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Ben remained silent while she read. When she finished, she returned the laptop. “So, where is he? Charles. I mean Allan. Where did he really go today?”

He closed the laptop and set it aside. “He’s on his way back from Orlando by now, I imagine. He really did go there, but not for art supplies, although I’m sure he’ll come back with some. He had to be on conference calls with the prosecution team today.”

“Why Orlando?”

“We use disposable cell phones and put at least fifty miles between here and wherever we call from.” She heard his deep sigh.

“It’s paranoid, but I don’t want anyone able to track us back here to Brooksville. I don’t know that woman who saw me today,” he said.

“Obviously, she’s a friend of Allan’s. I haven’t had a girlfriend in a couple of years, since before I went in undercover with the Biancos. I couldn’t risk it while I was undercover.” He looked down at his hands. “I’m sorry.”

At war within her, anger and love and dread. “How many more lies are there?”

He shook his head, not meeting her gaze. “That’s the full truth.”

“Why Nebraska?”

“Because I’ve got a friend in the DEA at their Omaha office. I went to college with him. He was able to set me up with some quick IDs and backgrounds and I knew he was clean. I trusted him not to tell anyone who we were or where we were living. It was either that, or we would have been forced into protective custody, and no way in hell was I doing that.”

“So…all this has been one big lie? Everything?”

The way he shook his head surprised her. He turned to her and 196 Tymber Dalton

took her hands again. “No. How I feel about you isn’t a lie. I’m sorry you got pulled into this. I never meant for you to get hurt. I didn’t want to fall in love with you, but I did. I’ve never felt about someone the way I feel about you. I love you, Libbie.”

Her mouth snapped closed at his words, nearly biting her tongue in the process. As she stared into his eyes, she realized she no longer gave a damn about protecting her heart. It had already jumped the walls without her permission, running straight to the men a long time ago.

“I love you, too,” she whispered, relieved to finally be able to admit it out loud. “Both of you.”

She felt even more relieved to know he felt the same way.

His expression softened as he opened his arms to her. She crawled into them, letting out a content sigh as she closed her eyes and breathed in his scent.

He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t know where to go from here,” he said. “All three of us. He loves you every bit as much as I do.”

“That’s why you said six months when you first got here, isn’t it?”

she asked, the fact hitting her squarely between the eyes. “Because that’s when the trial starts?”

“Yeah.” His breath felt warm against her scalp.

“So when the trial starts, you’ll both leave, won’t you?”

When he didn’t answer her right away, she thought maybe he hadn’t heard her. As she was about to ask again, he whispered, “Yeah.”

She kept her eyes closed. She didn’t want to think about losing him.

Of losing them.

“What happens then?”

His hand tenderly gripped her chin and tilted her face up to his.

His lips brushed hers before he touched his forehead to hers. “I don’t know about him,” he said, his voice sounding choked. “After the trial, It’s a Sweet Life 197

I plan on moving.”


When his thumb stroked her cheek, she opened her eyes to find him staring into hers. “Yeah. Moving here. I can’t lose you.” He studied her. “If you’ll have me.”

“What about Allan?”

“That’s for him to decide. If he wants to pick up stakes and move here, then fine. If not…” He let out a sigh she couldn’t interpret.

“Then I guess it’d be the two of us.” He kissed her again. “But the trial is going to be a long one. Several months or longer. I won’t have to testify that whole time, but Allan needs to be there to work with the team and I can’t leave him on his own, unguarded. I’d feel horrible if Bianco got to him because I wasn’t there watching his back.”

“Can you come here on the weekends? Or I could go there.”

He vigorously shook his head. “I won’t put you in harm’s way.

Those people are vicious. They wouldn’t hesitate to stoop to hurting you, especially if they found out how much you mean to both of us. I won’t do it. I won’t risk it. I don’t want you anywhere near Miami.”

She clutched at his shirt. “I can’t lose you. I love you.” She wanted to say it all the time now, to never stop saying it in hopes it would keep both of them forever by her side.

He stood, then easily scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. When she tried to speak again, he shushed her with a finger to her lips. “I love you,” he said, then kissed her.

He slowly undressed her before tossing his own clothes to the floor. While most of her encounters with the men were with both of them together, there was something even more special about having one of them to herself.

Ben rolled a condom onto his cock and slowly entered her. Then he laced his fingers through hers, holding them above her head and leaving her feeling like she was in a safe cocoon formed by his body.

“Slow and steady,” he said, his blue eyes boring into hers. “Try to come for me like this, baby.” He dipped his head and kissed her.

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Libbie closed her eyes and let not just the sweet sensuality of his body, but the knowledge of his love flow through her. She felt connected to him like never before. Moving together, she matched his movements, her clit brushing against his body with every stroke.

When many long minutes later her orgasm struck her, it might have been less powerful physically, but it brought her to tears.

“I love you, Libbie,” he whispered in her ear as his hips quickened, staying with her and waiting until he knew she was finished to pick up the pace even more.

Her fingers clutched at his, squeezing as she felt as well as heard his release.

“I love you, too, Ben,” she said back.

He cleaned up and returned to bed, tucking her into his arms and whispering “I love you” into her hair, softly, until she fell asleep.

She was tightly snuggled against Ben when she heard the men’s truck pull up outside and park under her living room window before the engine shut off. Ben had fallen deeply asleep, his arms securely wrapped around her and his warm breath blowing against her shoulder. Then the sound of the downstairs door opening and closing came to her, followed by Allan’s steps on the stairs.

She still had to pause to think of him as Allan. Although, in retrospect, the name fit him better than Charles.

She heard their apartment door open and close. A few moments later, her apartment door opened and his footsteps crossed the living room.

Libbie looked up when he stepped into the bedroom doorway. He smiled at her and crossed the bedroom, prepared to give her a kiss.

“Hi, sweetie,” he whispered as he leaned in.

She smiled. “Hi, Allan.”

He froze, blinking in shock. “What?”

It’s a Sweet Life


Behind her, Ben stirred. “Secret’s out, bro,” he mumbled.

Before Allan could straighten, she grabbed the front of his jacket.

“What about my kiss?”

He smiled, but it looked a little odd. He leaned in and kissed her hello. “What happened?”