Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 429.
I bought a dozen new-laid eggs...
I bought a dozen new-laid eggs,
Of good old farmer Dickens;
I hobbled home upon two legs,
And found them full of chickens.
Аннотация: Маленькие горести маленьких девочек (Little Betty Blue... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 50.
Little Betty Blue...
Little Betty Blue,
Lost her holiday shoe.
What will poor Betty do?
Why, give her another,
To match the other,
And then she will walk in two.
Аннотация: Что может случиться, если слишком привязаться к домашним любимцам (Little Betty Pringle she had a pig... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 50.
Little Betty Pringle she had a pig...
Little Betty Pringle she had a pig,
It was not very little and not very big;
When it was alive it lived in clover.
But now it's, dead and that's all over.
Johnny Pringle he sat down and cried,
Betty Pringle she lay down and died;
So there was an end of one, two, three,
Johnny Pringle he,
Betty Pringle she,
And Piggy Wiggy wee.
Аннотация: Один неверный шаг, и "джентльмены" остаются без пива. (Little Blue Betty, she lived in a den... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 56.
Little Blue Betty, she lived in a den...
Little Blue Betty, she lived in a den,
She sold good ale to gentlemen.
Gentlemen came every day,
And little Blue Betty she skipped away.
She hopped upstairs to make her bed,
But tumbled down and broke her head.
Аннотация: У капризной Мэри и садик с капризами (Mary, Mary, quite contrary... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 160.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary...
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
Аннотация: Неразлучная парочка - Мэри и её ягнёнок (Mary had a little lamb... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 159.
Mary had a little lamb...
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day,
That was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear.
Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry;
Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,
The teacher did reply.
Аннотация: Любимая канарейка-певунья Мэри (Mary had a pretty bird... The Little Mother Goose. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 287.
Mary had a pretty bird...
Mary had a pretty bird,
Feathers bright and yellow;
Slender legs - upon my word,
He was a pretty fellow.
The sweetest notes he always sung,
Which much delighted Mary;
And near the cage she'd ever sit,
To hear her own canary.
Аннотация: Брат с сестрой готовятся к приходу гостей. (Mr. Ibister and Betsy his sister... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 123.
Mr. Ibister, and Betsy his sister...
Mr. Ibister and Betsy his sister,
Resolved upon giving a treat;
So letters they write,
Their friends to invite,
To their house in Great Camomile Street.
Аннотация: Бывает, что и людям, "как двум коням в упряжке, весело бежать". (My maid Mary... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 160.
My maid Mary...
My maid Mary
She minds her dairy,
While I go a-hoeing and mowing each morn.
Merrily run the reel
And the little spinning-wheel
Whilst I am singing and mowing my corn.
Аннотация: Неудавшаяся попытка подружиться с прилетевшей птичкой (Once I saw a little bird... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 52.
Once I saw a little bird...
Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop;
So I cried, "Little bird,
Will you stop, stop, stop?"
And was going to the window
To say, "How do you do?"
But he shook his little tail,
And far away he flew.
Аннотация: Шутливое описание поведения за столом нетерпеливого обжоры (The greedy man is he who sits... Mother Goose Rhymes. Поэтический перевод)
Источник: Стихи матушки Гусыни. Сборник / Сост. Н. М. Демурова. - М.: Радуга, 1988. С. 428.
The greedy man is he who sits...
The greedy man is he who sits
And bites bits out of plates,
Or else takes up an almanac
And gobbles all the dates.