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“Yours,” both men said.

“Your bed is bigger,” Allan added.


Allan whisked her away to the back while Ben retrieved the bag from under the counter. He peeked inside and, sure enough, found the package of condoms and lube.

He smiled. Ten? Damn, that woman is good .

He hurriedly followed them up the stairs.

Allan kept his arm firmly around Libbie’s waist all the way up the stairs. Not out of worry of her falling, but out of worry that his dick would explode if he didn’t get it buried inside her and soon. At her 114 Tymber Dalton

door he spun her around, pressing her against the door, and ravaged her mouth with his even as he heard Ben pounding up the stairs with the bag in hand.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hooked one leg around his, rubbing herself against him like she was trying to start a fire.

He broke free for a moment, his forehead pressed against hers.

“You have no idea how badly we want to make love to you, baby.”

Her face looked pink, flushed with passion. “You two owe me for a ton of batteries.”

“What?” Ben asked from the top of the stairs.

“For my vibrator,” she said.

A slow grin broke across Allan’s face. “Oh, baby. You’re in trouble now. You have toys?” He looked over at Ben and spotted the evilly playful gleam in his brother’s eye. “You’re our kind of woman.”

“It doesn’t bother you that I’m five years older than you guys?”

Ben laughed. “Ooh, you’re a cougar. No, of course it doesn’t bother us.”

Allan leaned in and nibbled at her neck, his cock twitching at the way she gasped and moaned as his teeth clamped down on her flesh.

“Guess what? We’re going to fuck your brains out and drive every last thought of any other man clear out of your head. Women are blessed with the curse of multiple orgasms. And even when you wear us out, we’re still going to keep you coming…All. Night. Long. We’ll use toys. Mouths. Fingers. Hell, if we had a strap-on we’d be taking turns riding you. You won’t sleep at all tonight, and you’re going to need our help walking tomorrow, you’re going to be so well fucked.”

He lifted his head so he could meet her gaze. Her mouth had formed a small O.

“Okay!” she squeaked.

It’s a Sweet Life


Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! She stared into Charles’ eyes and felt the breath being sucked out of the depths of her very soul.

They want me!

Wish hard, dream big, isn’t that what Mandaline had said? Or was it the other way around?

She probably didn’t mean this.

Then again, maybe she did.

No matter, both men were definitely hard. From what she’d felt of them, big to boot.

Charles’ lips crushed hers again, and as she squirmed against him, his body pressed her into her door. She felt his hard erection rubbing between her legs through her flimsy outfit. Her nipples felt like they were on fire, aching and tight and begging for his fingers to touch them again.

Ken caught up with them and nudged in. “Quit hogging her,” he grumbled, the smile on his face belying his tone. He reached up and met her unspoken demand, his hand cupping her right breast as he rubbed his finger over her nipple through her clothes. “Did I hear someone say they have toys?”

She swallowed hard and nodded.

She nearly came just from the sight of his sexy smile. His hand squeezed her breast, harder, tighter, stopping at the good side of that pleasurable kind of pain. “Expect to call in to work tomorrow,” he whispered. “Because I’ve wanted you for weeks, and I have a whole lot of fantasies stored up that I need to work off.”

“Ditto,” Charles chimed in.

She let go of Charles and reached behind her, fumbling for the doorknob. She’d stopped locking her door, trusting that the men wouldn’t rob her or breach her privacy. She gave up a private prayer of thanks for that as she found the knob, wrenched it, and nearly fell backward into her apartment as it opened.

Charles reached out and saved her from herself. Again. This time, he pulled her body against his with the full, hard length of his erection 116 Tymber Dalton

rubbing against her mound.

“That’s all for you,” he whispered. “Every last bit of it.”

“I can’t wait to taste it,” she said.

His grin nearly broke his face. “Well, hot damn, don’t worry, you’ll get your chance, too.”

“I…” She glanced over at Ken, who came through the door and shut it behind him. “I’ve never been with two guys before.”

Charles’ expression softened. “Don’t worry, baby. You say the word, you say no to anything, we’ll stop. I promise.”

“Absolutely,” Ken echoed, his expression now serious. He stepped up. “Anything you don’t want, we’ll stop.”

She licked her lips and nodded. “I…I’ve read a lot.”

“Have you now?” Ken asked. “Like what?”

She felt more heat fill her face. Now she couldn’t look either of them in the eye. “I buy a lot of erotic romance. Ménages,” she mumbled. “On my Kindle.”

Ken tenderly palmed the nape of her neck and made her look at him. “Where is it?” he asked.

“On the table by my couch.”

He glanced past her, then back to her, his playful smile holding promises of untold pleasures. “Well, let’s just see if we can’t make a few of those hot fantasies come true for you.”

“I—” She stopped, not sure she wanted to go down this path right now. “You said you guys are gay.”

Ken let out a sigh and touched his forehead to hers. “It’s complicated, baby. We didn’t want to fall for anyone.” He placed a tender kiss on the bridge of her nose. “We’ll never hurt you, I promise. And we’ll keep you safe. I’m sorry we lied to you about that.

But no, we’re not gay. And we mean it when we say if you change your mind at any time and say no, we stop. Immediately.”

Keep me safe? She didn’t want to ponder that, either. She suspected there was more to the story, but as long as they weren’t serial killers, child molesters, or animal abusers, and they had no It’s a Sweet Life 117

problems using condoms, she’d put off that line of questioning until later.

Much later. “I don’t want you to stop.”

“Good,” Charles whispered as he nibbled on her earlobe.

“Because we want to show you how sexy we think you are.”

On the way into the bedroom, she didn’t miss that Ken grabbed her Kindle from the side table and brought it in with him. Charles turned her around at the foot of the bed to face him, gently palming her cheeks. “Where are your toys, baby?”

“Bedside table,” she replied automatically. “Left side.”

“Good girl,” Charles said as he kissed her.

She was vaguely aware of Ken walking around the bed. Followed by the sound of the drawer opening. “Found them. And there’s lube in the bag, too.”

Charles looked down at her. “You ever had anal, sweetie?”

Her breath stuttered in her throat. “No,” she gasped. “Not…not with a guy. Just…you know, really small toys in the shower a couple of times.”

“Ooh,” Ken said as he joined them. “You want to check that off your bucket list tonight?”

Blinking, she looked from one identical pair of killer blue eyes to the other. She nodded.

“Any special requests?” Charles asked.

Heat rebounded from her pussy to her face and back again. “Some of…the books…” She couldn’t believe she was actually saying this!