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Then he picked up something and placed it on the bed within Allan’s reach. Allan sent him a questioning look, so Ben held it up.

Allan didn’t bother trying to stifle his amused chuckle. It was a small, battery-operated vibrator.

Allan knew exactly what Ben wanted him to do with it.

Allan let go of her hair and dropped his other hand to her ass, where he held her cheeks spread wide open. She rested her forehead against his chest, her breath coming hard and fast as Ben slathered more lube on him and her both. Then Ben slowly pressed forward, Libbie gasping as the head of his cock breached her rim for the first time.

“Breathe, baby,” Allan said.

An explosive breath escaped her, followed by her sucking in another gasp of air and trying to rock against them.

“Stop rushing me, sweetie,” Ben playfully warned, “or I’ll take even longer.”

She whined, apparently beyond the ability to speak, but fell still except for the rise and fall of her chest.

“Good girl.”

Libbie struggled to stay still. At first she’d felt little discomfort when Ken worked one, and then two fingers into her ass. She was used to that feeling from her solo explorations.

But the huge, hard cockhead now lodged inside her ass, and not moving, was almost more than she could take.

“Relax,” Ken coaxed. “Breathe.”

She tried. Oooh, how she tried. Then he slid in farther. She felt stretched beyond her limits, the walls of her pussy clamping down on the hard cock stuffed deep inside her and pressing on delicious places inside her she didn’t even know she had.

It’s a Sweet Life


Oh, that must be my G-spot.

Then Ken was buried all the way inside her. She felt the hair on his thighs pressed against her ass.

And still, they wouldn’t move.

“Clench your muscles around us,” Ken said. “Feel us inside you.”

She fisted the sheets with her hands, trying not to wiggle her aching clit against Charles as she did what he’d said.

Both men moaned then, and she realized she wasn’t the only one barely holding on to control.

“Please,” she finally whined. “Please, please fuck me. Please make me come.”

Ken started taking long, slow strokes, creating a burning pinch in her ass that soon transformed into pleasure, but not enough to get her off. Then he made her sit up. Reaching around her, he cupped her breasts in his hands, pinching her nipples between his fingers.

She looked down in time to see Charles flash her an evil grin before she heard a click, followed by the low hum of a vibrator. He pressed it against her clit. She leaned back, a cry escaping her as her body clamped down on both of their cocks and an orgasm even larger than the last one ripped through her.

Now it was Charles thrusting up into her with Ken holding still except for his hands squeezing her breasts, alternating with pinching her sensitive nipples.

As that orgasm faded, Ken used a hand in the middle of her back to push her down on top of Charles again. He grabbed her hips and took several strokes inside her, making her moan and try to move with him.

She lost track of time as they fucked her, back and forth like that, Ken stopping to pull her up against him while Charles used the vibrator on her to force another orgasm out of her while he fucked her. They repeated it several times until her body trembled, on the brink of exhaustion, tears rolling down her face with every climax they wrung from her.

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Ken leaned in close and nipped her earlobe to get her attention.

“Had enough, baby? You ready to let us come now?”

Let them come? She nodded, barely able to keep her head upright.

Ken wrapped his arms around her as Charles grabbed her hips once more. With the men seesawing inside her body, all she could do was sit there and moan at the pleasure robbing her of coherent thought.

They fucked her harder, faster, and then just as she thought they were going to come, she realized Charles had let go of her and she heard that click again.

She closed her eyes and cried out as the orgasm flashed through her like a firestorm. Sobbing, she was barely aware of the men taking their last thrusting strokes, both of them grunting and moaning as they fell still and she felt their cocks swelling and throbbing inside her.

She kept her eyes closed as Ken gently lowered her onto her side as he withdrew. Charles rolled with her, enveloping her in his strong grip, all the while as she sobbed against his chest.

Ken cleaned her up before returning to lie behind her, the firm warmth of his body helping to keep away the chill her sweaty body felt in the room. He kissed the back of her neck while Charles nuzzled the top of her head.

Never had she ever felt so good, so fulfilled—not to mention filled full. It felt like the men were there for her, not for themselves. It would be too easy to mistake their care and tenderness and soft, gentle words for love.

Libbie eventually calmed herself and took a deep breath. Her ass still pleasantly burned a little from the way Ken had fucked her.

Charles slid out of her pussy and stepped into the bathroom to clean up.

Ken rolled her over to face him, his blue eyes full of concern.


She smiled, nodding.

He smiled back. “Was it as good as you’d hoped?”

She licked her lips, still bruised and swollen from Charles kissing It’s a Sweet Life 129

her. “Better,” she whispered.

He laced his fingers through hers and brought her hand up to his lips to kiss her. “And we’re still not done yet.”

She let out a loud laugh.

Then she realized he was serious.

Allan brought her back a cup of ice water to drink when he returned to the bedroom. He didn’t know how many more he’d have in him, but the fact that she had a Hitachi vibrator amongst her sex toys made his stamina, and Ben’s, irrelevant.

“How you feeling?” he asked her.

She nodded, a sleepy smile on her face. “Real good.”

He grinned, taking the chilled glass back when she’d finished her drink. He met Ben’s gaze, grinned, and held it up.

His brother knew what he meant. Faster than she could respond, Ben had changed positions, holding her against his chest and grabbing both her arms and pinning them over her head, trapping her against his body. She squealed in surprise and tried to struggle a little.

Allan knelt between her thighs and, forcing them apart with his legs, pressed the cold glass to her swollen labia and clit.

She let out a shocked cry, but when he wet a finger with the cold water and began to stroke her clit, she stopped squirming and moaned.

“Feels good, doesn’t it,” Ben spoke in her ear. “Poor baby, poor fucked pussy, poor swollen clit. Feels so cold but so good, doesn’t it?”

Her chest heaved with her breathing as her body struggled to interpret and process the conflicting stimuli. He knew the cold had to feel both shocking and soothing at the same time.

Now that she’d stopped resisting and trying to close her thighs, Allan pulled the cup away and reached over to one of the other toys lying on the end of the bed. The dildo wasn’t as big as their cocks, but 130 Tymber Dalton

it would do.

He changed position so he could hold the glass in his lap without freezing his own dick or spilling it and pulled out an ice cube. Then he dropped the dildo into the glass and started stroking the ice cube up and down her clit after grabbing the towel and sliding it under her bum.