study and pressed against her back.

Yep, that was definitely a well-endowed erection rubbing against her ass. Front and back.

Bookends. Yum! She stifled the snicker as she put her hand back around Ken’s neck yet again. She was afraid to let go of him for fear that when she did, it would all be over. Standing on tiptoe, she angled her lips, closed her eyes, and prayed for a touchdown. Or a field goal.

Or…whatever the hell it took to score.

Ben wasn’t sure what to do. The thought of shoving her away and shooting her down broke his heart.

Not to mention it wasn’t like she couldn’t feel his cast-iron hard-on trying to fuck her through his costume and hers. Lying to her about them being gay was useless. With a groan, he locked down his brain, closed his eyes, and kissed her. His tongue brushed against the seam of her lips, which parted immediately, welcoming him.


She tasted like cookies and cider and all the sweet dreams he’d had about her. Heaven in a kiss. He couldn’t stop, couldn’t turn back now, no matter what they’d sworn, what they’d promised. This little baker had done in the space of two weeks what he’d avoided for over three years. She’d broken into his heart and stolen it.

And he wasn’t about to let her go now.

His eyes opened just long enough to see Allan kissing the back of It’s a Sweet Life 113

her neck, his hands cupping her breasts through her flimsy outfit. His dick had ached all night long seeing her in that getup, and his first order of business would be to bend her over her bed, flip that skirt up, pull down her panties, and fuck her…

“Shit!” he gasped.

Her eyes flew open. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have any rubbers.”

Her playful smile filled her face and lit his world. “Mandaline strikes again. She brought us a care package.”

“Remind me to thank that witch tomorrow,” Allan muttered, his lips never losing full contact with the nape of her neck.

“Amen,” Ben muttered as he crushed his lips against Libbie’s again.

Her soft whimpers fired his need. He knew if he worked a finger between her legs right then that he’d find her wet and ready for a good, hard fucking. Followed by hours of loving her, showing her how beautiful and desirable she was.

“Upstairs,” he whispered. “Now.”

Her eyes barely fluttered open. “My place, or yours?”