Познакомиться хочу я,
Чем-то ей помочь...
Та - лишь хвостиком махнула,
Улетая прочь...
19. The greedy man is he who sits...
Обжора - тот, кто, в нетерпеньи...
Обжора - тот, кто, в нетерпеньи,
О тарелку зубки точит,
И - всем вокруг на удивленье -
Коктейль пьёт из газетных строчек.
Перевод Ларисы Изергиной
Аннотация: Маленькая неудачница (Anna Elise, she jumped with surprise... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 39.
Anna Elise, she jumped with surprise...
Anna Elise, she jumped with surprise;
The surprise was so quick, it played her a trick;
The trick was so rare, she jumped in a chair;
The chair was so frail, she jumped in a pail;
The pail was so wet, she jumped in a net;
The net was so small, she jumped on the ball;
The ball was so round, she jumped on the ground;
And ever since then she's been turning around.
Аннотация: Каждому - своё. (Bessy Bell and Mary Gray... Nursery Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 49.
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray...
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray,
They were two bonny lasses;
They built their house upon the lea
And covered it with rashes.
Bessy kept the garden gate,
And Mary kept the pantry;
Bessy always had to wait,
While Mary lived in plenty.
Аннотация: Ответственная стряпуха (Betty Botter bought some butter... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 50.
Betty Botter bought some butter...
Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said the butter's bitter,
"If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter,
But a bit of better butter
Will make my batter better".
So she bought some better butter,
Better than the bitter butter,
And she put it in her batter
And her batter was not bitter,
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.
Аннотация: "Серьёзные" семейные разногласия: На вкус и цвет товарищей нет. (Coffee and Tea. Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Клементьева Т. Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский. Кн. 1. М., 1993. С. 251.
Coffee and Tea
Molly, my sister and I fell out,
And what do you think it was all about?
She loved coffee and I loved tea,
And that was the reason we couldn't agree.
Аннотация: По одёжке протягивай ножки. (The Comedy of Billy and Betty. Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 274.
The Comedy of Billy and Betty
- When shall we be married,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- We shall be married tomorrow,
If you think it is good.
- Shall we be married no sooner,
Billy, my own sweet man?
- Would you be married tonight?
I think that the girl is gone mad.
- Who shall we ask to the wedding,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- We shall ask father and mother,
If you think it is good.
- Shall we ask nobody else,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- Would you ask King and Queen?
I think that the girl is gone mad.
- What shall we have for the dinner,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- We shall have bacon and beans,
If you think it is good.
- Shall we have nothing more,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- Would you have peaches and cream?
I think that the girl is gone mad.
- What shall I wear to the wedding,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- You have your apron and gown,
If you think it is good.
- Shall I wear nothing that's finer?
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- Would you wear satin and silk?
I think that the girl is gone mad.
- How shall I go to the church,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- You shall ride in my wheelbarrow,
If you think it is good.
- Shall I have nothing that's better,
Billy, my own sweet lad?
- Would you have horses and coach?
I think that the girl is gone mad.
Аннотация: Меньше слов - больше дела. (Courtship. Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 276.
- I love thee, Betty,
- Do'st thou, Johnny?
Hey, but I wonder where!
- In my heart, Betty.
- In thy heart, Johnny?
Thou never yet made it appear.
- But I'll wed thee, Betty.
- Wed me, Johnny?
Hey, but I wonder when!
- On Sunday, Betty.
- On Sunday, Johnny?
Hey, I wish it was Sunday then.
Аннотация: Загадка: так сколько же было девочек? (Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 89.
Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess...
Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess,
They all went together to seek a bird's nest.
They found a bird's nest with five eggs in,
They all took one, and left four in.
Аннотация: Крестьянка "во дворянстве" (Elsie Marley is grown so fine... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 89.
Elsie Marley is grown so fine...
Elsie Marley is grown so fine,
She won't get up to feed the swine,
But lies in bed till eight or nine.
Lazy Elsie Marley.
Аннотация: У "тихоходов" цыплят не по осени считают (I bought a dozen new-laid eggs... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)